Minggu, 25 September 2016

[Racial Justice] A Plea for Unity... and A Way Forward

Our vision is to equip leaders for mission, to equip leaders to make a difference in the world in and through and for the gospel of Jesus. In Galatians 2, Paul rebukes Peter for racial injustice (after he's been in ministry leading a church for almost 20 years! Let that sink in...).
Racial injustice is nothing new to the church. And Verge's answer to the problem of racial injustice is the same as Paul's was to Peter - "you're not living in line with the Gospel." In other words, you haven't really worked out the implications of the gospel of Jesus in your life in regards to racial equality. Now, that doesn't mean that the conversation, learning and background ends with that sentence.
But what it does mean is that, starting with the gospel, we lean into the parts of our lives where we're not in line with the gospel. And if "bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" means anything, it means that we love our minority neighbors by listening to the pains, history and struggles that they have uniquely endured (in America specifically), empathizing in the process and not accepting simplistic answers when the problems and struggles are rooted in a history that goes back hundreds of years.
Part of the reason for these interviews is to let you be a fly on the wall with one of those conversations, and model for you what those conversations can look like. It doesn't mean that you need to be an expert in history, but it does mean that we're at a pivotal point in America where the dominant culture (white people) will need to, in humility, stop, ask questions, listen deeply, and really seek to understand in order to love well.
And that's why we've created the Racial Justice Series for you. So you can be equipped to make a difference with the gospel.
Racial Justice Series:
Take this series... use it and share it with your team and leaders. I pray that it will be a helpful, challenging resource to equip you to make a difference with the gospel.
With you in the struggle for gospel reconciliation and justice,
Founding Director, Verge Network & Conferences

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