Selasa, 29 September 2009



Early in my walk with Jesus, I was taught that we are justified by grace through faith, but that we must go through a long and grinding process to get the victory over besetting sins in order to be sanctified (made holy).

We were encouraged to make a statement that would agree with that teaching, Here it is: “I am just a sinner saved by grace.” Nobody was encouraged to call himself a “saint.” (A Holy one)

Then one day I discovered that there is not one instance in the New Testament where believers are called sinners. In every case, they are called saints! Wow! What a revelation.

Then the Lord showed me a number of passages that make it clear that believers are not only justified by grace through faith, they are also sanctified by grace through faith as a free gift at the exact same moment they receive Jesus as their Savior. Consider the following:

“And such were some of you (guilty sinners) but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.” (I Corinthians 6:11) The moment I was justified (declared “not guilty” I was also sanctified, (declared to be holy).

“We have been sanctified (made holy) through the offering of the body of Jesus once for all.” (Hebrews 10:10) The word of God puts my salvation and my sanctification in the past tense, so it is safe for me to do the same and begin to confess that I am not only forgiven but that I am also made holy (perfectly clean) by the blood of Jesus.

As we receive this truth and confess it, we will begin to see its fulfillment in our daily walk, living a holy life, thinking, speaking, and acting just like Jesus Christ who is our Life!

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me and the life I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20) It is the Indwelling Christ who sanctifies my life and makes it holy all day long, 24/7! Amen? Amen!

Robert Fitts
76-6309 Haku Pl
Kona, HI 96740

Jumat, 25 September 2009

she has done what she could

She Has Done What She Could
When the woman broke the alabaster box and anointed Jesus with very expensive and fragrant oil, there were those present who were indignant asking, "Why this waste? Why was this oil not sold and the money used to help the poor?"
Jesus immediately came to her rescue and said, "Let her alone. She has wrought a good work upon me, for the poor you will always have with you, but me you will not have always. She has done what she could . . . "
Think about those six powerful words. She has done what she could. There is something that you can do which Jesus would defend your right and your inward desire to do. There is something you do that you are uniquely qualified to do that for you would be easy, but would be very difficult for others who are not gifted in that particular area.
Am I doing what I can do to bring glory and honor to the name of Jesus? What is it that you do easily that others would not dare attempt, knowing that they would miserably fail? Is it singing, playing an instrument, writing, speaking, organizing, serving . . . ?
Pray and ask God to show you what you can do in the work of the Lord that would bring glory and honor to the name above all names . . . the name of Jesus! And do not forget the words of Jesus, "She has done what she could."

Robert Fitts
76-6309 Haku Pl
Kona, HI 96740

Kamis, 17 September 2009

Jesus’ Last Words and Paul’s First Words Were the Same

Jesus’ Last Words and Paul’s First Words Were the Same
By Robert Fitts

Jesus’ last words to his disciples were, “Go into all the world and preach this good news to everyone . . . but don’t go anywhere until you receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.” (see Lk. 24:46-49)

Paul’s first words to a group of disciples he had just met in Ephesus were: “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?”

A person’s last words or their first words upon just meeting someone would normally carry more weight than the regular run of words. Jesus was careful to remind his followers that they were to go into all the world with the good news, but that they were not to go UNTIL something absolutely essential had happened and that was the experience of being “clothed with power from on high” such as He himself had experienced when John baptized him at the Jordan River.

Much emphasis is being placed on the experience in our time, and not without good reason. The advance of the Christian movement in our day is huge! It is without precedent. There is a virtual tidal wave of Holy Spirit power that is beginning to cover the world “with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” and it is all connected to a people who have been filled with the Holy Spirit and who believe in miracles, signs and wonders! And they are seeing them happen, especially in Africa, India, China and throughout Asia.

Have you received your supernatural anointing yet?

Robert Fitts
76-6309 Haku Pl
Kona, HI 96740

Where It All Begins
Out of the womb of prayer, praise and worship all things in the kingdom of God are conceived, nurtured, and brought to birth for the glory of God and the good of mankind.

A Declaration of Unity
I belong to everything that belongs to Jesus and everything that belongs to Jesus belongs to me! It's not us and them. It's just us! There's only one Body of Christ, and the problems of the church, the whole church, are our problems, for we are the church and we can do more united than we can do divided! So let's unify, simplify, and multiply!

Divine Appointment Prayer
Father, give me a divine appointment today with someone who is hungry for God, or sick, or in need, and give me grace to minister the love of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Winning the War on Terror by Prayer
Father, give every terrorist in the world an encounter with Jesus such as Paul had on the road to Damascus.

Living to Give
Father, make me a generous giver today! Show me where to give and what to give, and let all my giving bring glory to the name of Jesus.

Grace, YES! Law, NO!
Law demands, demands, demands
But gives me neither feet nor hands Grace and Truth are better things
They bid me fly and give me wings!

Kamis, 10 September 2009

25 Signs You Are Leading from your dark side

25 Signs You are Leading from Your Dark Side

By Joseph Mattera

1. You inwardly celebrate when a colleague or fellow minister falls.
2. Your spirit of competition causes you to inwardly celebrate when other organizations or ministries in your field aren’t doing as well as you.
3. You are more concerned about your local church or organization than the good of the kingdom of God and cultural transformation.
4. You manipulate people to promote yourself and try to make things happen instead of allowing God to open doors and promote you.
5. You look for opportunities to backstab other leaders in your region or field of work.
6. You are driven to succeed to counter your insecurity, poor self-esteem and a sense of insignificance.
7. You thwart the emergence of other strong leaders in your organization.
8. You are closed-up relationally and have no open, transparent relationships in which you share your weaknesses and fears.
9. You do not share power and work on your own in regards to major decisions that impact your organization or ministry.
10. You are shifty in relationships, taking sides with those you are presently with, and then taking another point of view when with another person when there is a conflict or controversy.
11. You will sacrifice the future for the present in regards to debt financing and risk taking instead of leaving a legacy of financial sustainability.
12. You do not receive correction kindly but always get inwardly defensive.
13. You are constantly blaming others when things go wrong.
14. You constantly justify yourself instead of facing your failures.
15. You have no deep relationship with God and lead out of your flesh and soul life.
16. You don’t lead out of sound biblical principles unless it is convenient.
17. You view yourself more as a pragmatist than a principled person.
18. You are loyal to people only until you have used them to get to the next level.
19. You avoid confrontation and walking in the light according to Matthew 18:15-17 and 1 John 1:7.
20. You only care for those who care for you and serve your agenda.
21. Your greatest desire in life is to make a name for yourself.
22. The bottom line in regards to organizational effectiveness is more important to you than people.
23. You have a hard time forgiving those who offend you.
24. You carry resentment and baggage from the past that you refuse to let go.
25. You don’t walk in the peace of God but in the stress of the world.

Selasa, 08 September 2009


Jesus has given us a simple way to live constantly in the center of the Father's will. In one place he said, "I can only do what I see my Father doing." In another place he said, "I can only do what I hear my Father saying." As I read this recently the word, "only" leaped out at me and for the first time I saw how important that word was in the context of that statement! Of course Jesus did not have to wait on word from the Father to take the next step as he walked down the road, but he did wait on word from his Father before he entered into any ministry or special endeavor for which he needed divine guidance. As I thought on this, God gave me three words: STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN!

The "stop" speaks of taking time to be alone with God on a regular basis. We have to stop the rush of life and take time to listen and look to see what God is doing and what He wants us to do. That requires time spent in prayer away from the rush and the noise of daily life. Jesus often went to solitary places to pray. More than once we read that he went into the mountains to pray. Once he went alone into the wilderness to fast and pray for forty days. We read that he would arise a great while before daylight and go out alone to pray. He prayed alone in the garden of Gethsemany the night before his crucifixion. Jesus was a man of prayer! He made it a habit to have quiet fellowship with his Father away from the crowds of sick and needy people. That is the only way he could have been in a place to hear from God on a daily basis.

The "Look and listen" speaks of how Jesus was constantly listening and looking to see what his Father was doing and saying so he could enter into the work of God and flow with it in the power of the Holy Spirit. Everything Jesus did he was guided by the hand of God to do it. If we will stop, look, and listen, we can live as fruitfully and as victoriously as Jesus did. DO YOU BELIEVE IT?

Minggu, 06 September 2009

The Hidden Christ

The Hidden Christ
by Chip Brogden
Jesus, the Christ of God, did not reveal Himself to the world at large, but to a handful of disciples. We ought to ask why He did not appear upon a mountain in blinding light, or descend in a cloud, but was born into the world as a baby in a stable. A few shepherds worshipped Him the night He was born, Simeon and Anna blessed Him in the Temple at His dedication, and two years later some astrologers from the East worshipped Him. But no one else in all the world grasped the significance of this Child. It was hidden from 99.9% of the world.
When Jesus first met Peter, what was Peter’s perception of Jesus? Here is a rabbi who has attracted quite a large gathering of people with His interesting stories and teachings. Very well, there is nothing wrong with that, I’ll even let you borrow my boat while you preach. Did Peter perceive Who this Man really was? Of course not. He called Him “Teacher” and “Rabbi”.
But then the Teacher said to go out into the deep and let down the nets for a catch of fish. Peter must decide whether or not to obey. After all, Peter was a fisherman, and since he had fished all night and caught nothing, what would be the point? What does a carpenter know about fish? Nevertheless, he complied. When he did as Jesus said and let down the nets they caught an abnormally large amount of fish, so much so that their boat threatened to capsize.
To you and me this may sound like a coincidence, or luck. Some might call it a miracle, and it is miraculous, but it is more than a miracle, it is a sign. A sign is a miracle which points to some truth. This is a miracle, but the miracle was not done just for the sake of Peter gaining an abundant supply of fish for his business. It was a sign given by Christ in order to reveal Himself to Peter. In Scriptural language, it is “revealing His glory.” There is nothing glorious in the Son of Man, but in the Son of God we see glory.
Jesus merely said, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch of fish.” Nevertheless, Peter perceived that Jesus was no ordinary man. For when he saw what happened, he fell down and sobbed, “Lord, depart from me, for I am a sinful man.” The One he called Teacher he now calls Lord, and Peter is immediately made to see the contrast of himself, a sinful man, and Christ, the Holy One of God. Everyone else heard the teaching, but Peter saw the Person.
Why would catching a huge net of fish produce this reaction in Peter? Why was he not simply thankful, or happy, or incredulous? What caused him to fall down upon his knees and confess his sin? It was not because Jesus gave him an altar call, or led him in the Sinner’s Prayer, or even asked if He could be his personal savior. It was not necessary, because once Peter’s eyes were opened to see the Real Jesus, he fell to his knees quite naturally.
The object of Christianity is not to give people a teaching or to lead them in a prayer, but to introduce them to a Man. I would rather have thirty seconds of seeing than thirty years of preaching. People can listen to me preach all their life and never understand a word, but if the Lord opens their eyes to SEE Who I am preaching about then they will understand everything.
When people are in your presence, what do they touch - a system of beliefs, a code of conduct, an ethical standard, or a Person? We may have an abundance of words and teachings, but all of them together are nothing but letters if they are not constantly pointing us to a Living Christ.
We have surely failed if we can put together a teaching that is so easy to follow that we do not need to know the Lord Jesus. Unfortunately, when I listen to some people teach, I realize that anyone can put their teaching to good use, whether they know the Lord or not. So the teaching is worthless to the Kingdom of God because it creates no dependency upon Christ as All in All.
Eventually the revelation of Christ moved Peter to make the bold confession that “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Jesus did not teach Peter what to say, He merely revealed Himself to Peter. He did not sit down with His disciples and say, “I am the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Now repeat that after Me several times, and I will test you on this in the morning.” He did not teach them a catechism or a rosary or a mantra or a confession, He merely revealed Himself to them as He in fact is. They made the confession in due course, having revelation.
The Testimony of Jesus always springs forth from the Revelation of Christ. If we do not have the Revelation then we cannot have the Testimony. That is to say, we cannot bear witness of what we have seen and heard if we have not, in fact, seen or heard anything. We try to get people to confess in order that they may ATTAIN to something, but true confession comes forth naturally after they have OBTAINED it.
Not only was Christ Himself hidden and revealed in degrees, but most of what He taught was hidden. He purposely disguised the truth in parables, and only explained Himself privately to His disciples. Even then, much of what He said was misunderstood, and they failed to grasp the significance of it until after His resurrection, when He opened their minds and hearts to understand, and the Spirit came to bear witness of Christ and teach them inwardly.
When Christ rose from the dead, we would expect Him to present Himself alive to Pilate, to Herod, to Caiaphas, and to the all the people who had Him crucified. But He did not. We see that Christ had the ability to reveal, or not reveal Himself to people. For Mary mistook Him to be the gardener, and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus did not perceive Who He was, because it was hidden from them.
You see that Christ is revealed or hidden from men as He so desires. So many professed disciples of the Lord Jesus fail to recognize Him. The Lord tells them to go to Galilee, but they go to Emmaus. Many people sitting in church would not discern the Lord Jesus if He walked up the aisle and sat down on the altar. They are not really His sheep, therefore they cannot hear His voice, and they do not know Him.
Even His closest disciples are prone to doubt and unbelief. After the resurrection, Thomas declared, “I will not believe unless I see the scars and put my hand into the wound in His side.” When Jesus therefore appeared to them He did not argue or try to convince Thomas. He simply said, “Behold! Look! See my hands and my feet!” When Thomas saw the Lord, he spontaneously cried out, “My Lord, and My God!” This is revelation. Revelation does not require any arguing or convincing, as if it all depends on how well we can make a defense of the Gospel. I see no argument in the Lord Jesus, I only see Him. Seeing Him, I am convinced, and no argument is necessary.
Now we want to impress upon you that the seeing which we talk about is an inward seeing, an inward revelation, an enlightenment of the heart. Jesus told Thomas more blessed than the ones who see with their eyes are those who see with the Spirit, and know and perceive Christ as Lord and God.
There is an apostolic prayer recorded in Ephesians 1 which touches upon this issue:
“I pray that God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the (full)knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and the riches of His inheritance in the saints, and the exceeding greatness of His power in us who believe.”
This is a rich prayer. It is very high. There are a couple of lessons for us here.
First, God must reveal His Son to us by way of the Spirit who illuminates our heart. How can we pray the Lord’s Prayer for years and never enter into God’s thought or mind for what it all means? Because we learned to recite the Lord’s Prayer but we did not have the spirit of wisdom and revelation to SEE what we are praying for. But Paul saw it. Who showed it to him? It came to him by revelation from God Himself. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Where and how do they see Him? Their heart is enlightened and thus made pure. In like manner, Paul prays that we too would be given this revelation of Christ.
Second, the word “knowledge” here does not mean head knowledge or facts we can learn from an encyclopedia. It is the Greek word EPI-GNOSIS, which is a compound word more accurately translated, “full-knowledge”. It means to come to a mature, experiential, existential, and complete knowing of Christ. So, Paul is praying - not for sinners, but for people who are already Christians - that God will reveal Christ to them in ever increasing measure so that He may fill all things. It is another way of saying, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done.” For this indeed is God’s will, thought, and design for the Church, the earth, and the universe - the whole of creation.
It is amazing to see how many times Paul uses the word “all”. He says the grace of God has appeared to ALL men, that his mission is to make ALL men see, that Christ is to fill ALL in ALL, that ALL things will be gathered together into Christ. God’s end is not the Church, but ALL. The Church is only the beginning. He begins with a man (Abraham), then with a family (Israel), then all the nations. In like manner, God intends to fill the individual, then the Church, then all things.
God has purposely hidden Christ and makes Him available to us only by revelation when we have humbled ourselves as children and forsaken our wisdom. Revelation is sufficient, for if we have the revelation of Christ then we see all we need to see, and if we do not have the revelation of Christ, nothing else will do us any good. The Church is the synthesis of individual disciples who have the revelation of Jesus and have received His Life, and Jesus is building His Church upon the revelation of Himself.

Rabu, 02 September 2009

The Transfer of Ministry

The Transfer of Ministry

By Dudley Hall

"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. (John 14:12-14) (ESV)
In this last discourse Jesus has with his disciples, we are getting the distinct impression that he is preparing them for assuming responsibility for his mission when he is no longer with them in the flesh. What an assignment! What faith Jesus is expressing in these guys! He is risking the entire success of his mission on these imperfect, common men.
There are some who believe that imperfect, common people will not be able to carry out his commission. They have a scheme where we fail and Jesus comes back to earth to do what we were assigned, but couldn't do. Make no mistake. He will return, but not to do our work. He will return to be celebrated among those who have trusted in him without seeing him physically. He has left us with all the resources we need to display the kingdom of God on earth just as he did while incarnate.
We do the works of God the same way Jesus did them while on earth. We pray and God the Father answers. Notice that the prayers he describes here all relate to our assignment. Though he is interested in our daily bread, here he is speaking in the context of getting the job done. He gives priority to the prayers of those who are single mindedly seeking to display his kingdom. This is exactly how Jesus did it. He was not drawing upon his divinity to do miracles so that people would know he was God. He was trusting the Father as a man so that we could see how a common man or woman could live if we had the same relationship with the Father as he.
Those who have accepted this assignment will never be bored. They don't have to be burned out. They can partner with God the Father to reveal what his kingdom looks like in every sphere of life. Think what sense of dignity we would have if we believed we were partners with God himself. Think about the confidence we could have if we believed he would supply our resources to get the job done. Think of what glory others could see if they watched God work through us in displaying his pleasure and purpose in our daily work.
Those disciples had trouble believing this good news. We still do. Let's give it a try. Let's pray with confidence and work with excellence and see heaven's resources move to earth.