Rabu, 27 November 2013

Appleseed Travel Journal - Kakamega, Kenya

Three days of training involves a TON of effort on everyone’s part … a lot of coordination and planning. For example, just getting the six Tanzanians here to Kakamega, Kenya and housing them is a feat in itself! Then throughout our time, there were anywhere from 40 to 70 people on any given day, depending on schedules, transportation, other responsibilities and lodging for those who live too far away to travel home each night. Many times people are able to stay with Christians who live locally, which is such a blessing. Then, people are given “breakfast,” which happens sometime between 9 and 12 and then lunch which happens anywhere between 12 and 3:30. It’s really been a fun time and VERY inspiring to see what is happening, with rapid, rapid disciple multiplication. Many people are not only being reached, but discipled in small house church settings, and so excited to go and share with others how their lives are changing and this new relationship with God they have found. It’s very humbling to be with these folks as they live simple lives, completely dependent on Jesus.
Just check out some of the people we’ve gotten to be with and who you are impacting in such profound ways.
John Omondi

God Does Big Things In Small Churches

God Does Big Things In Small Churches

Bottle Growth
photo credit: Pierre Pocs
Remember the Pepsi Challenge? It was a marketing campaign in the 80’s where people would be offered two unmarked cups. One contained Coke and the other contained Pepsi. After taking a sip of both, the participants would be asked to reveal which one they liked the best.
Apparently more people picked Pepsi. At least, that’s what their ads led us to believe.  (Incidentally, Malcolm Gladwell has a great chapter in his book, Blink, which explains the flaws of this taste test).
Comparing two different brands of soft drinks makes sense to us. However, what if someone ran the same test, except this time using the same brand? Let’s say the only difference would be the size of the cup. Wouldn’t you think that was a strange comparison? Does anybody really think that a 24oz cup of Pepsi tastes better than an 16oz cup? No matter the size, the contents would be the same –and that’s what matters!
I think we would all agree that testing by size would be ridiculous and illogical.
So why, then, do we often measure the effectiveness of a church by its size? A church of 50 and a church of 5,000 are both full of the same thing: Followers of Christ!
Don’t get me wrong, not every small church is healthy, but neither is every big church. The fact of the matter is that the majority of churches around the world are what most would consider “small.”
I’m afraid that some may have the mistaken impression that “small” means a lack of mission or purpose. Nothing, however, could be further from the truth. Some of the most passionate missional churches are relatively small congregations. Make no mistake about it, “small” does not mean inferior.
There are a number of reasons why a church may be small:
1)   The community may be small to begin with
2)   The congregation may be transitory
3)   The congregation may be sending out people to plant churches
Stop and think. Is there a big difference between having a few large churches as opposed to a lot of small churches? Of course not. If anything, a larger number of small churches may allow more people to exercise their gifts of leadership. When you think about it, a large army of small churches could be the sleeping giant that strategically infiltrates the world.
Small churches have some great advantages.
1)   Many people feel more comfortable and are more prone to open up in a smaller setting.
2)   Small churches have less logistical distractions.
3)   Pastors can spend more time investing in each member
Maybe that’s why it should be no surprise when we hear a pastor or missionary reminisce about growing up in a small church. For that matter, we would do well to remember that every large church started out as a small church!
Please don’t misunderstand: I am not against big churches! Many mega-church pastors do a great job making sure that their congregation enjoys the same level of fellowship and mission as a small church.
All I’m saying is that it would be a mistake to write off churches because they are small. So, I want to go on the record proclaiming my love for small churches.
So don’t worry if your church isn’t a “three liter” congregation. After all,God does BIG things in SMALL churches!


This Book has the Potential to Change Your Life!
In Growing Up, you will learn:
  • Three essential relationships every believer must be fostering;
  • How to begin, lead, and reproduce a D-Group (Discipleship Group);
  • Why a D-Group of 3 to 5 is more effective than an 1-on-1 relationship;
  • A proven method for HEARing from God;
  • One spiritual discipline that every disciple should be practicing;
  • The single, fastest way to end laziness in your discipleship group once and for all;
  • The difference between an addition and multiplication strategy, and how it applies to your context;
  • How to begin a simple discipleship ministry in your church without adding another program;
  • Answers to commonly asked questions about disciple-making and much, much more!
Do not read this book and then discard it.
  • Underline in it
  • Write in the margins
  • Interact with it
  • Meditate on it

"I want to encourage you as clearly as I possibly can.
Please don’t read this book.Instead, do it. My prayer is that this
resourcefrom my friend and brother might be used in the hand of God."

Dr. David Platt, Pastor & Author of Radical and Follow Me

A Call for Missional Hospitality

Clarifying 'Missional' Part 3

A Call for Missional Hospitality

by Deb Hirsch
In Part 3 of the blog series from Exponential and Sentralized, author and missional thought leader Deb Hirsch calls for our families and homes to be "foretastes of heaven." more

Alan Hirsch: Reframing Evangelism

Alan Hirsch: Reframing Evangelism 

A short video introducing the Exponential 2014 theme: Seek + Save
The discipleship conversation continues in 2014 at Exponential East and Exponential West, focusing on Jesus' core mission while on earth: "to seek and save the lost" (Luke 19:10). more

The Power of the Written Word

Papua New Guinea is one of the most ethnically and linguistically complex places on earth. This South Pacific island nation is inhabited by about 1,000 people groups who speak more than 800 languages. Since 1977, the PNG Bible Translation Association has helped translate the Scriptures into some of these native tongues. Even through the concerted efforts of several translating organizations, in 2010 only about 210 languages had a New Testament, and only a dozen or so had a complete Bible. Christian Aid assists indigenous BTA workers who are bringing the Word of God to their people through numerous language and literacy training projects.

Appleseed Travel Journal - Your Generosity Reaches into the Heart of a Refugee Camp!

You have helped our Goma church planters reach out to refugees who were displaced when the rebels overtook their city months ago.
Oyelo, who brought us this video, has started two small churches among these displaced families and plans to reach many more. You also helped provide clothing to these needy families (see picture below the video).
You will see a short tour of a refugee family’s tent and the camp itself. Be sure to check out the children worshiping about half way through!
Your compassion has reached into the most amazing places!

A Couple Blogs Worth Reading

A Couple Blogs Worth Reading

Thank you for reading this blog and for interacting as you do in the comments. It is often through the comments that I find some of your blogs, and over the past week or two have found some blogs I want to mention. Go check them out!
First, Dr. James McGrath writes a great blog at Exploring our Matrix. His posts are always insightful and challenging. Occasionally, he even throws in some hilarious images. Like this one:
Christians drinking shots
Second, Michael Kampff is offering a free eBook on how men can be better fathers to their children. I signed up and am reading the book now! Thanks, Michael!
If Michael’s book is any indication, it looks like he will have a great blog as well. So head on over to his site, sign up to receive notifications about his blog, and get the free eBook on being a father as a bonus!
Free Gift for Christian Dads
In this book, Michael identifies several fears that fathers face, and then addresses these fears with some concrete steps of action that men can take. Best of all, you are not asking for HUGE steps, or many steps, but one little step of faith. It is something men can accomplish.
Third, Dale Tuggy wrote an interesting post interacting with one of my posts. The post is about God and the Nature(s) of Jesus Christ, and he engages in some good logical argument about what Jesus knew about Himself. He argues this:
  1. God is eternally omniscient.
  2. Necessarily, a omniscient being knows all truths; there is at no time a truth that an omniscient being (who exists at that time) does not know.
  3. Jesus, at times, did not know certain truths.
  4. Therefore, Jesus is not eternally omniscient. (2, 3)
  5. Therefore, Jesus is not God.  (1, 4)
I would say, in evaluation of this argument:
  • The Bible and reason teach 1.
  • 2 is true by definition.
  • 3 is said by Jesus himself.
  • And the rest follows logically.
How would you respond? Head on over there and interact with his proposal.
Top 250 Christian BlogsFourth, and finally, I was honored to be listed in Jared Moore’s List of Top 250 Christian Blogs. Thanks, Jared! I agree with him that if you have a blog, you might want to think about installing the Alexa extension to your browser. I find the Alexa extension extremely helpful as I surf the internet. It helps me figure out of the blog I am reading is considered an “authority” in their subject or not.
Alexa extensions are available for Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

Selasa, 26 November 2013

Appleseed Travel Journal - Just Love Your Neighbor

"After the training in May, I went back to my place in Kisumu (about 20 km away). When I went home, I realized that I had a neighbor who I knew was suffering and she did not even know any kind of hope. I went to visit her and found her as a widow with no sugar and no food. So, I went home and got some tea leaves and some sugar and some little food. Then, I shared with her the love of God. Today she is meeting with other widows in her home, praying and they are now helping each other."



Hati Isobel membara saat mendengar tantangan J. O. Fraser akan datang ke China dan membagikan Injil kepada suku Lisu di sana. Dengan penuh perhatian, Isobel mendengarkan penjelasan Fraser bahwa orang-orang Lisu belum pernah mendengar tentang Allah yang hidup dan yang sangat mengasihi mereka. Mereka pun belum pernah mendengar tentang Yesus yang sanggup menyelamatkan mereka dari hukuman dosa. Lebih dari itu, suku ini bahkan tidak memiliki ungkapan dalam bahasa mereka untuk menyebut pengampunan, belas kasihan, pertobatan, kasih, atau keadilan. Sebaliknya, mereka memiliki ratusan ungkapan untuk menjelaskan cara paling efektif untuk menguliti manusia hidup-hidup. Selain itu, suku ini selalu hidup dalam ketakutan terhadap roh-roh. Mereka hidup dalam takhayul dan memiliki dukun untuk berhubungan dengan roh-roh serta melakukan praktik-praktik sihir demi menenangkan roh-roh itu. Didorong oleh belas kasihan kepada orang-orang yang belum pernah ditemuinya ini, Isobel berkata kepada Tuhan, "Tuhan, aku bukanlah seorang lelaki, tetapi aku akan pergi ke sana! Ya, aku akan pergi!"

Beberapa tahun sebelumnya, Isobel Miller (yang sering dipanggil Belle) tidak pernah bermimpi untuk meninggalkan segala kenyamanan di rumah demi memberitakan Kristus kepada orang-orang yang belum pernah mendengar tentang Dia. Saat itu, Amerika sedang mengalami masa yang disebut "The Roaring Twenties" (masa keemasan Amerika selama tahun 1920-an, berakhir pada tahun 1929 -red.) dan Belle sangat menikmati setiap menitnya. Apalagi, saat itu ia adalah seorang mahasiswa kehormatan yang terkenal cantik dan sangat populer dalam bidang teater dan tari di University of British Columbia.

Belle lahir pada tanggal 17 Desember 1901 di Toronto, Kanada. Meskipun kedua orang tuanya adalah orang Kristen (ayahnya bahkan seorang penginjil awam Presbiterian), Belle pernah menyatakan diri sebagai seorang agnostik setelah dipermalukan oleh seorang pengajarnya di depan kelas karena percaya terhadap kisah penciptaan menurut Alkitab. Namun, setelah mengalami masalah dengan seorang pria yang ia harap akan menikahinya, Belle mulai tenggelam dalam depresi. Ia mulai menyadari bahwa dunia tidak dapat memberinya sukacita. Pada suatu malam, Belle bahkan berniat untuk melakukan bunuh diri, tetapi saat itulah ia mulai memohon damai sejahtera dari Tuhan. Lewat peristiwa ini, Belle kembali kepada iman Kristen dan mengakui Yesus sebagai Tuhan, dan menjadi semakin dewasa dalam imannya.

Pada tahun 1924, saat mendengar Fraser berbicara tentang suku Lisu, Belle tidak dapat kembali kepada kehidupannya yang biasa-biasa saja. Maka, ia pun menjelaskan kerinduannya untuk menjangkau suku Lisu kepada kedua orang tuanya. Akan tetapi, orang tuanya justru menganggap kerinduannya itu fanatik dan egois. Ibunya bahkan sempat berteriak kepadanya "Langkahi dulu mayatku!" Sebenarnya, ibu Belle menjabat sebagai ketua lembaga Women's Missionary Society selama bertahun-tahun dan ia tidak menentang para misionaris, hari itu, ia hanya menentang keinginan putrinya untuk menjadi misionaris. Kedua orang tua Belle telah melakukan segala sesuatu yang dapat mereka lakukan agar Belle mendapatkan pendidikan terbaik dan menyediakan segala sesuatu untuk kenyamanannya. Keinginannya untuk menjadi misionaris ini seolah-olah membuang semua yang telah diberikan orang tuanya. Tidak hanya menganggapnya sebagai anak yang tidak tahu berterima kasih, mereka memandang Belle sebagai anak yang egois karena pada saat itu ia adalah tulang punggung bagi keluarga mereka; saudara laki-laki Belle tidak memiliki pekerjaan sementara ayahnya kehilangan seluruh tabungan seumur hidupnya dalam usaha bisnis yang gagal. Namun, tak disangka-sangka, Belle kehilangan ibunya dalam sebuah operasi. Akan tetapi, ia mengetahui bahwa pada malam sebelum ibunya meninggal, ibunya berkata kepada seorang sahabatnya, "Belle telah memilih jalan yang lebih baik."

Belle terus menaati panggilan yang ia tahu berasal dari Allah. Maka, ia segera mengemasi kopornya dan berangkat ke Moody Bible Institute di Chicago. Selama di sana, ia bertemu dengan seorang pemuda bernama John Kuhn yang menarik perhatiannya. Sifat keduanya sangat bertolak belakang, Belle adalah seorang perempuan yang spontan dan impulsif, sementara John adalah seseorang yang berhati-hati dan penuh pertimbangan. Namun demikian, keduanya memiliki visi dan hati untuk melayani China. Pada tahun 1926, John berangkat ke China bersama lembaga pelayanan China Inland Mission (CIM), sementara Belle tetap berada di Kanada untuk dipersiapkan Tuhan melayani di luar negeri. Meskipun demikian, mereka berdua tetap saling berhubungan melalui surat selama 2 tahun. Pada tahun 1928, setelah memenuhi peraturan CIM yang mengharuskan misionaris baru untuk tetap melajang selama 2 tahun, Belle berangkat ke China dan menikah dengan John.

Di China, John dan Belle tinggal di Chengchiang selama tahun-tahun awal pernikahan mereka. Meskipun demikian, kata "tinggal" bukanlah ungkapan yang sesuai dengan apa yang mereka alami. Belle menjelaskan bahwa keadaan mereka saat itu sangat tidak nyaman. Tuhan sedang mengajar Belle seperti apakah penyangkalan diri yang sebenarnya. Makanan yang asing, budaya yang asing, kurangnya privasi, dan semuanya itu harus datang bersamaan ketika ia masih harus menyesuaikan diri dengan pernikahannya; itu semua adalah harga yang harus dibayar olehnya karena meninggalkan kenyamanan rumah.

Ia sempat berbesar hati ketika mendapat kesempatan untuk membagikan Injil kepada pengunjung pertama yang datang ke rumahnya. Akan tetapi, ia sangat terkejut ketika salah seorang wanita China itu membuang ingusnya di selimut kapas miliknya, sementara seorang ibu yang lain mengizinkan anaknya meludah di karpet Belle yang indah. Setelah menelan rasa frustasinya, Belle mulai menyadari bahwa rasa sayangnya terhadap barang-barang kepunyaannya harus segera dihilangkan, jika tidak, ia hanya akan lebih menghargai barang-barangnya itu daripada jiwa-jiwa yang datang kepadanya. Meskipun harus terus-menerus berjuang untuk menyangkal diri, Belle menganggap perjuangannya itu terbayar ketika ia dapat melihat orang-orang China mendengar Injil untuk pertama kalinya.

Pada tahun 1930 -- 1932, keluarga Kuhn pindah ke sebuah kota bernama Tali, di Yunnan. Dari sana, mereka pindah ke Yongping, masih di wilayah Yunnan, dan menetap di sana selama 2 tahun di bawah bimbingan J. O. Fraser. Mereka terus berjalan berkeliling untuk membagikan Injil sekaligus melatih beberapa misionaris baru untuk pergi ke daerah-daerah yang belum pernah diinjili. Pada tahun 1934, keluarga Kuhn akhirnya tiba di wilayah orang-orang Lisu; 10 tahun sejak hati Belle terpanggil untuk melayani mereka. Setelah mempelajari bahwa suku Lisu tidak melakukan kegiatan apa pun selama musim hujan, Belle mengambil kesempatan itu dengan mendirikan Rainy Season Bible School yang mengajarkan Injil serta dasar-dasar kekristenan kepada mereka. Ketika orang-orang semakin mengenal Tuhan, Belle melatih dan mengutus mereka ke desa-desa sekitar yang belum pernah mendengarkan Injil. Karena Rainy Season Bible School ini, orang-orang Lisu akhirnya juga memiliki kerinduan untuk pelayanan misi sehingga mereka pergi ke suku-suku lain yang pernah menjadi musuh mereka untuk mengabarkan Injil.

Meskipun mengalami masa-masa sulit, Isobel melihat buah-buah pelayanannya di antara suku Lisu. Pada tahun 1950, saat komunis mengambil alih China, Belle dan keluarganya terpaksa menyelamatkan diri melewati jalan pegunungan yang bersalju menuju Myanmar. Pada saat mereka melarikan diri, 16 tahun sejak hari pertama keluarga Kuhn melayani di antara suku Lisu, 3.400 dari jumlah total 18.000 orang Lisu telah menjadi orang percaya dan 7 suku lainnya telah diinjili secara langsung oleh para misionaris dari suku Lisu. Hari ini, sudah ada 200.000 orang Lisu yang menjadi Kristen, mereka adalah hasil dari pelayanan Isobel dan para misionaris lainnya.

Setelah meninggalkan China pada umur 50 tahun, Isobel harus membuat keputusan, apakah ia akan melanjutkan pelayanannya dengan melayani orang-orang Lisu yang tinggal di Thailand Utara atau tidak. Saat ia bergumul dengan keputusannya, Isobel berseru kepada Tuhan, "Tuhan, aku lelah! Sekarang, aku berumur 50 tahun dan dalam 20 tahun terakhir aku telah melihat perang, dipisahkan berbulan-bulan bahkan bertahun-tahun dari suami dan anak-anakku, aku juga pernah sakit dan hampir mati. Jika aku pergi ke Thailand, aku harus mempelajari bahasa yang baru, beradaptasi dengan lingkungan yang baru, dan membiasakan diri dengan budaya yang baru pula. Aku hanya ingin duduk di sebuah kursi goyang di teras dan beristirahat!"

Setelah mengatakannya, Isobel merasa bahwa Tuhan menjawab seruannya itu, "Belle, apakah kamu benar-benar tidak ingin melayani-Ku?" Perkataan Tuhan itu cukup untuk membuat Belle kembali melayani orang-orang Lisu sampai akhir hayatnya.

Kehidupan Isobel mengingatkan kita bahwa Allah telah terbukti cukup bagi orang-orang yang mendahului kita dalam menjangkau bangsa-bangsa dengan Injil Kristus. Isobel dipakai oleh Tuhan bukan karena ia sempurna, terlatih, atau karena tidak egois. Ia dipakai karena ia menganggap Allah sebagai pribadi yang berharga dalam kehidupannya, dan karena ia merespons keberadaan-Nya dengan ketaatan yang mengagumkan. (t/Yudo)

Diterjemahkan dan disunting dari:
Nama situs: History Makers
Alamat URL: http://www.historymakers.info/inspirational-christians/isobel-kuhn.html
Judul asli artikel: Biography of Isobel Kuhn
Penulis: Tidak dicantumkan
Tanggal akses: 30 Oktober 2013

Finding Jesus in Denver

Finding Jesus in Denver

This post is part of Sam Riviera’s series on being the church in our community. See the bottom of this post for more posts on how you can be the church to others by living like Jesus among them.

love others like JesusRecently I traveled to Denver to visit The Refuge, a beautiful eclectic faith community, co-pastored by our friend Kathy Escobar. I spent part of a couple of afternoons with Kathy while she showed Jesus’ love to people, and one evening at her home as part of the group that meets there on Wednesday evenings.
Following a potluck meal, the group gathered for a discussion led by Kathy.
During my time with Kathy and The Refuge, I noticed several things that they put into practice which helps them be the church in their community, and reveal Jesus to a dying world.

Everyone Is Welcome

The group welcomes everyone. Really, everyone is welcome, regardless of their situation in life. There is no expectation that anyone meet any requirement to be part of the group.

Everyone Is Valued

Unlike so many “churches”, all are equally valued. Everyone’s comment, everyone’s observation is treated with equal value. I saw no one being treated with preference. If this group has an “insider’s group”, I could not detect it at any point during the evening. There were no “fringe” people. No one was passed over. No one was ignored.

Everyone Is Loved

Regardless of economic status, religious background or lack of it, history, current life situation, marital status, and you-name-it, everyone is loved. Everyone fits in. Everyone is included.
When one person mentioned an unkind comment that someone had made about the group, no one got upset. After the group discussion, I heard that comment mentioned again and someone added that the person who made the comment did not find what they were looking for at The Refuge. I felt no condemnation, only love, even for the person who had been unkind.

The Arms of Jesus

Have we ever thought that we would like to meet the earthly Jesus in person? When life stinks, wouldn’t it be nice if Jesus could show up in person and give us a big hug, with arms that we could feel wrapped around us?
Jesus does still show up in person with arms to wrap around the lonely, the brokenhearted, the angry, the sick, those struggling with addictions, those who need a helping hand, those who need someone to listen. Sometimes when Jesus shows up in Denver Jesus looks like The Refuge.

Be the Church in Your Community

Be the ChurchWant to be the church in your community but don't know? Here are some posts which not only explain what it means to be the church in your community, but also gives concrete, practical examples of what it looks like and how to be the church whatever you do and wherever you go. Remember, you ARE the church, and wherever you go, Jesus goes with you! If you have questions about how to be the church in your community, please let us know in the comment sections below, and we will try to write a post which answers your question.

Jumat, 15 November 2013

Appleseed Travel Journal - Makobola Testimony

Desire, our church planter in Makobola, went out one day and found a group of soldiers. He said that he felt an unusual boldness so he walked up to the group and asked if he could share a story with them. They were surprised but accepted. Desire went on to share the Gospel with them. Here is the personal story of one of those soldiers:
Soldier in DR Congo:
When we were young in a group, we just killed chickens for fun. We were boys who were mean; we would kill anything living just for sport. One day I met a person named Desire. He told me how someone had died for me, but now He lives, because He loves me. I remembered my life and I knew all the things I had done were very bad. They even made me feel bad. That day when I learned about Jesus on the cross and the blood, I knew what those men had done to him. I knew it wasn’t right. I know when someone beats up on and kills someone else that person is suffering; he is trying to get away from his tormenters. But Jesus, he did it anyway. Now He is living. I know because He entered me. I left many bad things and stopped them. In Jesus you cannot be hard and cruel. It disturbs many people. You cannot be a thief. I would even go to the river and fight. I was angry. Many boys beat each other. We are in a culture of fighting. I was baptized after meeting Desire and up til now I am following Jesus and all those behaviors are gone and I am not fighting. I am at peace.
Photo: This man is pictured second row, far right.