Rabu, 27 November 2013

A Couple Blogs Worth Reading

A Couple Blogs Worth Reading

Thank you for reading this blog and for interacting as you do in the comments. It is often through the comments that I find some of your blogs, and over the past week or two have found some blogs I want to mention. Go check them out!
First, Dr. James McGrath writes a great blog at Exploring our Matrix. His posts are always insightful and challenging. Occasionally, he even throws in some hilarious images. Like this one:
Christians drinking shots
Second, Michael Kampff is offering a free eBook on how men can be better fathers to their children. I signed up and am reading the book now! Thanks, Michael!
If Michael’s book is any indication, it looks like he will have a great blog as well. So head on over to his site, sign up to receive notifications about his blog, and get the free eBook on being a father as a bonus!
Free Gift for Christian Dads
In this book, Michael identifies several fears that fathers face, and then addresses these fears with some concrete steps of action that men can take. Best of all, you are not asking for HUGE steps, or many steps, but one little step of faith. It is something men can accomplish.
Third, Dale Tuggy wrote an interesting post interacting with one of my posts. The post is about God and the Nature(s) of Jesus Christ, and he engages in some good logical argument about what Jesus knew about Himself. He argues this:
  1. God is eternally omniscient.
  2. Necessarily, a omniscient being knows all truths; there is at no time a truth that an omniscient being (who exists at that time) does not know.
  3. Jesus, at times, did not know certain truths.
  4. Therefore, Jesus is not eternally omniscient. (2, 3)
  5. Therefore, Jesus is not God.  (1, 4)
I would say, in evaluation of this argument:
  • The Bible and reason teach 1.
  • 2 is true by definition.
  • 3 is said by Jesus himself.
  • And the rest follows logically.
How would you respond? Head on over there and interact with his proposal.
Top 250 Christian BlogsFourth, and finally, I was honored to be listed in Jared Moore’s List of Top 250 Christian Blogs. Thanks, Jared! I agree with him that if you have a blog, you might want to think about installing the Alexa extension to your browser. I find the Alexa extension extremely helpful as I surf the internet. It helps me figure out of the blog I am reading is considered an “authority” in their subject or not.
Alexa extensions are available for Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.

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