Kamis, 29 September 2016

How The Authority of Christ Drives the Great Commission

Everybody who follows Jesus will encounter a myriad of "authorities" that directly challenge the authority of Christ. These other "authorities" may be parents, teachers, bosses, presidents, institutions, religions, or ideologies.
In order to stay firm in devotion to Jesus, we must believe that He has supreme authority over all. Not partial authority, not most authority--all authority.
On the basis of his authority, He commissioned his people to go and make disciples among every people group on earth. This is an impossible commission if it were not for the promise that he is with them forever.
The doctrine of the supreme authority of Christ not only upholds the work of the church, it is the central message that the church preaches. "Jesus is Lord" is good news!
Grace and peace,
Founding Director, Verge Network & Conferences

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