Minggu, 25 September 2016

Free eBook: “Living in the Light” by John Piper

Free eBook: “Living in the Light” by John Piper

eBook - Money
Money, sex, and power—the world tends to worship them.

Free eBook

Download and share this free eBook with your church as they seek to follow Jesus faithfully in our world today.
From Desiring God, “Money, sex, and power. The world tends to worship them. Christians are often suspicious of them. And yet God made us to enjoy them. Discover how to keep these three dangerous opportunities in the orbits that they were designed for, experiencing them in a way that satisfies you, serves the world, and glorifies God. This fresh, refreshing book will wake you up to the blazing glory of Christ, and inspire you to make him the gravitational center of your life. And when that happens, everything changes.”

Get Download Now

Resource provided by Desiring God

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