Kamis, 01 Juni 2017

you are the champs

You hear our stories: lives changing, people healed as church planters reach out, discipleship groups starting, men and women being baptized.
But the real story behind all of this is you.
Your partnership with us in prayer and support is the engine that propels all of this! I cannot emphasize this enough! Your involvement in this adventure is deeply meaningful to us and to the many people whose lives are being changed.
Following are several recent stories taken from our travel blog:

Woman healed & churches started

Simon“In that far place (in Burundi), I live in Village 6. There I met one lady named Maria. That lady had been sick for 8 years. She was very, very thin, but her stomach was very large as if she was 8 months pregnant, but she was 45 years old. She was trying to get help from the doctor. They told her she had (blood) pressure and they even did an exam by x-ray. They told her that’s why the stomach was so big. She also had been many times to the witch doctor who gave her some herbs. She even went to different churches asking for prayer. I’m telling you this lady was very skinny but the stomach was huge…”
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"I can tell you God can change you"

Winfridah“Well, for me, I can tell you. God can change you. I mean He can really, really change you. I can also tell you that where there is no way, He will make a way. I want others to be encouraged because Jesus rescues those who are blind and even those who are really discouraged.” – Winfridah Mudogo
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A taste of Africa—Brooks' notes

"Alongside either side of the ‘freeway,’ streams of people were walking mostly in single file hurrying in the early morning fog to get to a job or buy or sell at one of the many traditional markets. Women were dressed in longish skirts with double kangas (traditional African piece of fabric), one to keep her warm, the other to double wrap herself and her small child or baby strapped with another piece of fabric to her back; and men were wearing big parkas to ward off the dampness and cold from the rains last night.
"And, yes, as is very typical, there was a herd of skeleton-thin cows herded by two Maasai men, spears in hand used as a walking stick, a cattle prod, a leaning stick or to ward off predators. These protectors of the community’s wealth are constantly in search of grasses for their precious cattle, and if it happens to be alongside the freeway or even in the middle of busy Nairobi, so be it…
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Thank you so much for your partnership!
Love, Roger & Brooks

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