Selasa, 27 Juni 2017

Who gets paid to work at your church...and why?


Have you ever felt like there’s always been a two-tiered system of Christians: those who are lucky enough to have been “called” to serve and everyone else who volunteers to keep the church going?
In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about the future of church leadership and who should be having paid positions at the church—and how, maybe, full time vocational ministry is shifting in our time.

In This Episode You’ll Learn:
  • How the rise of layers of paid church staff is really a late model invention
  • How there is a shift happening to what is called bi-vocational ministry (bivo)
  • 7 benefits to bi-vocational ministry and church planting that propel ministry
  • Why planning for a future career in paid ministry may not work for you
  • How to create self-sustaining income without having to sacrifice your time with your family or neglect your church

While it is certainly a privilege to have your church community help to meet your needs financially, there is no two-tiered system in the kingdom of God. We are all full-time paid missionaries–God gets to choose how and through which means he routes our paychecks!

ALSO check out... There are many ways to improve, transform, create, or recreate your missional community. Like I said before, we’re all full-time missionaries, and these resources can help you on your missional journey.


P.S. If you have any questions or thoughts, please hit Reply...I love hearing from you.

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