Selasa, 27 Juni 2017

How To Keep Your Brain Sharp

How To Keep Your Brain Sharp

Contributed by Charles Stone // Brain-Savvy Leaders: The Science of Significant Ministry
Weighing a mere 2-3% of our body weight, yet requiring 20% of our body’s energy, the brain is a masterpiece of God’s creation. It grows rapidly from birth until the mid-twenties. Unfortunately, it’s downhill from there. Even though you can’t avoid getting older, you can take some simple steps to keep your brain sharp. In this post I suggest 6 simple ways to stay mentally sharp well past your twenties.

Neuroscientists have coined a phrase, cognitive reserve, to explain our brain’s resistance to its normal decline. It’s the way the brain builds resilience against the natural loss of cognitive abilities due to aging. When one neighborhood of our brain slows down, cognitive reserve helps another neighborhood take over to compensate for the loss. As we age, though, certain brain process inevitably occur.

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