Kamis, 01 Juni 2017

Take Action to Help Our Persecuted Family

Man in front of Action Packs
Take Action to Help Our Persecuted Family
Our persecuted brothers and sisters are asking for more Action Packs.

Each Action Pack provides much-needed, practical items for persecuted Christians in need: a pair of sandals for a barefoot Sudanese woman; a T-shirt for a displaced Iraqi Christian child who has been wearing the same worn clothing day after day; a warm jacket for the child of a Pakistani brick-kiln worker. The gift of an Action Pack reminds our persecuted family members that Christians in the United States have not forgotten them.

VOM has shipped more than 8,000 Action Packs in the last 12 months, and our international staff are asking for more. When you order an Action Pack, The Voice of the Martyrs will send you a special pre-printed bag to be filled with items you select from a list included with your pack. After you pack the bag, you will ship your Action Pack back to The Voice of the Martyrs. VOM contacts will then distribute your Action Pack along with a Bible or gospel story book.

I Want to Pack an Action Pack

Children reading story
Even more important than the physical aid is the Bible or gospel story book delivered with each pack. This vital spiritual food strengthens our brothers and sisters, enabling them to continue living for Christ despite hardships and persecution.

“I am an uneducated lady, but I always desired to have a Bible at my home. But I have never had one. I received an Action Pack with the Bible. I was very happy to have this Bible, and I say thanks to God, who sends this precious gift for me.”
–Lubna S., Pakistan

If you do not want to pack an Action Pack yourself, you can sponsor one and VOM workers will fill and distribute it on your behalf. Either way, our persecuted brothers and sisters will be blessed by your generosity and reminded that they are connected to the wider body of Christ.

I Want to Sponsor an Action Pack

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