Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013

Reaching Syrian Refugees with the Gospel and Practical Help

From Our President

Reaching Syrian Refugees with the Gospel and Practical Help

October 2013
Dear Missionary Partners,
With your help we continue to make a difference every day here at Christian Aid by sending needed support to brothers and sisters on the front lines of missionary work all over the world.
We’re especially grateful for your response to our letter mailed with the June Prayerline asking for help for our administrative needs. Your contributions are making it possible for us to continue serving the brethren overseas.
Because of the immense human tragedy and unprecedented openness to the gospel among the refugees, Syria has become a significant focus for us, as I’m sure it has to many of you. As a mission, we can’t change the conflicts that have led to one of the bloodiest civil wars in decades, but we can help the victims. Since the spring of 2011, more than two million Syrians have left their country, escaping the cruel fate of so many of their friends and family members: rape, kidnapping, torture, or murder at the hands of rebel terrorist groups or regime soldiers. Rather than remaining in the crossfire at home, they fled by the hundreds of thousands, only to find themselves in unimaginable squalor, crammed in refugee settlements or in make-shift tents. In addition, there are four million internally displaced Muslims within Syria who are becoming increasingly more desperate. These Syrian citizens have lost everything.
Christian Aid has close contact with ministries whose resources are stretched thin trying to meet huge needs. Our Christian brothers and sisters in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Turkey are working night and day to meet the incredible spiritual and physical needs of the refugees. Because of the sheer numbers of those who are physically and psychologically broken by the horror they’ve experienced during this war, Christian workers have taken the approach of one life at a time. They sit with the refugees, listening to their tragic stories and praying for them. Muslim families are grateful and blessed to hear of a loving God Who saves and provides in the midst of pain and chaos. These families are sharing their new hope in Christ with other suffering Muslims.
Native missionaries who are reaching out to the refugees need our prayers and support.
During a phone conversation with one Lebanese ministry leader, we learned of his deep heartache in not being able to provide food for the many hungry refugee families he daily encounters. He told us how, in front of a group of scared, destitute Syrians, he quoted the Apostle Peter in the Book of Acts, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you”—his voice cracked as he tried to compose himself. Though he couldn’t fill their empty stomachs, he shared Christ with them . . . and the response was miraculous. In a single day, 200 Muslims gave their lives to Christ.
Please pray for the multitude of Syrians who feel they are without hope. Offerings are needed to sustain this outreach—one life at a time.
Until He comes,

Cynthia Finley

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