Selasa, 20 April 2010

A Revival of Revolution!

A Revival of Revolution!

by John Mark Pool

John Mark PoolWhen we see our leaders tell us we do not have a say or a vote, we must know it is time for revolution!

It is time we must know that God is not involved in government? God IS government! Period!

That means that we must not view uncomfortable issues, such as our current healthcare legislation as just "another political flap" in Washington.

On the contrary….This is the single most pivotal piece of legislation that will be handed to American law makers in decades if not centuries! As I have followed this "cramming" of this liberal agenda down the throats of the American public, it causes me to review the beginning of our great nation when the word "revolution" meant "do or die!" We are there once again! It is time to address our demands from the lack of "due process" of our citizen's constitutional rights! We must arise to this occasion or serve a tyrant who will use the graces of the legal system to pull off the impossible­­­­­­for what we have been formed­--"legislation without representation!"

This also comes to many as a surprise that a "prophetic voice" would get involved in politics. I am not; the politics are now getting overtly involved in our heritage as a Christian nation, formed to give life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for free families to worship God!

In times like these, we need a reference to offer for historical records to understand where the Christians in our nation must now arise. Joseph from the Old Testament is indeed such an example. When you review the life of Joseph, you soon realize he was never allowed to be accepted by his own family, his own tribe, and his own government. When confronted by his father, he told his dreams clearly, was reprimanded for doing so, and then was taken to be killed by jealous family members. This is normal for our church family today! We have also "aided and abetted" this crime of "ego driven desire for a King!" We have one, and His name is Jesus, and just as Joseph was handed, Jesus too was not only the message of salvation, He was salvation that took it to another being crucified for His message! Can we?

Revolution is the Solution

Today, we must remember, if you think liberalism has only a vote to remove this demonic spirit from our land, you are sadly mistaken. Indeed this is a spiritual warfare that will not take prisoners! This is the time to call for all good men and women of America to arise to our calling from the beginning­---Revolution is the Solution!

This is going to cost all those who want to be freed from the tyranny that has "slippery means to slime the nation" of our foundation! When we cannot voice our vote, we cannot be counted to see the legislation that will bankrupt our nation beyond repair, then it is time for action! Again, Joseph was no good at his homeland, who tried to murder him for a dream! God miraculously used all forms adversity to transport him into a place where his God-given gifts of dreams, visions and interpretations would come to pass. Joseph was the model that not only got involved in government, he stood up to reveal that God alone had the power to give the dreams, interpretations and the wisdom to save even the enemies of his own people.

We must not forget, Joseph was given all the wisdom once his dreams were accomplished to take him from the pits of despair to the rank of slightly lower than that of the king of the land. Joseph was then able to legislate the wisdom that not only saved the enemy's land, but also his own tribe from extinction!

Rich Heritage

As this is written, it reminds me of the courage it took for men and women of our founding families to stop the tyranny from their oppressors to give us a land that not only offered a new beginning, but one that is rich with a heritage of being God's land, and that land I might remind you is our land! Not one elected officials or a few permanent judicial heads, nor purchased politicians land---quite frankly it is all yours; all your men, women and children's land! This land is not going to taken by sidewinders on any hill that thinks we cannot again arise to the occasion for another season of cleansing "revolution!"

When we founded this land of the free and the home of the brave, we did not do this by passive measures of those who quoted "thou shalt not kill" and then hoped they got a warm bed and a nice meal. No---this came because they voted with their ink on the line and their lives to back it up! It was not easy, nor has it ever been easy to overthrow tyranny, but we better wake up because that is exactly what we are about to do once again; that is if you do not raise your voice, write your congressperson and then mark every legislator who voted to pass this healthcare bill for a November vote of dismissal. We have a voice, it is now and it is high time to send a "Joseph message" that says our dreams will com e true even if we have been given the wrong "change" I call "shortchanged" which is another word for "cheated!" Don't sit on your hands now! This is time to let the leaders know who is in control. We the people of the United States will always have the last vote! Joseph took courage to step up and offer his dreams, his wisdom and his integrity, even at the expense of losing his life if necessary, yet it save his nation from the enemy's ruin, and that is what we must do now! We can do this, yet we cannot do this from the sidelines wishing God would intervene! How do you think that intervention will take place? Yes, it has always been through His leaders, his people and His courageous ones that would rather fight than be overrun with our enemy! God is government, and we are God's people to enact the next balance of unjust legislation without representation! Wake up! We must take our dreams to the King, not a president, not a congress, not a commit tee; no this time we fight! We will not be overthrown!

That is the way you handle Unhealthy legislation, no matter the source! Joseph as well as Daniel and many other demonstrated that no matter the cost, we will not bow to a foreign demonic power to turn our free land over to another! This is high time for the revolution to begin!

John Mark Pool

Word to the World Ministries

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