Senin, 11 Januari 2016

Do You Have A Desire To Make A Difference This Year?

4 Myths About Disciplemaking
Sometimes the issue is that we believe certain myths about the Great Commission to go and make disciples.
Myth #1: Disciplemaking will just take care of itself.
Do you sometimes think that we can make disciples without changing anything in our daily lives; that as we go about doing our own thing that new disciples will be made and multiplied?
Myth #2: Effective disciplemaking will come naturally.
Are your disciplemaking efforts really just dreams and aspirations, and not efforts backed by a well-engineered plan? Do you have a well-structured blueprint for effective disciplemaking?
Myth #3: Disciplemaking doesn't really require any training.
Maybe you’ve bought into the myth that effective disciplemaking will happen without any training or education.
Myth #4: I'm not capable.
Have you convinced yourself of the myth that you aren’t capable for some reason - lack of experience, lack of skill, etc.—of making and multiplying disciples?
I totally understand - I’ve been there.
Discipleship is not easy. Jesus didn't say it would be.
And trust me, I have my own long list of failed discipleship attempts - false starts, failed relationships... you name it, I've failed at it!  :-)
Whether it’s barriers in your everyday life or a broken belief in what the Great Commission is, ineffective disciplemaking is a real problem.
It can cripple our ability to make a difference, derail the mission God has called us to, and offers nothing to help the survival and growth of the gospel in the world.
But here's one thing we've learned from training and equipping over 2 million leaders from 100+ different countries:
There’s a problem with how we're making disciples...
Really, the problem is that we’re not effectively multiplying disciples.
Perhaps it’s because we don’t understand why discipleship is so important. ...or we don't see the hidden, treacherous barriers that keep sabotaging our attempts at making disciples.
Or, it might be a misunderstanding of what it means to be a disciple. Maybe we just have unhealthy disciplemaking habits.
Not only that but ineffective disciplemaking may have you feeling tired, frustrated, afraid and timid, or worse - ready to quit.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

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