Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Time To Fly

Time To Fly

As a glider in the sky is borne up by the wind and the hot air rising, and floats without any effort, so shall I bear you up says the Lord.

For if you would learn to align yourself with My Spirit, you would not need to make any effort whatsoever. All you would need to do is spread your wings like a bird, and catch the currents of My power.

Then you will find yourself rising up above the cares of this world. You will soar high above the powers of the enemy, and see life from a new point of view.

But you are afraid to take the first step. You are afraid to launch out into the air, with no power to drive you. Yet it is only when you take this step in faith, trusting yourself completely to Me and to My Spirit that I can take over.

Then you will see my power rise up inside of you, as the warm drafts of air rise up to carry the glider to its destination. You will feel a new surge within that will cause your spirit to soar, and you will rise up to a new level in the realm of the Spirit that you did not know existed.

Trust Me alone to take you to your destination. Do not rely on your own strengths and abilities. But cast yourself fully upon Me and let Me bear you up.

And you will leave the world and its cares behind you, as you rise up in the fullness of My power.

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