Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Constantly on the Move

Constantly on the Move

Consider the waves of the ocean says the Lord. As you look at them you will see how they never stop moving! They are always building up, then surging forward towards the shore.

In the same way this is how I work. I am constantly on the move and constantly working on your behalf. It may seem like I have stopped doing anything for you. But my child I will never stop working on your behalf. As you continue to trust me, I am like those waves of the sea – constant, always moving, always on the go.

For I see your heart and I see the desires that you have. Sometimes you do not even have to speak them out. For I know them ahead of time, and before you ask of me I move to answer you.

When you cry out to me and ask me for something, I am ready to move quickly on your behalf. But sometimes it does take time to get your answer to you. For I have to often make changes in the world in order to bring you what you desire. But my child I am always moving, and always planning and doing things for your good.

So lift up your head and look to me and rejoice in me says the Lord! For I am busy even now, doing things on your behalf. I am moving, changing and rearranging things in order to bring you your heart’s desires or the good things that I have for you. All you need to do is trust me. Then soon you will look and rejoice, for you will see the manifestation of all that you have been waiting for!

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