Minggu, 28 Desember 2014

Can You Please Give A Year End Gift?


I only send out a few emails per year asking for your support and these usually come at the end of the year. 

The reason is that up to 40% of our giving comes in November and December and this giving makes or breaks us in terms of being able to help in the following year (2015 in this case). 

We don't toot our own horn a lot and we don't spend a lot of time on fundraising as we are too busy doing ministry. We have found that if we focus on ministry that the Lord takes care of us. 

Because of that though, many people don't understand all we are doing in the background. Here are just a few of the things we were working on this past year:

  • We traveled to 14 countries in 2014 to meet with victims, investigate persecution attacks, and to ensure that our aid projects were being run ethically and effectively.
  • We served approximately 90,000 persecuted believers in 2014.
  • Our staff were distributing aid in Iraq at the height of ISIS' expansion.
  • When we returned, from Iraq, we worked with key Congressmen to secure $68 million in aid for Iraqi Christians and Yazidi's after finding that Christians had not received any of the $100+ million in aid that the US had given the UN to help the victims of ISIS.
  • We and a broadcasting organization have created a satellite TV channel that is broadcasting hard hitting gospel content into one of the most dangerous countries in the world. We don't just send out content but follow up with those who express interest.
  • We traveled to 14 countries in 2014 to meet with victims, investigate persecution attacks, and to ensure that our aid projects were being run ethically and effectively.
  • We served approximately 90,000 persecuted believers in 2014.
  • We kept 500,000 Christians informed of persecution through social media.
  • We rescued Anh, who has 5 children, after her husband, a pastor, was murdered by the police in Vietnam.
  • We arranged and chaired a Congressional briefing on Iraq. We invited Amnesty Intl. and Human Rights Watch, the two largest secular organizations to sit on our panel.
  • ICC and Voice of the Martyrs partnered together to provide free education for the orphaned victims of Pakistan's All Saints Church bombing which killed over 120 believers.
Honestly, I could go on for pages. As I said, we do most of our work in the background and therefore, most people don't truly understand all that we do. 
ICC's advocacy director briefing congressional staff on Iraq. 
Honestly, I could go on for pages. As I said, we do most of our work in the background and therefore, most don't truly understand all that we do. 

We serve all believers regardless of denomination as long as they are being persecuted because they won't turn away from Jesus. 

If you feel like our organization is an important resource for the body of Christ. . .

Click on the "DONATE" button below
to make a generous donation now. 

We can only serve the persecuted with you.
We have nothing on our own. 
If you are willing to help, then click on the "DONATE" button below to make a generous donation now. 

In Christ, 

Jeff King

International Christian Concern

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