Selasa, 28 Juli 2009

A Letter from Our Spiritual Father

Dear Dave and Novie,
I want you to know it is a pleasure knowing you two and hope in the coming days our relationship will continue to grow founded upon the truth and will fulfill God's Purpose.
In the old days disciples chose their teachers but Jesus chose His disciples. In the beginning days there were those who want to be with me and follow me. recently a Singaporean Chinese minister wanted to follow me [he only heard one message from me] and I told him to go back to his church in Spore and be part of what God was doing in and through that church. Although there are pastors and ministry leaders that have relationship [father and son ] in other nations I have a longing to be a blessing to my own nation. In the midst of alot of bitterness, suspicion, fear and pride in our local churches I need to do the work The Father has called me to do. I recently chose 3 pairs of pastors to pour into their lives. Please pray for them. In Indonesia I chose Onggo and Caroline / you and Novie.
But I want you to know that I do not have anything
1] No house of my own
2] Even the car was bought for me by another friend.
3] No church to show.
4] No big ministry.
5] very little support.
6] No website

according to todays church trend -I am a failure.
But those who have received ministry testify of God's grace in and through us. I am attaching testimonies of pastors. Though I want you to know that I do not live by the testimony of man but desire to live by the testimony of my Father in heaven

desiring to hear from HIM to say

This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.
Here is my son who is after my heart.

Love you both. Hope to work together to accomplish HIS PURPOSE.

Chris and Vijaya.k

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