Rabu, 24 September 2008


Merintis dan melayani “orang terbuang” tidaklah mudah. Ada banyak tantangan bukan saja tenaga, waktu dan uang tetapi harus siap hati. Seperti menolong binatang liar yang terluka, maksud baik kita belum tentu ditanggapi dengan positif.
Belum lagi dalam perintisan ini pun kami belum mendapatkan sokongan dari organisasi lain hingga kami sekeluarga pun bukan hany mencari uang untuk hidupnya roda pelayanan namun juga untuk mencukupi kebutuhan setiap hari.
Kadang terbersit dalam pemikiran kami untuk melepaskan visi yang Tuhan berikan ini dan kembali pelayanan “di tempat normal” kembali.
Namun saat pemikiran itu ada dalam benak, Tuhan menguatkan kami kembali melalui tulisan Bob Gass di bawah ini.

Stick to the Plan
by Bob Gass www.thevine.co.za

I know the plans I have for you.
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
Today God is saying to you, "While in process, stick to the plan!" Nothing takes God by surprise. He's a master planner. Joseph discovered that when your family turns against you, your friends let you down and you finish up in trouble, God still has a plan. Looking back Joseph could say, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good" (Genesis 50:20 NIV). When your situation seems too hard to handle and downright impossible to explain, remind yourself that God said, "I know the plans I have for you."
Some of us are not sure God has made up His mind about us, so we keep trying to earn His favour. Give it up! Receive the truth that God, for Christ's sake, has decided to bless you. And when God decides, temporary situations or the actions of others don't change His decision. There's nothing the enemy devises against you that God hasn't already made 'a way of escape' for. Paul writes, "God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it" (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Observe: (1) In times of testing you discover how faithful God is. (2) He knows what you can handle. (3) He will "make a way" so you can exit this season stronger, and ready for what He has next. So stick to the plan. The fact that you have a problem is a sign that you have a promise. It's only a matter of time before God reveals the solution.

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