Rabu, 02 September 2009

The Transfer of Ministry

The Transfer of Ministry

By Dudley Hall www.sclm.org

"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it. (John 14:12-14) (ESV)
In this last discourse Jesus has with his disciples, we are getting the distinct impression that he is preparing them for assuming responsibility for his mission when he is no longer with them in the flesh. What an assignment! What faith Jesus is expressing in these guys! He is risking the entire success of his mission on these imperfect, common men.
There are some who believe that imperfect, common people will not be able to carry out his commission. They have a scheme where we fail and Jesus comes back to earth to do what we were assigned, but couldn't do. Make no mistake. He will return, but not to do our work. He will return to be celebrated among those who have trusted in him without seeing him physically. He has left us with all the resources we need to display the kingdom of God on earth just as he did while incarnate.
We do the works of God the same way Jesus did them while on earth. We pray and God the Father answers. Notice that the prayers he describes here all relate to our assignment. Though he is interested in our daily bread, here he is speaking in the context of getting the job done. He gives priority to the prayers of those who are single mindedly seeking to display his kingdom. This is exactly how Jesus did it. He was not drawing upon his divinity to do miracles so that people would know he was God. He was trusting the Father as a man so that we could see how a common man or woman could live if we had the same relationship with the Father as he.
Those who have accepted this assignment will never be bored. They don't have to be burned out. They can partner with God the Father to reveal what his kingdom looks like in every sphere of life. Think what sense of dignity we would have if we believed we were partners with God himself. Think about the confidence we could have if we believed he would supply our resources to get the job done. Think of what glory others could see if they watched God work through us in displaying his pleasure and purpose in our daily work.
Those disciples had trouble believing this good news. We still do. Let's give it a try. Let's pray with confidence and work with excellence and see heaven's resources move to earth.

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