You cause angels to sing
The Congolese present flowers from the forest to those being baptized as a sign that they are joining in with the angels in heaven who are celebrating and rejoicing during this event.You make it possible for church planters to visit villages like Ilakala bringing hope and new life in the midst of a war-torn country and people in bondage to superstitions.
Only four months ago, Shabani found new life in Christ in Ilakala. Since that time, bringing others to the freedom he found has been his life. He has reached 37 homes and started a fully functioning 'church under the trees,' for these new believers. You helped bring the Gospel of life to this village!
A special ‘thank you’ for the difference you make
Brooks wrote this post during our
last trip which expresses so well how much your participation in prayers
and words make a difference in reaching, helping, and lifting leaders
throughout Africa:
I write, sitting on our bed, mosquito net hanging down, I listen to the
bleating of a goat, no doubt missing it's mom, and a thousand crickets
chirping the night away. Massive Lake Kivu sits proudly a short distance
away dividing Rwanda from DR Congo. Feeling small and insignificant in a
continent of turmoil and distrust, I am once again reminded of the
greatness of our God. As David declared, "I look at the heavens and know
that you are there … and who could deny it?"
before leaving told us things they felt the spirit of God saying. Using
words like structure and breakthrough and tree top vision…
"You will see
deeply imbedded foundations of evil (strongholds) breaking up and
opening the way for deeper more enduring levels of ministry. It will
occur in the lives of leaders (behaviors/mind sets etc.) and in area
structures (leaders/power bases etc.) that have hindered in previous
ministry efforts."
As we travel through Africa, I can confidently say, these words are becoming reality.
We are blessed, encouraged, and strengthened by your care, prayers, and words that travel with us! Thank you!
Blessings and Love,Roger & Brooks