Kamis, 30 September 2010

October Newsletter 2010

Hai rekan-rekan seiman. Tidak terasa perjuangan merintis pelayanan penjangkauan, pemuridan dan penanaman gereja bagi kaum terbuang sudah berjalan tiga tahun. Rasanya waktu begitu cepat berlalu, rasanya kami belum berbuat apa-apa. Ada banyak suka maupun duka dalam perjuangan ini. Kadang kami merasa sendirian, kami menyadari pelayanan perintisan bagi kaum terbuang bukanlah pelayanan yang semarak dan jarang ada dukungan dari kebanyakan saudara seiman.
Banyak rekanan maupun donatur yang mengharapkan kami merintis gereja sebagaimana pada umumnya hingga saat mereka menyadari bahwa apa yang kami kerjakan berbeda dari bayangan mereka maka bantuan pun ditarik atau dibatalkan. Terkadang ada orang atau organisasi mau membantu tetapi dengan motivasi yang tidak murni. Orang-orang yangkami layani bagi kami adalah “keluarga kami sendiri” dan kami tidak mau menjadikan mereka bagian dari sebuah “proyek” pencarian dana. Terlebih nantinya bila dana tersebut tidak seutuhnya dikucurkan bagi jiwa-jiwa yang dilayani tetapi hanya masuk kantong oknum tertentu. Kami tidak mau terlibat dalam permainan kotor itu.
Maka untuk mensiasati kondisi keuangan tersebut, kami pun mulai mencoba beberapa usaha untuk mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari maupun pelayanan. Saya menerima pelayanan mimbar dan juga menjadi penulis bagi beberapa media sedang istri saya menerima masakan (catering) kecil-kecilan selain mencoba usaha MLM. Pendapatan ini pun masih minim terlebih memiliki dua orang anak laki-laki yang tengah dalam masa pertumbuhan, ditambah tanggungan “anak-anak asuh” yang kesulitan mendapatkan pekerjaan tetap dengan berbagai kendala (pendidikan, tidak memiliki skill, masa lalu, kurang motivasi, berpikir negatif,dst). Kadang sebagai manusia ada juga perasaan putus asa, takut, frustasi dan lain-lain…sebuah pengalaman melalui “lembah kekelaman”….puji Tuhan IA selalu ada beserta kami. Menenangkan dan menguatkan kami kembali kala kami sudah mau menyerah, sisi kedagingan kami mendesak agar kami menyerah saja dari ladang misi dan kembali menggembalakan sebuah jemaat yang mapan…..hingga dapat hidup nyaman. Apakah kami akan menyangkali panggilan hidup kami demi suatu kenyamanan? Entah masih sanggupkah kami memasuki tahun ke empat ini dengan penuh iman dan ketegaran? Kami masih manusia biasa yang membutuhkan doa dan dorongan/motivasi dari setiap anggota tubuh Kristus. Kami menyadari kami bukanlah superman, kami manusia biasa yang penuh kelemahan. Kami mungkin telah diperlengkapi secara intelektual tentang Tuhan tetapi bukan pengetahuan semata yang membuat kami bertahan. Hanya melalui hubungan dengan Tuhan saja membuat kami sadar, bahwa IA yang memanggil dan mengutus kami. Kami adalah hambaNya, entah IA mengutus kami melayani orang kaya atau melayani kaum terbuang diperkotaan…tugas kami sebagai hambaNya adalah menunaikan tugas yang IA percayakan pada kami, sebab apa yang kita jalani di dunia saat ini hanyalah sementara saja.
Jalan salib….jalan dimana kami harus “mematikan keegoisan” dan percaya bahwa Tuhan akan memelihara keluarga kami….memampukan kami melayani kaum terbuang dengan segenap hati…belajar memberkati dan berbagi dengan orang lain kala kami pun dalam kondisi kurang….tiga tahun terakhir ini kami menyadari satu hal, sangatlah mudah untuk mengajarkan dan mengkhotbahkan kebenaran firman Tuhan “sampai” kita diperhadapkan oleh Tuhan “the real deal”.
Kami kini dapat melihat siapakah saudara seiman kami yang sebenarnya. Saat dulu kami masih menggembalakan dan hidup mapan semua begitu baik pada kami dan menaruh respek, tetapi ketika kami kini “bukan siapa-siapa” karena memilih melayani kaum terbuang…….di saat seperti inilah kami dapat melihat siapakah saudara seiman kami yang sesungguhnya.
Memasuki tahun ke empat ini, kami meminta dukungan doa dari setiap saudara seiman agar pelayanan kami bagi kaum terbuang dapat berkembang, menyentuh jiwa-jiwa tersesat, membawa kembali mereka pada Bapa Surgawi, memuridkan mereka dan mengutus mereka kembali untuk memperlebar Kerajaan Tuhan.
Terimakasih sudah mau membaca tulisan kami ini…mendengarkan isi hati kami. God bless you.
Dave, Novie, Philip dan George Alexander BROOS
The Eagles Nest Ministries

http://eaglesnestministries.co.cc , http://renungandave.blogspot.com, http://globalprayernetwork.blogspot.com , http://gerejaperjanjianbaru.blogspot.com
Bila Anda hendak mengundang kami untuk pelayanan atau sekedar sharing dapat menghubungi davebroos@yahoo.co.uk atau mobile phone 085721542000 atau 081330135643.
Atau Anda ingin mendukung kami dalam dana, Anda dapat mengirimkannya melalui BCA II BANDUNG, no rek 0081824788 atas nama Dave Broos.

Minggu, 27 Juni 2010


Dear Church,
We are grateful with what the Lord has done with us in Bandung for these past three years, a lot of struggles but now we see the seed that planted is growing up. Although in the very beginning is very hard to break the ground but now we see something happen. It’s still a long way journey to fulfill God’s will in Bandung or even Indonesia my beloved country.
Our journey is not smooth or even far from smooth; it’s very rough and tough. The Lord not put aside our mountains but we must climb them. If the Lord is not giving us the strength, we will not survive. Many times the temptations are just to give up and just “working again” and “playing church”, just look after the middle class and high class church members, so I can provide enough finance for my family. Must I compromise the vision that the Lord put in our heart and mind, only because we don’t have enough money? When I shared to my senior brothers, they just share and give advice to me, to just let go the vision. These are what they said,” It’s too hard to minister to the subcultures, unchurched and unreached people if you don’t have any financial back up. So if the finances not there, it’s better for you just to let go the vision because you have wife and children to look after. Just let go and join our church and bind into our vision.”
Our ministry now is more to reach the unbelievers and making disciples and then send them back as God’s church. We are moving from house to house even most of the times from one café to another café or public places. We don’t have any place to come together even a house (our house or so called house is very small to come together), but we don’t want to give up. We are learning that Jesus never allowed circumstances hold HIS ministry. He is teaching in the mountain, from a boat, on the shore, on the synagogue, on a house, etc.
Doing business is a very new thing for us, even to become a writer for me now. My family is starting a catering business, because now we must look after my mother in law (she’s a widow) and also our sister in law and our nephew. It’s a burden for us, very heavy because our finance is not enough even if they are not with us. But we can’t just neglect them, how we can love others if our family members neglected. Sometimes our business stuck because lack of finance, you know sometimes the business also not running well. I’m praising the Lord because our first son, Philip, 10 years old (July 21st) really such a blessing for us. In the moment of hardships, he is still full of joy and very creative. He can’t go to mall or children playground like usually he did in the past with us but he never complain. Now we are playing football or badminton on the park. Sometimes we must fasting because we have nothing but our son never complain, he said,” Mom …Dad…don’t worry, Philip is very happy can pray and fasting together, the Lord will provide for us.” There’s a time that we are praying and fasting for three days only have faith that the Lord will deliver us. On the third days, the Lord moves people to be a channel of blessing for us.
I’m praising the Lord that after these past 19 years in ministry, I’m just finding out three years ago that the Lord wants me to start writing and I can do it by HIS grace. In one side I’m very happy that the publishers like my writings and publish them. On the other hand, some of them never paid my fee or if they paid me it will took a very long time. They only want to publish my writings about “the sweet things”, like the love of God, forgiveness, the heart of God, family values, etc. But if I talk about evangelism, outreach, holiness, the people of God as the church, etc….everything that’s “hard”. They don’t want to publish them. My dream that one day, I can publish them by myself or there’s a publisher who bind to our vision.
Our disciples most of them are young people, they are still on their last grade in university or just start their career, so we also can’t depend on them. Actually they need also our support. We are praying for some breakthrough, to start a community business. Because most of the disciples are musicians and people who like or involve arts. We are starting to make Christian t-shirts (or more to Christian values) and Event Organizer. Please pray along with us, we have heart and compassion to reach and bless the city. Now we are also trying to share to some people that want or may interest to invest to our small community business.
Our urgent pray for next month is a house. Our house rental will be over this year (next month - July), and we still don’t know where to go. On the end of the year the Lord give us another son, George Alexander Broos, a cute baby boy. My wife got a high blood pressure, so she can’t deliver the baby normally and must have a cesar operation/surgery. To cut the story short, the budget for delivery the baby was big because my wife blood pressure unstable, so she must stay for a week in the hospital and the baby stay for ten days. Normally it cost only 8 million Rupiahs but because of the circumstances I must paid those 20 million Rupiahs. The miracle things happen was when the doctor said that we didn’t have to pay her. It reduced the cost until we are only paid 16 million Rupiahs to the hospital. The problem arises now because we are using our savings that we put aside for our house rental. The finance is still not there yet, we want to move to my parents home (both of them past away, my step dad died last year) but my step sister don’t allow us to move in. Humanly speaking there’s fear and doubt. How and where to go? FIRSTLY DON’T MISTAKE US. WE DON’T ASK YOUR MONEY, BUT PLEASE PRAY ALONGSIDE US AS A FAMILY OF GOD. If we must go through this valley and climb the mountain, I pray that we have the strength, joy and thanksgiving in HIM.
In our journey with the Lord we are focus on doing what the Lord wants us to do, sometimes we feel lonely and misunderstood by others. I feel a need of a band of brothers that stand together to encourage to one another.
Thanks for hearing us and pray along side with us. It’s very encouraging to know that I have a family that care and pray with us in every side in the world.
Dave, Novie, Philip and Georgie
The Broos Family

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

EVANGELISM It’s all about communication, friendship and sharing life

It’s all about communication, friendship and sharing life
Mobil “Chevy Nova” merupakan mobil produksi Amerika Serikat yang penjualannya cukup berhasil di negerinya sendiri di era 80-an. Melihat keuntungan yang didapatkan di negerinya sendiri mereka mulai mengekspansi negara tetangga dan negara-negara Amerika Selatan lainnya. Tapi hasilnya sangat mengejutkan sebab penjualan kurang baik meski pun sudah mengupayakan peningkatan pemasaran melalui iklan di jam siaran utama TV nasional hasilnya tetap negatif. “Mengapa hal ini bisa terjadi?” Setelah perusahaan mobil Chevy mengadakan penelitian, hasilnya mengejutkan sebab kurang lakunya peminat mobil Chevy Nova diakibatkan dalam bahasa Spanyol “Nova” berarti “tidak jalan”.
Lain lagi dengan peternakan Perdua Farms, Inc yang memiliki motto “It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken” (Dibutuhkan lelaki kuat untuk membuat ayam menjadi lunak). Pada era 90-an mereka ingin memperluas usaha peternakan mereka di Meksiko tetapi hasilnya sangat mengecewakan, sama sekali tidak animo pada masyarakat. “Mengapa?” Setelah diselidiki akibat alihbahasa Inggris – Spanyol yang salah maka motto mereka tersebut menjadi berubah arti di Meksiko menjadi Membutuhkan lelaki jantan untuk membuat seekor ayam jatuh cinta.
Penginjilan merupakan komunikasi mengenai pribadi Kristus secara efektif dengan tujuan memperkenalkan seseorang pada pribadi Kristus atau iman Kristen. Penginjilan dalam Perjanjian Baru merupakan penyampaian iman Kristen berdasarkan konteks, pesan Injil disampaikan dengan cara yang dapat dimengerti oleh orang yang mendengarnya. Yesus dan wanita Samaria berbicara mengenai topik air saat mereka tengah duduk di dekat sumur, Yesus berbicara dengan Petrus sang nelayan mengenai menangkap ikan, dll. (1 Korintus 9:22).
Pesan Injil tidak berubah tapi metode penyampaian dapat saja berubah sesuai dengan bahasa, budaya dan latar belakang pendengar.
Strategi penginjilan yang terkenal dan dipopulerkan pada era 60-an oleh gereja Barat hingga kini bahkan masih sering digunakan adalah visitasi (baik oleh pendeta ataupun pekerja/aktivis gereja), kelas Pendalaman Alkitab (SOM atau pemuridan), Kebaktian penginjilan/KKR, pelayanan bus atau antar jemput jemaat dan sekarang ditambah sistem kelompok sel untuk mengundang tetangga untuk datang dalam ibadah rumahtangga.
Pola ini tidak efektif memenangkan jiwa baru, sebab hanya fokus pada orang Kristen itu sendiri. Hingga strategi ini hanya menghasilkan “imigrasi lokal” antar gereja saja.
Kondisi gereja kita saat ini:
1. Memusuhi pencari Tuhan. Seorang mantan pelacur dan pecandu narkoba yang tengah mencari Tuhan diminta meninggalkan gereja setelah mengetahui latar belakang dan pergumulan hidupnya. Jemaat yang lain menyangsikan pertobatannya dan takut mencemari kerohanian jemaat yang lain. Di lain sisi ada sepasang orang muda yang kumpul kebo dan merasa diri mereka salah, mereka hendak bertobat dan mencari kebenaran hingga memutuskan untuk mencari petunjuk ke gereja. Tetapi saat mereka terbuka pada para pelayan Tuhan, mereka diminta untuk tidak datang lagi ke ibadah gereja.
2. Tidak peduli pada pencari Tuhan. Gereja model ini merupakan gereja stereo type, mereka hanya ingin berkomunikasi, berhubungan dan bergaul dengan mereka yang sejenis (one type) saja. Mereka bersikap seolah orang baru tersebut “tidak ada” hingga akhirnya jiwa baru tersebutpun pergi meninggalkan gereja tersebut.
3. Mengharapkan pencari Tuhan tapi tidak memikirkan kondisi lingkungan gereja. Banyak peraturan yang libet untuk jiwa baru yang hendak datang pada Tuhan. Pemuda yang trendy mengenakan anting langsung diminta melepaskan antingnya sebelum masuk gereja, demikian pula pria jiwa baru yang berambut panjang dan tubuh bertattoo ala seorang rocker diminta agar segera memotong rambutnya dan melakukan operasi untuk menghilangkan tattoo bila hendak berjemaat di gereja tersebut.
4. Membidik pencari Tuhan. Gereja mengadakan berbagai program bantuan sosial seperti pengobatan gratis, sembako gratis, dll di lingkungan gereja.
5. Peka pada pencari Tuhan. Gereja fleksibel dalam strategi penginjilan dan menjawab kebutuhan jiwa baru atau masyarakat.
JESUS STYLE – JESUS DRIVE BY COMPASSION (Yesus digerakkan oleh belaskasihan)
Belas kasih atau kasih sayang merupakan ciri pelayanan Kristus. Tuhan Yesus kerap tergugah oleh belaskasihan pada orang lain, Ia memiliki pengetahuan tentang kasih yang sempurna dan bukan hanya sekedar tahu tetapi IA melakukannya dalam bentuk tindakan bahkan pengorbanan diri (Yakobus 2:14-17, 1 Yohanes 3:17).
Mereka yang telah mengalami kasih Allah dalam hidupnya berkewajiban menunjukkan belaskasih pada orang yang membutuhkan (Ayub 6:14). Terutama pada anak yatim piatu, janda, orang miskin dan orang asing (Ulangan 10:18, Yeremia 22:3)
Tuhan Yesus melayani dilandasi belaskasihan (Matius 9:13,36), saat Ia berjumpa dengan orang buta (Matius 20:34), orang banyak sakit (Matius 14:14), orang kusta (Markus 1:41), membangkitkan anak janda yang mati (Lukas 7:13), memberi makan 5000 dan 4000 orang (Matius 14:14-20 dan 15:32)
Bila belaskasih Kristus telah kita cicipi dan nikmati, berarti kita memiliki kasih Kristus dalam hati kita, dimana seyogyanya secara otomatis “kasih”Nya akan mendorong kita untuk memiliki belaskasihan terhadap yang terhilang dan berdosa.
Seringkali kita persepsikan sebagai suatu kegiatan dari sebuah organisasi atau seorang individu/pelayan Tuhan yang tengah berupaya mendirikan sebuah “jemaat baru” di suatu wilayah baru bagi sebuah organisasi gereja, dan itu tak salah sebab selama ini praktik “penanaman gereja” adalah seperti itu.
Tetapi apa yang yang saya mau sampaikan di sini adalah “penanaman gereja” dari sudut pandang yang sedikit berbeda. Kata gereja atau ekklesia berarti “kumpulan orang percaya” dan bukan berarti kegiatan keagamaan kita. Saya percaya bahwa setiap anak Tuhan merupakan penanam gereja, dimana setiap anak Tuhan menanamkan dirinya di tengah masyarakat dan menjadi pengaruh sebagai terang dan garam dunia.
Membagikan kehidupan Kristus sebab hanya Kristus yang dapat merubah kehidupan seseorang atau sekelompok orang.
Lukas 10:1-9, berbicara mengenai friendship evangelism (penginjilan melalui persahabatan) dan church planting (penanaman gereja melalui penanaman hidup dengan hidup bersama & menjadi teladan):
- Ayat 6 berbicara mengenai berdoa dan mencari “the man of peace” (orang yang terbuka pada pemberitaan Injil).
- Ayat 7,8 berbicara mengenai bergaul dan mengenali.
- Ayat 9 berbicara mengenai menjawab kebutuhan hidup.
Robert Fitts, pendiri Outreach Fellowship International, menekankan agar setiap hari kita berdoa untuk suatu “divine appointment” (pertemuan yang diatur oleh Allah). Dimana Allah mempertemukan kita dengan seseorang yang memiliki suatu kebutuhan khusus untuk kita layani, entah itu menolong melalui tenaga, materi atau berita Injil.

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

The Bright Lamp of Holiness

The Bright Lamp of Holiness by Francis Frangipane
When true holiness exists in a Christian's life, it produces a luminosity, a glow around that individual. Infants and little children, because their spirits are yet pure and undefiled and because they are so close to the actual presence of God, emanate this light as well. Their light is visible because their hearts are transparent and truthful. For us, the way to the bright lamp of holiness is this same way of transparency and truth. It is the way to the pure gold of the kingdom of God.

When Your Eye is Single
From the moment Christ enters within us, we are holy, set apart unto God. This kind of holiness is the same sanctification that made the utensils in the temple holy: holy because they were used in service to the Lord. They had no virtue in themselves; their material substance did not change. Christianity, in general, is holy in that sense. But the holiness we are seeking is the fulfillment of having been set apart. We are seeking a holiness that mirrors, through us, the presence of God in Heaven. We are seeking both His nature and His quality of life.

Since true holiness produces in us the actual life of the Holy Spirit, we must be sure we know who the Spirit is. The Spirit of God is love, not religion. God is life, not rituals. The Holy Spirit does more in us than simply enable us to "speak in tongues" or witness. The Spirit leads us into the presence of Jesus. Herein is our holiness received: in our union and fellowship with Jesus Christ.

Again, the holiness we are seeking is not a legislative or legalistic set of rules; it is Christ's very own life. The Holy Spirit works in us not merely a new desire to love, but He imparts to us Christ's very own love. We develop more than just a general faith in Jesus; we actually begin believing like Jesus, with His quality of faith. It is God in us that makes us holy. Let it stagger us. Let it rock us off our comfortable little perches until, with great trembling and great joy, with deep worship and holy fear, we approach the Divine Reality who has, for His own will and purpose, called us to Himself.

"Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" (1 Cor. 3:16). The Spirit of God dwells in us. In this light, let us ask ourselves again the age-old question, "What is man?" We know how we appear to other men but, if God truly is within us, how do we appear to angels, or devils? What light marks us in the spirit-world, what illumination surrounds us, what glory declares to the invisible realm: Behold and beware, here walks a child of God! Think of it: the Spirit of the Creator, who purposed in the beginning to make man in His image, is in you . . . now.

Holiness is a Body Full of Light
There are limitations. There are conditions. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve light and darkness, sin and righteousness, self and God. Light is within you but so also is darkness. Our world is a world in darkness. Our ancestors were sons of darkness. Our carnal minds yet remain theaters of darkness. In a world of choices, we must choose light. That is why Jesus taught that we must be single-minded if we would become fully mature sons of light. He said, "The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness" (Luke 11:34 KJV).

If you are focused in your will and heart toward God, your body is full of light and you are giving full expression to the glory of God within you. But, if you are double-minded, if you are dwelling on sinful or evil thoughts, your light is proportionally diminished until your very body is full of darkness. Jesus went on to warn, "Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness" (Luke 11:35 KJV).

If you do nothing about your salvation, fail to seek God, or choose to disobey Him, you are in darkness. Do not console yourself with an aimless hope that someday, somehow, you will get better. Arm yourself with determination! For if the light in you is in darkness, how terrible is that darkness! Son of light, you must hate darkness! For darkness is the substance of hell; it is the world without God!

But our hope is light, not darkness. Your feet are walking the path of the just, that path which grows brighter and brighter unto the full day. "If therefore your whole body is full of light, with no dark part in it, it shall be wholly illumined, as when the lamp illumines you with its rays" (Luke 11:36). This verse gives a very clear picture of what holiness looks like in its maturity: our bodies are radiant with glory even as a lamp shines at full brightness. What a tremendous hope---that we can be so wholly illumined with the presence of God that there is "no dark part" within us! A garment of light and glory awaits the spiritually mature, the holy ones of God, a garment similar to what Jesus wore on the Mount of Transfiguration! A splendor not just put on in eternity but one worn here, "in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation"; here, where we "appear as lights in the world" (Phil. 2:14-15)."You were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light" (Eph. 5:8). Now you are a child of light. These are not merely figures of speech! The glory of God is within and around you; it is a spiritual reality! But what of the darkness that is yet within you? Paul continued,

And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them . . . but all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light. ---Ephesians 5:11, 13

Do not hide your darkness, expose it. Do not sympathetically make excuses for it, confess it. Hate it. Renounce it. For as long as darkness remains in darkness, it rules you. But when you bring darkness out into the light, it becomes light. When you take your secret sins and boldly come unto the throne of God's grace and confess them, He cleanses you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). If you sin again, repent again. And again, until the habit of sin is broken within you.

Like the prospectors of old, you must stake your claim high in the kingdom of God, being ready to defend your rights to the "pure gold" of Heaven (Rev. 3:18). And as you pitch your tent at the throne of grace, something eternal will begin to glow in you, like hot coals on a furnace floor. And as you persist with the Almighty, the sacred fire of His presence will consume the wood, hay and stubble of your former ways. Power such as Jesus had will reside in your innermost being. Angels will stand in awe, for your gold will be refined, your garments light and your life holy.

Jumat, 07 Mei 2010


(The Body Building Ministry – A Ministry of The Eagles Nest Ministries)

Di mulai dari pelayanan doa dan konseling melalui SMS, telpon dan e-mail, kami mendapatkan banyak konseli dengan beragam permasalahan. Ada kalanya sebagai konselor kami ingin berbuat lebih namun apa daya kami tidak memiliki dana dan fasilitas untuk secara langsung turun tangan membantu para konseli. Dalam beberapa kasus kami melayani para wanita hamil di luar nikah, dimana mereka diusir oleh keluarga dan diasingkan pihak gereja. Kemana mereka harus pergi? Dalam kasus lain, ada beberapa anak remaja korban pelecehan seksual yang dilakukan oleh anggota kerabat, kembali lagi kami terhalang dengan tidak adanya tempat untuk dapat “merawat” hati mereka yang terluka secara langsung. Masih ada banyak lagi kasus selama tiga tahun terakhir ini yang kami tangani namun kurang dapat dikerjakan secara optimal sebab minimnya fasilitas dan dana. Lalu apa yang dapat kami lakukan?

Kami menyadari keterbatasan kami secara manusia, kami sudah berbagi beban maupun visi-misi pelayanan kami namun belum ada yang terketuk atau digerakkan Tuhan. Hingga akhirnya setelah kami sekeluarga berdoa, kami mulai mendapat pencerahan untuk melakukan pelayanan ini dengan bersinergi dengan pelayanan-pelayanan yang lain. Pada akhirnya kami bekerjasama dengan beberapa Panti Asuhan dan Panti Werda, dan badan gereja atau yayasan Kristen lainnya yang memiliki pelayanan khusus untuk para konseli kami. Kami belajar untuk melayani sebagai satu tubuh, yaitu tubuh Kristus, bukan untuk membesarkan nama pelayanan tetapi nama Tuhan Yesus.
Saat ini kami pun tengah coba menolong rekan-rekan jejaring kami di Panti Asuhan maupun Panti Werda yang kurang mendapatkan donasi, dimana seringkali mereka mendapat kelimpahan “berkat” hanya pada saat hari besar umat Kristen tetapi pada bulan-bulan lainnya mengalami “krisis”. Bilamana Anda hendak memberikan bantuan berupa apapun, baik pakaian layak pakai, sembako, buku bacaan atau pelajaran, atau apapun itu yang berguna atau bahkan memberi diri menjadi relawan di akhir pekan bagi Panti Asuhan maupun Panti Werda. Anda dapat menyalurkannya pada pihak kami atau bila hendak secara langsung berkunjung dapat menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan “contact person atau alamatnya”.
Segala sesuatu dimulai dengan hati yang berbelaskasihan, sebagaimana teladan yang diberikan Tuhan Yesus saat melihat orang-orang dengan suatu kebutuhan, baik itu pengampunan, kesembuhan, kelepasan, kelegaan dan lainnya. Tuhan kita, Yesus Kristus memiliki belas kasihan tingkat tinggi. Dan sudah selayaknya kita pun berbelaskasihan terhadap orang-orang di sekitar kita. Apa yang kita kehendaki orang lain perbuat bagi diri kami, kami perbuat terlebih dulu pada saudara-saudara kami ini.
Mari kita bersama-sama melakukan sesuatu yang mungkin kecil tetapi dapat membawa dampak bagi kelangsungan dan pelebaran Kerajaan Tuhan.

Minggu, 25 April 2010

News Report

Shalom saudara dan saudari dalam Kristus,

Tak terasa tiga tahun sudah kami bermukim di kota Bandung tercinta, ada masa pasang surut dalam kehidupan dan pelayanan kami.

Berita sukacita. Tanggal 4 November 2009 merupakan saat yang menggembirakan sebab Tuhan mengaruniakan kami seorang putra yang kami beri nama George Alexander Broos melalui operasi cesar di RS St. Borromeus – Bandung. Sempat timbul kekuatiran dalam benak kami, sebab pernah kehilangan putri kami tercinta Regina sekitar tiga tahun yang lalu hingga kami sempat dihantui perasaan bagaimana kalau kini Tuhan panggil juga. Biaya rumah sakit yang membumbung tinggi akibat istri harus diopname seminggu akibat hipertensi dan si kecil selama 10 hari sempat membuat “panik” sebab sudah melebihi budget yang ada. Dari persiapan budget 8 juta rupiah melambung hingga kisaran 20 juta rupiah. Kami mengucap syukur untuk keluarga, teman-teman lama maupun setiap saudara seiman baik yang ada di Bandung (Howard Broos, Lucille Gunawan, Fanny Tupamahu, Ray Hindarto & Dewi, Yusak, Benaya & the gang, Herlin, Rudi, Donna Sapiranti dan Fitriani dll) maupun Surabaya (Gereja Oikos, Komunitas Lung-Lung, Ever Sopamena, Toga & Cecilia Aritonang, Joshua Prima Hermanto,dll) yang telah membantu kami baik dalam doa dan dana, juga untuk ahli kandungan dr. Elise Knoch yang memberkati kami dengan caranya sendiri.

Berita dukacita. Pada bulan Desember 2009 kami pun mengalami kehilangan salah seorang keponakan kami tercinta, Rio Durant, meninggal akibat suatu kecelakaan. Cukup memukul kami sebab ia merupakan sosok yang sangat dekat dengan kami dan sudah kami anggap sebagai putra sendiri.

Memasuki tahun 2010, kami pun mulai berjejaring dan bergerak bersama dengan rekan-rekan alumni Discipleship Training School (DTS) – YWAM dan membentuk komunitas Eagle Care bersama dengan Bapak Joel Nababan, Abraham Bessie, Reynold, Samuel, dkk.

Pada Februari 2010 pula Pr Christopher K dari Zoe Ministries datang dan memperlengkapi komunitas Yusak & Benaya dan Eagle Care, selain melakukan pastoral visit bagi keluarga kami. Sambil menyusun pelayanan yang akan kami kerjakan bersama di bulan Mei 2010 di kota Pahlawan, Surabaya dan kemungkinan pelayanan di Bali.

Memasuki bulan Maret 2010, Tuhan mulai bergerak kembali kini mempertemukan diri saya dengan teman-teman lama baik saat masih bersekolah di SD Pardomuan, SMPK Bahureksa, SMAK Dago maupun STBA Yapari dulu. Saya percaya semua ini bukanlah sebuah kebetulan tetapi rancangan Tuhan dalam kehidupan kami semua secara berkaitan.
Beberapa hal yang tengah kami kerjakan adalah mematangkan “pelayanan self-support”, selama tiga tahun ini kami mendapatkan kasih karunia Tuhan dalam kehidupan dan pelayanan. IA membuktikan sebagai Jehovah Jireh, Allah yang mencukupi segala kebutuhan kami. IA pun mulai mengajar kami untuk terlibat dalam pelayanan market place/ dunia usaha. Tetapi apakah kami harus pula terlibat dalam dunia usaha atau tidak, kami pun masih menggumulkan hal tersebut di dalam doa.

Hal inilah yang kami dapatkan dariNya melalui mentor kami dalam bidang ini, John Garfield:

1.I’m Prophetic
(God and I Talk) “Friends” Jn 15:15
2.I’m Passionate
(About the desires of my Heart)
3.I’m Purposeful
(Permission from God To Pursue The Passion He Put In My Heart)
4.I Have A Plan and a Product
(Blessing Others with Something Valuable)
5.I’m Moving from Profits to Prosperity
(Learning to Multiply and Build Wealth)
6.I Have a Mission Bless the Nations
(Turning Money into Ministry)
7.I’m Contagious Viral Missions
(Making self-sustaining Disciples)
Kerinduan kami adalah melihat visi yang Tuhan taruh dalam hati keluarga kami dapat menjadi kenyataan, kami telah banyak sharing dan berbagi mencari anggota tubuh Kristus yang memiliki hati yang sama namun penolakan kami alami berulang kali hingga kami berdoa apa yang harus kami lakukan?

Tuhan mengingatkan kami bagaimana Rasul Paulus pun tidak mau membebani jemaat di beberapa kota dan menjadi pembuat tenda untuk mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari tim pelayanannya bahkan menjadi berkat bagi orang lain. Kami berdoa pada Tuhan bilamana ini merupakan kehendakNya biarlah Ia pertemukan kami dengan orang yang mau membimbing kami dalam bidang yang baru ini dan tentunya anak Tuhan yang memiliki karakter Kristus. Lalu Tuhan pertemukan kami dengan John Garfield dari pelayanan Releasing Kings dan DR. David Gillmore dari Global Enterpreneurship Institute.

Ada perasaan takut untuk memulai sebuah usaha sebab saat kami baru memulai pelayanan di kota Bandung, modal usaha kami di bawa lari hingga rencana awal kami hancur. Puji Tuhan, di kota Bandung ini pula kami bertemu dengan rekan-rekan pengusaha yang memiliki hati missi dan siap mementor saya untuk menjadi enterpreneur Gospel (istilah John Garfield, bagi pengusaha yang menggunakan bidang usahanya untuk memberitakan Injil, memuridkan dan memperluas Kerajaan Allah melalui penanaman gereja di dunia usaha selain saling mendukung dan menjadi berkat bagi masyarakat).

Mentor sekaligus “ayah rohani” kami, Pastor Christopher K, menasehati kami untuk berdoa agar kami yakin bahwa ini merupakan God’s idea dan bukan good idea kami. Kami pun mendoakan hal ini, dari dasar hati kami yang terdalam motivasi kami untuk mencoba melakukan usaha adalah agar kami tidak mengkompromikan visi, misi dan nilai kami dengan pihak donatur. Ada beberapa gereja dan organisasi yang menawarkan kerjasama asalkan kami “berubah haluan”. Nah, hal ini yang tidak kami kehendaki, berkompromi demi “rupiah dan fasilitas”. Ini juga merupakan penjelasan bagi beberapa rekan yang bertanya mengapa kami sampai berpikir untuk melakukan usaha untuk mencukupi keluarga maupun pelayanan. Apa yang kami ketahui pasti bahwa Tuhan menghendaki kami memperlengkapi mereka yang berada di market place atau dunia usaha untuk menjadi alat Tuhan. Apakah Tuhan berkehendak kami mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga maupun pelayanan melalui dunia usaha, kami masih menggumulinya dalam doa. Satu hal yang pasti kami tahu,kami melayani dengan motivasi murni bagi Tuhan, sekalipun tidak ada seorang pun yang mau menolong kami…..kami percaya Tuhan akan membuka jalan baik melalui mujizat atau melalui pekerjaan atau usaha. Selama 19 tahun sudah saya melayani Tuhan dan Tuhan senantiasa mencukupi segala keperluan kami. Kami tidak mau mengeruk uang dan ketenaran melalui pelayanan, sebab apa pun yang kami lakukan semata hanya bagi DIA.

Apa yang ada dalam benak saya adalah memproduksi clothing dengan nilai kristiani bagi dunia sekuler, saya merasa risih dengan merk clothing yang berbau setan, iblis, neraka dan yang senada dengan hal tersebut. Mengapa kita tak menghasilkan clothing yang didesain oleh anak-anak Tuhan sendiri?

Apa yang ada dalam benak istri saya mungkin lebih praktis dan mudah sebagai langkah awal, ia rindu untuk membuka sebuah warung atau kedai Lontong Medan. Sebab itulah yang bisa ia lakukan yaitu memasak.

Entah apakah membuat clothing atau warung/kedai Lontong Medan, kami serahkan semuanya ke dalam tangan Tuhan. Bila memang ini “in line” dengan rencanaNya maka Ia akan buka jalan tepat dengan waktuNya. Tetapi bila ini hanya ide baik kami, maka semuanya akan berlalu dengan waktu dan Ia akan tunjukkan apa yang harus kami kerjakan berikutnya. Kami menyadari bahwa kami sampai detik ini masih dalam proses belajar dari Tuhan sampai kelak kami pulang ke Rumah Bapa.

Hari-hari terakhir ini saya banyak sharing dengan saudara-saudara seiman lainnya untuk mendukung kami dalam doa dan menjadi sahabat kami dalam masa perintisan ini. Kami sekeluarga menyadari bahwa harta kami yang paling berharga selama ini adalah para sahabat kami, oleh sebab itu kami coba untuk terus menjaga tali persahabatan dan persaudaraan kami dengan keluarga rohani kami yang ada di Surabaya dan kini yang ada di Bandung dan beberapa kota lainnya.

Tak terasa bulan Maret 2010 tinggal sehari lagi, dan kami akan memasuki bulan April 2010. Tuhan kiranya terus menuntunkan kami memasuki rencanaNya yang ajaib bagi kita semua.

Tuhan memberkati kita semua agar dapat menjadi saluran berkat bagi sesama kita,

Dave Broos

Selasa, 20 April 2010

A Revival of Revolution!

A Revival of Revolution!

by John Mark Pool

John Mark PoolWhen we see our leaders tell us we do not have a say or a vote, we must know it is time for revolution!

It is time we must know that God is not involved in government? God IS government! Period!

That means that we must not view uncomfortable issues, such as our current healthcare legislation as just "another political flap" in Washington.

On the contrary….This is the single most pivotal piece of legislation that will be handed to American law makers in decades if not centuries! As I have followed this "cramming" of this liberal agenda down the throats of the American public, it causes me to review the beginning of our great nation when the word "revolution" meant "do or die!" We are there once again! It is time to address our demands from the lack of "due process" of our citizen's constitutional rights! We must arise to this occasion or serve a tyrant who will use the graces of the legal system to pull off the impossible­­­­­­for what we have been formed­--"legislation without representation!"

This also comes to many as a surprise that a "prophetic voice" would get involved in politics. I am not; the politics are now getting overtly involved in our heritage as a Christian nation, formed to give life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for free families to worship God!

In times like these, we need a reference to offer for historical records to understand where the Christians in our nation must now arise. Joseph from the Old Testament is indeed such an example. When you review the life of Joseph, you soon realize he was never allowed to be accepted by his own family, his own tribe, and his own government. When confronted by his father, he told his dreams clearly, was reprimanded for doing so, and then was taken to be killed by jealous family members. This is normal for our church family today! We have also "aided and abetted" this crime of "ego driven desire for a King!" We have one, and His name is Jesus, and just as Joseph was handed, Jesus too was not only the message of salvation, He was salvation that took it to another lever...to being crucified for His message! Can we?

Revolution is the Solution

Today, we must remember, if you think liberalism has only a vote to remove this demonic spirit from our land, you are sadly mistaken. Indeed this is a spiritual warfare that will not take prisoners! This is the time to call for all good men and women of America to arise to our calling from the beginning­---Revolution is the Solution!

This is going to cost all those who want to be freed from the tyranny that has "slippery means to slime the nation" of our foundation! When we cannot voice our vote, we cannot be counted to see the legislation that will bankrupt our nation beyond repair, then it is time for action! Again, Joseph was no good at his homeland, who tried to murder him for a dream! God miraculously used all forms adversity to transport him into a place where his God-given gifts of dreams, visions and interpretations would come to pass. Joseph was the model that not only got involved in government, he stood up to reveal that God alone had the power to give the dreams, interpretations and the wisdom to save even the enemies of his own people.

We must not forget, Joseph was given all the wisdom once his dreams were accomplished to take him from the pits of despair to the rank of slightly lower than that of the king of the land. Joseph was then able to legislate the wisdom that not only saved the enemy's land, but also his own tribe from extinction!

Rich Heritage

As this is written, it reminds me of the courage it took for men and women of our founding families to stop the tyranny from their oppressors to give us a land that not only offered a new beginning, but one that is rich with a heritage of being God's land, and that land I might remind you is our land! Not one elected officials or a few permanent judicial heads, nor purchased politicians land---quite frankly it is all yours; all your men, women and children's land! This land is not going to taken by sidewinders on any hill that thinks we cannot again arise to the occasion for another season of cleansing "revolution!"

When we founded this land of the free and the home of the brave, we did not do this by passive measures of those who quoted "thou shalt not kill" and then hoped they got a warm bed and a nice meal. No---this came because they voted with their ink on the line and their lives to back it up! It was not easy, nor has it ever been easy to overthrow tyranny, but we better wake up because that is exactly what we are about to do once again; that is if you do not raise your voice, write your congressperson and then mark every legislator who voted to pass this healthcare bill for a November vote of dismissal. We have a voice, it is now and it is high time to send a "Joseph message" that says our dreams will com e true even if we have been given the wrong "change" I call "shortchanged" which is another word for "cheated!" Don't sit on your hands now! This is time to let the leaders know who is in control. We the people of the United States will always have the last vote! Joseph took courage to step up and offer his dreams, his wisdom and his integrity, even at the expense of losing his life if necessary, yet it save his nation from the enemy's ruin, and that is what we must do now! We can do this, yet we cannot do this from the sidelines wishing God would intervene! How do you think that intervention will take place? Yes, it has always been through His leaders, his people and His courageous ones that would rather fight than be overrun with our enemy! God is government, and we are God's people to enact the next balance of unjust legislation without representation! Wake up! We must take our dreams to the King, not a president, not a congress, not a commit tee; no this time we fight! We will not be overthrown!

That is the way you handle Unhealthy legislation, no matter the source! Joseph as well as Daniel and many other demonstrated that no matter the cost, we will not bow to a foreign demonic power to turn our free land over to another! This is high time for the revolution to begin!

John Mark Pool

Word to the World Ministries


Senin, 12 April 2010





Melihat banyaknya umat Tuhan yang mudah terombang-ambing hidupnya dan tidak memiliki pengajaran dasar sama sekali membuat hati saya sedih. Meski pun mereka sudah bergereja namun kerohanian tidak bertumbuh, mengapa? Sebab terkadang para pendeta atau gembala sidang yang menggembalakan sendiri tengah mengalami kekeringan rohani. Bukan hanya “rocker” saja yang manusia, tetapi pendeta pun manusia. Pendeta pun dapat merasa kesepian dan tidak punya teman berbagi beban. Pendeta bukan “super rohani” yang tidak butuh sahabat.
Kerinduan kami adalah pertama-tama membangun hubungan dan menjadi sahabat para pendeta. Terlebih para hamba Tuhan yang saat ini tengah merintis atau gerejanya sudah lama berdiri namun tidak ada perkembangan yang signifikan, kami rindu untuk menolong Anda. Jangan disalahartikan bahwa kami akan membantu dalam bentuk materi (bantuan keuangan) sebab bukan hal itu yang kami tawarkan. Kami menawarkan persahabatan dan bersama-sama memperlebar Kerajaan Tuhan. Kerinduan kami adalah membangun jejaring (network) dengan berbagai denominasi gereja dan yayasan Kristen dimana pada akhirnya kita dapat bersinergi sebagai sebuah keluarga di dalam Tuhan dan berfungsi dalam tubuh Kristus sesuai dengan panggilan atau bagiannya. Kami juga rindu membagikan “hati Bapa”( atau Fathering/pembapaan bukan pengajaran The heart of the Father/kasih Bapa) bagi para pemimpin agar mereka menjadi “ayah rohani” bagi jemaat Tuhan dan bukan sekedar pengkhotbah.
Kerinduan yang kedua adalah membantu gereja yang ada untuk membangun jemaat Tuhan dengan fondasi kebenaran yang benar hingga tidak mudah diombang-ambingkan angin pengajaran palsu maupun ajaran di luar Kristus. Kami percaya jemaat tidak cukup hanya dikhotbahi sekali seminggu tetapi mereka butuh figur “ayah rohani” yang membimbing setiap anak rohani menerapkan kebenaran Firman Tuhan dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari.
Kami sendiri saat ini berjejaring dengan tubuh Kristus baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Kami bukan saja berjejaring tetapi bersahabat satu dengan yang lainnya. Kita tidak dapat membangun Tubuh Kristus atau memperlebar Kerajaan Tuhan seorang diri, diperlukan sinergi dari tiap orang percaya agar hal tersebut dapat diwujudkan. Sebab itulah yang dikehendaki Bapa saat kita semua bergerak dalam kesatuan dan kasih satu dengan yang lainnya.
Bila Anda sebagai sesama rekan pelayan Tuhan atau Gembala Sidang atau Anda (seorang awam) mengenal hamba Tuhan baik diperkotaan maupun dipedesaan yang membutuhkan dukungan kami. Atau Anda sendiri rindu untuk dipakai Tuhan lebih lagi namun selama ini tidak ada orang yang mengarahkan, kami pun siap untuk mendampingi. Anda dapat memberikan alamat atau email atau nomor telpon yang dapat kami hubungi. Atau Anda dapat hubungi kami di davebroos@yahoo.co.uk atau SMS ke 081330135643. Ingin mengetahui pelayanan kami lebih lanjut silahkan masuk ke http://3a9l35-n35t.blogspot.com .


(Eagles Nest Discipleship, Training & Bible School)

“Karena itu pergilah, jadikanlah semua bangsa muridKU dan baptislah mereka dalam nama Bapa dan Anak dan Roh Kudus, dan ajarlah mereka segala sesuatu yang telah Kuperintahkan kepadamu. Dan ketahuilah, Aku menyertai kamu senantiasa sampai kepada akhir zaman.” (Matius 28:19-20)

Sebuah pesan terakhir dari Kristus Yesus bagi setiap kita,sebab Ia mencari disciples (murid) dan bukan sekedar follower(pengikut). Semua orang percaya wajib menjadi murid Kristus dan juga seorang yang memuridkan orang lain. Wauw, sebuah tantangan besar bagi gereja masa kini. Mengapa saya katakan tantangan? Sebab banyak orang lebih suka kata “pergi”, orang suka dengan yang namanya “traveling”, sepertinya ada kebanggaan bila sudah pelayanan keliling di beberapa negara. Ada juga yang senang dengan kata “baptis” sebab itu berarti jumlah statistik anggota gereja bertambah, biasanya orang menjadi bangga kalau anggotanya banyak. Begitu juga dengan kata “ajar”, orang sangat senang mengajar di kelas atau mimbar, sebab nanti dapat “amplop”. Padahal kata imperative dalam kalimat Amanat Agung itu adalah “jadikanlah murid”. Mengapa kata ini dihindari? Sebab pemuridan ala Yesus bukan seperti kelas SOM atau model perkuliahan di STT. Sistem pendidikan yang diadopsi masa kini dan juga diterapkan dalam gereja merupakan “pola pendidikan Yunani” sedang pemuridan yang diajarkan oleh Yesus merupakan “pola pendidikan Yahudi”. Dimana pengajaran tidak disampaikan hanya searah tetapi dua arah, ada suatu dialog dan bukan monolog. Pelajaran atau pemuridan diberikan dimana saja, bisa di rumah, di bukit, di atas perahu, di bait Allah dan lain-lain; tidak dimonopoli di sebuah ruang kelas atau kompleks tertentu. Hubungan antara sang guru dan murid pun bukan hubungan ala dosen dengan mahasiswanya tetapi lebih pada hubungan ayah dan anak.
Kesedihan hati kami adalah saat melihat bagaimana kondisi gereja pada umumnya tidak membawa dampak besar bagi masyarakat yang ada di sekitarnya. Rasa asin gereja sebagai “garam dunia” tidak terasa, cahaya gereja sebagai “terang dunia” pun mulai redup. Saat kami masih menggembalakan jemaat, banyak diantara mereka yang tidak bertumbuh atau menjadi orang Kristen yang suam-suam. Hati kami sedih hingga suatu kali saat berdoa Tuhan membukakan hal ini pada kami. Bapa menghendaki murid-murid Kristus, mempelai yang dewasa bagi AnakNya dan bukan bayi dengan dot di mulut & mengenakan popok pampers. Dulu kami bangga dengan jumlah jemaat tetapi sekarang kebanggaan itu luruh. Kini kami berkonsentrasi dan memberi hidup untuk memuridkan anak-anak Tuhan bertumbuh pada kedewasaan dalam Kristus bersama rekan-rekan tubuh Kristus yang lainnya kami bersinergi agar pemulihan pelayanan lima jawatan terjadi atas gereja Tuhan. Kerinduan kami adalah melihat setiap anak Tuhan diperlengkapi dan menggenapi panggilan Tuhan atas hidupnya. Kami percaya setiap anak Tuhan, adalah alat Tuhan dan tidak ada yang namanya hanya “jemaat biasa”. Setiap anak Tuhan adalah orang-orang yang luar biasa di dalam tanganNya.
Apakah harga seorang murid? Alkitab berkata,”Barangsiapa tidak memikul salibnya dan mengikut Aku, ia tidak dapat menjadi muridKU.” (Luk 14:27)…..”ia tidak layak bagiKU” (Mat 10:38). Pikul salib, yang berarti mati terhadap diri sendiri dan hidup sebagai ciptaan baru dalam Kristus.(2 Kor 5:17, Gal 2:19b-20).

Maukah anda membayar harga itu?
Bila Anda (pemimpin jemaat atau persekutuan) rindu jemaat yang Anda pimpin makin cinta Tuhan bertumbuh atau Anda (bukan seseorang di dalam kepemimpinan gereja/persekutuan) sendiri rindu untuk menjadi murid Kristus dan ingin terus bertumbuh menjadi seorang yang berdampak bagi Kerajaan Tuhan maka kami mau mengajak anda bergabung di dalam kelompok pemuridan Eagles Nest Discipleship, Training & Bible School. Ada pun pelayanan kami bersifat interdenominasi, kita membahas sebagai contoh dalam kelas teologia dasar kekristenan. Materi yang akan kita bahas bersama diantaranya dalam kelas kami :

- Doktrin Theologia,
- Kristologi,
- Pneumatology(Roh Kudus),
- Angelology(Malaikat),
- Anthropology(Manusia),
- Bibliology(Alkitab),
- Soteriology(Keselamatan),
- Ecclesiology(Gereja),
- Thanatology(Kematian)
- Eskatologi (Akhir Zaman)
- Dasar Yang Benar
- Kuasa Doa
- Belajar Alkitab Praktis
- Hidup Rumahtangga atau Keluarga
- Bagaimana Hidup Dipimpin Roh Tuhan
- Kuasa Pujian
- Pelayanan Mujizat
- Hidup Kekristenan yang Berkemenangan
- Peperangan Rohani
- Menjadi Saksi Kristus sampai ke ujung bumi

Ada pun The Eagles Nest Discipleship, Training & Bible School bekerjasama dengan lembaga pendidikan The Prophetic Voice Institute – Amerika Serikat, DCI – Inggris Raya, US Prayer Centre (School of Prayer) – Amerika Serikat, Zoe Ministries – Malaysia; setiap murid yang mengikuti pertemuan dengan setia dan mengikuti ujian akhir akan mendapatkan Sertifikat atau Diploma sesuai dengan kelas yang diikuti.
Beberapa kelas/komunitas yang kami tawarkan adalah:
1. School of Discipleship (Pemuridan)
2. School of Theology of Christian Foundation (Teologi Dasar Kekristenan)
3. School of Mission (Missi)
4. School of Church Growth (Pertumbuhan Gereja)
5. School of Leadership (Kepemimpinan)
6. School of Prayer (Doa)
7. School of Evangelism (Penginjilan)
8. School of Finance (Keuangan)
9. School of Market Place (Dunia Kerja)
10. School of Prophets (Kenabian)
11. School of Church Planting (Penanaman Gereja)
- Ps. Dave Broos Dip Min BRE (Eagles Nest Ministries)
- Ev. Novie Durant Broos Dip Th (Eagles Nest Ministries)
- Ev. Benaya Raharjo (Eagles Nest Ministries)
- Ev. Yusak Hartoko (Eagles Nest Ministries)
- Ev. Joel Nababan (YWAM Bali)
- Ps. Christopher Krishnasamy Bth (Zoe Ministries Penang – Malaysia)
- Onggo Susilo ST (GBIS - Komunitas Oikos Surabaya)
- Gunawan Hartono Sth MPM (Gereja Oikos Surabaya)
- Pnt. Yohanes Harjanto ((Gereja Oikos Surabaya)
- Pdt. Marthin Uktolseja SH (GpdI Moria Banyuwangi)
- Pdt. Asmoro Sth (GKB Sejahtera Surabaya)
- Pdt Enny Asmoro Sth MA (GKB Sejahtera Surabaya)
- Pdt Ir. Amos Benyamin MA (GKB Ekklesia Malang)
- Pdt Robert S Tarigan Sth (STT Tana Karo Medan)
- Fanny Lesmana SIK (Editor Renungan Wanita dan Youth Surabaya)
- Pdm Juanda Sth MA (Editor Tabloid Keluarga Surabaya)
Bagi yang berdomisili di kota Bandung, kita dapat bertemu dan belajar bersama sedang untuk di kota lain, kami bisa mengunjungi anda atau sekalipun tidak bisa jumpa secara tatap muka, kita berhubungan melalui e-mail davebroos@yahoo.co.uk , yahoo messenger dengan I D davebroos, atau menelpon/SMS di 081330135643.
Sebagaimana yang kami tekankan di atas kerinduan kami bukan sekedar mentransfer ilmu pengetahuan tetapi kehidupan. Kerinduan kami kelompok pemuridan ini bukan saja memiliki nilai kekeluargaan yang kuat dalam Kristus tetapi juga bertumbuh bersama sebagai keluarga Tuhan yang berdampak bagi bangsanya bahkan bagi bangsa-bangsa.
Tuhan memberkati dan jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami.

Ps. Dave Broos BRE
The Eagles Nest Ministries http://3a9l35-n35t.blogspot.com

Minggu, 11 April 2010

Legal Protection

Legal Protection
By Francis Frangipane www.frangipane.org

Approximately two thousand years ago a decree was issued at the judgment seat of Almighty God. It provided "legal" protection for the church against the devil. Indeed, when Jesus died for our sins, the "ruler of this world" was judged (John 16:11). Our debts were nailed to Christ's cross and canceled; principalities and powers were disarmed. In truth, because of Jesus, we have a legal right, not only to be protected from our enemy but to triumph over him (Col. 2:13-15).

It does not matter what nation you come from, the sacrifice of Christ was so complete and the judicial decision from God against Satan so decisive that divine protection, enough to cover every need known to Christians, has been granted (see Rev. 3:10). Christ's death is the lawful platform upon which the church rises to do spiritual warfare; His Word is the eternal sword we raise against wickedness.

Having said that, we must also acknowledge that the church has only rarely walked in such victory since the first century. Why? At least in part, the answer is this: To attain the protection of Christ, the church must embrace the intercession of Christ. We must become a house of prayer.

Indeed, church history began with its leadership devoted to the Word of God and to prayer (Acts 2:42; 6:4). Every day the leaders gathered to pray and minister to the Lord (Acts 3:1). In this clarity of vision and simplicity of purpose, the church of Jesus Christ never had greater power or capacity to make true disciples.

Today, however, our qualifications for church leadership include almost everything but devotion to God's Word and prayer. Leaders are expected to be organizers, counselors, and individuals with winning personalities whose charms alone can draw people.

In Luke 18, Jesus challenges our modern traditions. He asks, "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" (v. 8). His question is a warning to Christians who would limit the power of God at the end of the age. Jesus is calling us to resist the downward pull of our traditions; He is asking us individually, "Will I find faith in you?"

Before we respond, let us note that Jesus associates "faith" with "day and night prayer" (Luke 18:7). He is not asking, "Will I find correct doctrines in you?" The Lord's question does not so much concern itself with our head as with our heart. What we believe is important, but how we believe is vital in securing the help of God.

Indeed, procuring the supernatural help of God is exactly the point of Jesus' parable in Luke 18. His intent was to show that "at all times" we "ought to pray and not to lose heart" (Luke 18:1). To illustrate the quality of faith He seeks, He followed His admonition with a parable about a certain widow who petitioned a hardened judge for "legal protection" (v. 3). Although the judge was initially unwilling, yet by her "continually coming" (v. 5) she gained what was legally hers.

Jesus concluded by asking, “If an unrighteous judge will respond to a widow's persistence, shall not God avenge quickly His elect, who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them?" Jesus said, "I tell you that He will bring about justice for them speedily" (see Luke 18:1-8)

Understanding God's Delays
Our Heavenly Judge will not “delay long” over His elect, but He will delay. In fact, God's definition of "speedily" and ours are not always synonymous. The Lord incorporates delays into His overall plan: Delays work perseverance in us. So crucial is endurance to our character development that God is willing to delay even important answers to prayer to facilitate our transformation.

Thus, we should not interpret divine delays as signs of divine reluctance. Delays are tools to perfect our faith. Christ is looking to find a tenacity in our faith that prevails in spite of delays and setbacks. He seeks to create a perseverance within us that outlasts the test of time, a resolve that actually grows stronger during delays. When the Father sees this quality of persistence in our faith, it so touches His heart that He grants "legal protection" to His people.

Desperation Produces Change
It is significant that Jesus compared His elect to a widow harassed by an enemy. The image is actually liberating, for we tend to conceptualize the heroes of the faith as David or Joshua types -- individuals whose successes obscure their humble beginnings. But each of God's servants has, like the widow, a former life that is brimming with excuses and occasions to waver.

Look at the widow: She has legitimate reasons to quit, but instead she prevails. Indeed, she refuses to exempt herself from her high potential simply because of her low estate. She makes no apologies for her lack of finances, knowledge or charm. Giving herself no reason to fail, she unashamedly plants her case before the judge where she pleads for and receives what is hers: legal protection from her opponent.

How did a common widow gain such strength of character? We can imagine that there must have been a time when, under the relentless pressure of her adversary, she became desperate, and desperation worked to her advantage. Desperation is God's hammer: It demolishes the stronghold of fear and shatters the chains of our excuses. When our desperation exceeds our fears, progress begins.

Today, the force prodding many Christians toward greater unity and prayer has not been the sweetness of fellowship; more often it has been the assault of the enemy. We are in desperate times. When it comes to touching God's heart, other than for a few essential truths, unity of desperation is more crucial than unity of doctrine.

God's Elect
Our nation is suffering from a deep social and moral collapse. If we have ever needed God's anointing, it is now -- but where are God's elect? Where are the people whom Daniel says "know their God" and "will display strength and take action" (Dan. 11:32)?

Is there no one divinely empowered who can fell the Goliaths of our age? Perhaps we are looking in the wrong places. Perhaps we need only to look in our bathroom mirror. If you believe in Jesus and are desperate for God, you qualify as one of God's elect. Remember, in the above parable the widow typifies Christ's chosen.

We have erroneously held that God's chosen will never be assaulted by the adversary, much less driven to desperation and "day-and-night" prayer. But, this desperation is often the very crucible in which the elect of God are forged. Jesus portrays this characteristic metaphorically in the picture of the widow; He reveals the means through which His elect prevail in battle at the end of the age.

When all is said and done, it is also possible that this widow may not have been a singular person but a corporate people -- a "widow church" -- united in Christ in a singular, desperate prayer for protection against her adversary.

We need the "legal protection" that a national revival provides. But it will not come without unceasing prayer. You ask, "Where was the prayer behind the Charismatic Renewal?" The Lord spoke to my heart that the Charismatic Renewal was His answer to the cries of a million praying mothers -- women who refused to surrender their children to drugs and the devil.

It is our turn to pray. We are the widow who cannot give herself a reason for failure; God will answer our day-and-night cry. Let us position ourselves at His throne on behalf of our cities and nations. Certainly, as we persevere in faith, the Lord will grant us legal protection from our enemy.

Minggu, 04 April 2010

The Present Awareness

The Present Awareness
By JoAnn McFatter www.joannmcfatter.com

As we carry on in the faith, holding to our belief systems and trusting God will move in and through us along the way, I would like to put things on pause for a moment. Yes, I would like you to push the pause button and just be aware of this "very moment".... There it goes—it has already passed. Hit pause again and just try to be fully aware of this marked point in time in your life...and there it goes again.

Being fully aware of the moment is a challenge we don't impose upon ourselves because we are often on automatic. Life is one continuous flow for us as the moments, sometimes hours, go by without a trace of awareness of what we are to experience in God. Every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year we are made in God's image and created to function as one with Him—at all times and in all situations, and ever conscious of God in us and ever aware of this oneness.

A Never Ending Flow

And all Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I am glorified in them. Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are.—John 17:10-11

I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word: that they all may be one as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one.—John 17:20-22

There is a never ending flow in us that comes from the very essence of who He is, as we accept Him as our personal Savior and live out our lives filled with His Spirit. We are so tied into the physical aspect of who we are that it's difficult for us to wrap our minds around the fact that we are first and foremost a spiritual being, made in God's image, encased in this temporal physical manifestation.

The fact that we live this life in a physical body throws off our perspective because it results in our having such a strong mindset toward the physical realm. But did you know that you, as a physical being, actually flicker in and out of time and space millions of times per second? It's not so as you would notice because it happens so rapidly that our natural eye is unable to distinguish it.

It's a scientific fact that our being is an energy flow that manifests in a physical way, just as the bed you lay on, the table you sit at, the chair you sit on—everything. Newtonian Science held the belief that if you can see it, touch it, feel it—that is reality. With the discovery of Quantum Physics, the study of matter at the sub-particle level, we find that there is much more going on in the universe than we ever imagined.

This world we live in is held together by God's awareness of all things, in all of creation, at all times! Amazing! It's astonishing what science is discovering that redefines our perspective of our existence. And yet, as Christians, we should be excited that what is being revealed through all of these studies are all found in the Word!

Mysteries of the Gospel

While we do not look at the things which are seen, but the things which are not seen, for the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.—2 Corinthians 4:18

And He is before all things and in Him all things consist.—Colossians 1:17

Science has been discovering the mysteries of the gospel and unfolding them to us, if we have an ear to hear, especially in these last few decades. One such discovery has to do with the fact that we are energy. (I have written of this before. Click here to read a previous article on the ElijahList.)

As energy we are much more pliable and have much more influence as a created human being than we are aware of. There is that word again—aware—and therein lies the key. To the degree that we are aware of who we are in Christ and the dominion we are given, we will be effective. How we influence our surroundings and are impacted by them is greatly impacted by our awareness of the interaction between ourselves and the world around us, both physical and spiritual.

We must awaken to the fullness of who we are intended to be with a full awareness of the eternal and physical realms at the same time. One foot in each realm, as a spirit being encased in a physical body, yet not limited by its boundaries! God alone is our boundaries and our borders, not this physical realm. We need to live in the full awareness of this as we awaken to the position we hold in Him, both in heavenly places and on the earth. We are "seated with Him in heavenly places" WHILE we are yet in these mortal bodies on the earth!

This Present Moment

And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.—Romans 13:11

Therefore He says: 'Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.'—Ephesians 5:14

Both of these verses are in the context of coming out of a dullness of mind and spirit so that we do not fall into the complacency of the day, whether it be sin or unbelief. We can no longer afford to live the days, hours and moments on automatic, but must become aware of every present moment in our lives. All we have is this present moment.

What is in the past is gone and what is in the future has not yet been, at least that is true of what goes on in our time and space realm. But in every moment we have the endless possibilities of how our lives can change, how our mentalities can shift, and our awareness can become stronger and influence not only ourselves, but the world around us.

Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.—2 Corinthians 5:16-17

Unfortunately, we are still buying into the old. We still believe we are ruled by the limitations set on man between the fall and resurrection of Christ! Let it not be so any longer! We have NO idea what an amazing creation we are in Christ and have been living our lives in the deafening dullness of what has been before—the way of the old man!

Just How "One" We Are

When words are released into our ear, it is nothing but vibrations that we have attached learned meaning to. Air molecules vibrate, sending a signal to the inner ear, which then sends a message to the auditory part of our brain where the message is relayed and affects our whole being. If it is a language we don't understand, we have no awareness of what is being spoken and our body doesn't respond or become aware of what has been relayed.

On the other hand, if it is in a language we recognize, we take in that sound with awareness and it influences us for positive or negative, depending on the message. It can cause a reaction at the cellular level as though you just took into your body a drug composed of chemicals! That's how impacting our emotional and spiritual response to things can be on our body, on our whole being.

Medicine is just now coming to grips with the reality of how body, mind and soul inter-relate. That is how God created us to interact with each other and our surroundings. That is why he urges us repeatedly in Scripture to think on the good, the "whatsoever things are pure." EVERYTHING we come across leaves some sort of impact. Any two particles that have ever interfaced are connected forever. Science is now learning just how "one" we all are in Christ, in whom all things exist!

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. —Philippians 4:7-8

To be aware every moment of every day of the positive things in ourselves and those around us could drastically change our lives. That, I believe, is why He urges us repeatedly in Scripture to have a grateful heart, so that we can live in that place of abiding love. To be conscious at all times, in this present moment, of the flow of God in us so that we have a constant awareness of our oneness with Him, would cause us to view circumstances around us very differently.

I wonder if that is not what is behind Paul urging us to pray without ceasing. Perhaps that is why he found it so beneficial to always be praying in tongues to the point that he said, "I pray in tongues more than ALL of you!" It put him in a place of acute awareness of his oneness with God.

Shouts of "Grace Grace"

Yes, our own awareness of the goodness of God in these days will go a long way to bring us through some challenging circumstances. We will do well to be awakened to the reality of the Spirit realm and the spiritual truths in Scripture that can overcome what we are both seeing and not seeing with the natural eye.

In doing so, we put on the full armor of God as we wash over our minds and hearts with God's perspective of things. Does it mean there are no troubles? Not at all, but we move through them with "grace grace" on our lips, and with that same acute awareness at all times of the love and goodness of God that Paul had, loosing miracles to flow through him.

So he answered and said to me: 'This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: "Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the Lord of Hosts. Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of 'Grace, Grace to it''—Zechariah 4:6-7

It is time to shift our focus to things that hold eternal value so that we might be ones who will be able to bring healing and deliverance to the masses in this hour. We've heard over and over that the darkness will get darker and the light lighter, but we cannot presume that we will partake of this light if we have not looked into the light as preparation. We are changed as we behold Him. We need to exercise our spirit man to release strength and clarity of mind as we "set our thoughts on things above."

As for me, I will see Your face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness.—Psalm 17:15

To be ever present with Him is to be acutely aware in every moment that He is in us and we are in Him. Out of that present awareness, that place of oneness, we will see change in ourselves, as well as in the atmosphere around us. As we "practice His presence," as Brother Lawrence would say, we will begin to flow from His boundaries and borders, and not be limited any longer to our old mindsets.

We will experience the realities of the eternal even while we are yet in this dispensation of time, reaching into the age to come and bringing it into the here and now. To accomplish this, we must awaken to this present awareness of who we are in Christ—at all times, even in this present moment that has just passed, the one that we are in at this moment, and the one that is to come. We are made in His image, the One who was and is and is to come!

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010



The ancient mariner used to navigate the ship by "dead reckoning." He had none of the sophisticated electronic instruments that we have today. He would take a directional reading by sighting the sun or the stars through a navigational instrument called a "sextant." If he saw a storm coming, he would take a reading and then would continue to sail by that reading, no matter how long the sky was covered, until he came out into clear skies. Often the storm would be on them for many days and sometimes for weeks, but they would continue to sail by the most recent sighting of the sun or stars.

Perhaps you are sailing now by "dead reckoning." God has given you a certain word of direction for your life, but now the storm is upon you and you are at the point of wavering. God has a word for you!

Don't doubt in the dark what God gave you in the light!

The Englishman, William Carey, is called "the father of modern missions." He opened the door to India for the Gospel in the face of overwhelming obstacles at a time when there was little sympathy for his vision, even in England. In his later years he said, "The asset that has helped me most in my life is the fact that I am a plodder. If I know that the project is from God, I will keep on plodding day after day until the job is done, no matter what!" It was by doggedly plodding on day after day that Carey was able to translate the entire Bible into one of the Indian languages and thereby make it possible for hundreds of future translations of other languages in India and other lands. The sufferings and setbacks he endured are almost unimaginable, but he kept on plodding! The life of Carey will forever ring out the call to persevere in that which the Lord has called us to do in spite of the hardships, inconveniences, sufferings, difficulties, and adversities. When you know the will of God beyond any doubt, keep on going in spite of all that Satan can throw against you!

God is continually revealing His will and His direction to those who really want to do His will and walk in His ways. He has given the Bible, the church, divinely ordered circumstances and His deep inner peace to keep us from going off track. However, we have an obligation before God to weigh all the evidence before we come to a conclusion as to His will in any given matter, and the "bottom line" of guidance is a settled peace.

We can always know two things about the will of God; first, it is always good for us; and, second, it is possible for us to do it by His enabling power. It was a great day in my life as a young Christian when I settled it in my mind that God would never lead me into a situation that I could not handle by His grace.

For a long time I wrestled inwardly as I struggled against a full surrender of my life to God. I was only seventeen, I had a girlfriend, and I was afraid that if I yielded myself completely to God he would take her away from me and send me to some dark jungle as a missionary where I would never see her or any of my friends and loved ones again.

When I ceased struggling and gave myself unreservedly to Him, I discovered that He had planned the most exciting and fulfilling experiences I could imagine. How I praise Him for being so patient with me! And instead of losing friends, God gave me more friends than I ever hoped to have! Will you pray the following prayer with me?

"Father, be relentless with me. Keep working with me to draw me into the fullness of your will for my life. You know my heart. I truly desire to do your will! I thank you for being patient with me until I see clearly what you are leading me to do. Don't give up on me until all your purposes for my life are fully accomplished."

God will always answer that prayer, even though his will may take us into some very difficult situations, his grace will always be sufficient for us! Amen? Amen!

Robert Fitts
76-6309 Haku Pl
Kona, HI 96740

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

The Control Connection and Lack of Accountability

The Control Connection and Lack of Accountability
By Mary Lindow www.marylindow.com
You can hear folks saying this everywhere as the world spins and gasps in
shock over even the pilfering of aid sent to earthquake damaged countries!
Who would ever believe that we could be "duped" by a few high level
How does this happen and - why didn't anybody warn us or...
...do something?!!!


Just listen to the lips of current politicians flapping in the breeze and you
will hear more deceit and bloated empty promises spewing out like rapid
machine gun fire! Absolutely nauseating!

In Galatians 5:19-21 Paul lists the works of the 'flesh' (“sinful nature”).
In the middle he mentions “idolatry, sorcery” (NKJV) or “idolatry and
witchcraft” (NIV).

Our fallen, rebellious, sinful nature, if not brutally dealt with - this
insidious root can deceive even the Christian believer if he of she is not
transparent before God and is in humble, healthy and mature relational
accountability to other members in the Body of Christ! (Not easy to
do…but healthy!)
But real godly accountability must be vulnerable at all times, wise in
listening to advice, and not selective about what things we want to be
accountable for or not. “Delicatessen Accountability” is not going to bless
your life, and it will frustrate your family and friends to tears.

It is a natural outpouring of what is in the heart of a true follower
when put under the pressure of the test of exposure.


Acts 19:18
Many of those who believed
now came and openly confessed their evil deeds.


Therefore confess your sins to each other ,
and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
James 5:16

Accountability - noun
EX: "There must be accountability for the expenditure of every public cent
responsibility." liability

Accountable- adjective
( of a person, organization, or institution)required or expected to justify
actions or decisions; responsible

We feel secure if we can control others.
Then they do not threaten us; they do what we want!

He respects the free will He has given each of us, although He does hold us
responsible for how we use that freedom.



People who recognize that they are weaker than those they seek to control
tend to manipulate; those who feel stronger tend to intimidate. But the end
purpose is the same: to dominate - that is, to control others and get them
to do what we want.

Husbands intimidate their wives by fits of rage or actual violence. Wives
manipulate their husbands by tears and hurt feelings, and often making
them feel guilty for their shortcomings. Parents frequently intimidate or
manipulate their children. But, alternatively, children can become
extremely adept at manipulating their parents.

Once we learn to recognize the desire to control others as an evil,
manipulative force,
we will see it at work in many different areas.


This gives new meaning to Paul's statement in II Corinthians 4:4 that
“the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers” (NIV).

People who habitually use manipulation or intimidation to control others
will be taken over by a demonic and deceitful spirit masquerading itself in
many cloaked forms, often shifting it's present demeanor in order to
influence others to their way of thinking, but still is a form of evil. After
that they will be unable to relate to anyone apart from these tactics.

“He who conceals his sins does not prosper,
but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”
Proverbs 28:13

“Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity.
I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD "-
and you forgave the guilt of my sin.” Selah
Psalm 32:5


I confess my iniquity;
I am troubled by my sin.
Psalm 38:18


(This does not mean necessarily a separation from the relationship… but a
healthy detaching from 'being controlled' as the relationship functions.
Fear is at work underneath this structure… fear of man…etc.)

It is obvious that we must fear God rather than man. If we fear man more
than God,
we will displease God most of the time, because man's ways are usually
opposite of God's.

The fear of man may be evidenced by fashion-consciousness, by being
easily embarrassed (even when doing right), by a quickness to defend
ourselves (with lies, if need be), by constant lies and deceptions to gain
honor from others, by pretending to understand when we don't, by giving
compliments which we don't mean, by pretending to agree when we
should disagree, by avoiding giving criticisms and warnings even when
necessary, etc.


In other words, the "honor" that he receives is only a momentary
acknowledgement for "convenience" provided by his man-pleasing deed.
Man-fearers are "used" and then despised.


Look at the way politicians cave in under pressure due to the fear of
man and loosing face in from of the “Big People”!
Besides, even if a man-fearer was loved by another, he himself is not loved
but rather his pretended-self is the "one" that is loved.

"The fear of the LORD
is the beginning of wisdom"

The word 'fear" means to "reverence".
One who fears God is more concerned about what God thinks than what
men think (ACTS 4:19) The result of such fear is a single-minded
obedience to God's Word, and a single-minded aim to glorify God.

(like Daniel and his friends, DAN 3).

fearing Him because He is constantly watching us, and expecting from Him
all our present and eternal rewards. Since man's ways are usually opposite
to God's, there will be a continuous struggle in us whether to honor God or

The fear of God is evidenced by a godly carefulness regarding being
"In fashion",slowness to be embarrassed before men, a speech that will not
only compliment but also warn (in a gracious and loving manner, Romans
10:18), a quickness to defend God's honor and a quickness to admit one's
mistakes, a caution to accept lavish compliments and a quickness to give
the glory to God.

He or she will simply obey God's Word and will not change his mind

because of man's faces or “undertones of condescension.”

We must stop concentrating on the outside and start concentrating on the

Management experts say that there is no formula for success
but God says:

"Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them,
so that you may flourish in all that you do"
(DEU 29:9).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Duplication and re-transmission of this writing is welcomed provided that
complete source and website information for Mary Lindow is included.
Thank You Copyright © 2010" THE MESSENGER " ~ Mary Lindow

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

Pray for our brother in Srilanka

Dear Intercessor,
Our brother Errol Eardly in Sri Lanka is doing an outstanding work! Please read the following report and pray for him and his fellow workers and all the house churches in that land. You are a very powerful part of this ministry by entering in with your intercession! "THE GREATEST THING I CAN DO FOR GOD OR MAN IS TO PRAY!" It is not the only thing, but it is more powerful and effective than anything else! Why? Because everything else gets what I can do and prayer gets what God can do! Amen?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Errol Eardly
Date: Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 7:49 AM
To: erroljeardly@gmail.com






(Sri Lanka Branch)

Ministry Updates!



Dearly beloved Pastor Robert & Joni, Evangelist Tim, Friends & Partners,

The second monthly miracle service for this year was awesome again. What an awesome God we serve & love. We are praying for all what God has for us and for the Kingdom of God! To God be all the glory, honour & praise for all He has done and going to do.

As we worshipped the Lord we felt God’s presence. Our glorious Lord Jesus also healed some through the word of knowledge and some through the personal prayer time. Words of knowledge was given for spine problems, headaches, womb problems, heart problems and numbness was given and out of this a headache, womb problem, and heart pain was reported healed. A word was also given for a loved one at home having fear in dreams and a new comer testified that it was her husband and also testified the next Sunday that her husband was completely delivered from that day and had no bad dreams after that.

The Holy Spirit showed us a vision of gifts wrapped in gold rapping and dripping with olive oil and asked us to receive the gifts of the Spirit and abilities that can accomplish God’s will and the impossible in our lives. Many were filled with the Holy Spirit, some received new languages and some for the first time were baptized in the Holy Spirit.

After the preaching of God’s Word, 5 adults (2 backslidden) and 3 children raised their hands for salvation. During the personal prayer time, a 73 year old grandmother’s decayed bones of the spine was healed immediately, heart pain healed, headaches, numbness on hands and feet, could feel anything she touched after prayer. Words of encouragement and confirmations were also given to mostly all who came up for personal prayer.


1. Mrs Juliet Perera testified, ‘for the last 5 years I was going from Church to Church to receive healing for my spine, hands and feet. The Doctors said that most of my spine bones were decaying and that there was no medical cure except pain killers, but the pain would not subside, also because I was 73 years old they said that they could not operate on me. Today as I was going by bus to my Church, I was sitting next to Mrs Asoka with my grand-daughter and when I told her I have not been cured still, she invited me to her Church and said that God is doing miracles there and that I could receive a miracle, just to come once and try. I said I will come next Sunday but she insisted that I come this week for the sake of my healing and then go to my Church next week.

I could not believe when Pastor called my spine pain and numbness in my hands and feet. When Pastor prayed for me I felt heat in my spine and the pain started to leave. Earlier I could not lift up my right hand and then as I tried I was able to lift up my hand above my head, I also could not kneel for the last 5 years and I asked Pastor if I can kneel and he said ok, and helped me and I was able to kneel without any pain. The numbness in my hands & feet also left and now I am well because Jesus healed me,.........she broke out in tears and almost all who were present had tears of joy in their eyes.’

2. Mrs Anula Perera, testified, ‘My business was closed down and my husband was having a severe headache which could not be cured by medication when I came last week for the service and asked for prayer Pastor broke all generation curses and charms and now my business opened and now I have customers coming. My husband’s headache was also healed when Pastor prayed for me. Pastor and Sister also came and visited my shop although it is about 1 and half hours from Ratmalana, and prayed and dedicated the business to Jesus for His protection and blessings. Today I gave my heart to Jesus and became a Christian as Jesus is real, He loves us, saves us and blessed us. My husband also likes to come and become a Christian.’

3. Mrs K. Chandralatha Perera testified, ‘Our family was going through great trouble, my husband was sick and most of the time in bed. Our grocery shop was closed, my son lost his job as a private bus driver and his driving license was taken by the Police due to an accident. My daughter was depressed as a man was calling her and forcing her to marry him. He had threatened her that if she doesn’t he would abduct her and marry her anyway. She could not go out to do her job and was at home in terrible fear. We could not stay in one house as my husband would ask me not to come home. I could only come home for a few hours and then my husband would ask me to go with my son. We have another partly built house in a small property and my son & I would stay there and my daughter, my mother and husband would live in our home. An enemy of my husband had also lied to the Police that my son stole his things and is a thief and the Police was also after my son. We have been Buddhists and had vehicles and properties and had lost almost everything within these few years. We then went to all religious places and went to witchdoctors like before and spent the little money we had but got worse.

It was then that I met my friend Mrs Asoka and I told her of my problems. I was also going to a cult Church for 4 months but things got worse, and when she told of her Church and the miracles, healings and deliverances that God was doing, my heart was drawn to it. So I came with her that Sunday and I was in for surprises and God’s marvelous blessings. During the worship I could not wait as I felt like fire burning under my feet and I began to jump and dance. My friend said that the demons in me began manifesting, it was then that Pastor & sister came and cast the devils out of me. I felt heavy evil beings leave me immediately. I felt so good and free as the devils left me. They prayed over me and broke curses and charms on me. Pastor & Sister asked me if I want Jesus the Saviour, the Healer and Deliverer of the world in my heart and I said yes as I really wanted Him to save me, heal me and deliver me and my family so desperately. They then asked me to continue to worship and I worshipped Jesus and it was heavenly. Peace & joy came into my heart and I was crying grateful tears for what Jesus had done for me. After the preaching Pastor and sister prayed for me and revealed all my problems, charms and generation curses. Pastor helped me to repent of all our generation sins and the sins that we have committed.

The same week my son got back his license from the Police and got another job as a bus driver, all the pain in my body left and I brought my daughter to Pastor and she too was delivered and asked Jesus to come into her heart too. Now the man that worried her said he won’t worry her anymore and she can marry anyone she wants. I brought my son to Pastor and he too asked Jesus to come into his heart & he too was delivered. Pastor and sister also visited my home although it is very far and broke all charms, generation curses and dedicated our 2 houses and lands to God for His protection and blessings. Although my husband didn’t come for the prayers, he stayed in his room, but God healed him of his spine pains and all other sicknesses as Pastor and sister prayed for him from our hall. My mother was also healed and accepted Jesus in her heart. We now have peace in our home and we can live together as a family. My husband now doesn’t ask me to leave the home anymore but says we must all live together and now we are happy. We truly thank you Jesus for all you have done and for the right Church and Caring Shepherds like Pastor & Sister who really care for the sheep and bringing all God’s blessings to us.’


4. Mrs Renuka Malkanthi, testified, ‘For the last 5 years we were going through very bad problems as my husband was drinking and having an affair with a bad woman who is our next door neighbour. I only came here for two Sundays and all my problems were solved. Pastor prayed over me and revealed all my problems and the charms and curses that were effecting us. He also cast demons out of me and my husband while praying for me. I saw dark evil animals leaving my body. My husband has stopped drinking and having the affair with that bad woman and comes home early and we have a happy family again. Pastor & sister also visited our home although it is far and takes 2 hrs by bus one way, and my husband and daughter gave their hearts to Jesus. Jesus also revealed their sicknesses to Pastor and Jesus healed them. Pastor also dedicated our property to God, breaking all curses and charms and praying God’s blessings & protection on it. I must also state that I have been going to a cult Church for the last 5 years and I am happy to be in the right Church and true shepherds, where we can receive right guidance, healing and deliverance. Thank you my heavenly Father for all these miracles.’

SALVATIONS: 8 – 5 adults and 3 children gave their heart’s to Jesus.

The poor are also helped with their traveling and money for a meal and all were given a fresh fruit drink.

May God bless you abundantly for your prayers love and faithful support which is making a difference in Sri Lanka. Together with you and our wonderful Lord we are advancing the Kingdom of God steadily. Without you and our precious Lord we could not have these wonderful miracles. What a great privilege to fulfill the great commission together.

We love you and are praying for you and all at OFI & remember God loves you more than you can imagine.

We are blessed to be a part of Outreach Fellowship International USA.

With our love for you your family and the lost!



Errol Eardly Ministries,

79/2, Attidiya Road, Ratmalana 10370, Sri Lanka.

Mobile: 00-94-727-246526.

Tel/Fax: 00-94-11-2605141

Website: www.ErrolEardly.org,

E-mail: eeardly@gmail.com; erroljeardly@gmail.com

SKYPE ID: e.eardly

"Two are better than one, because they have a good [more satisfying] reward for their labor.” (Ecc. 4:9)