Rabu, 24 September 2008
Merintis dan melayani “orang terbuang” tidaklah mudah. Ada banyak tantangan bukan saja tenaga, waktu dan uang tetapi harus siap hati. Seperti menolong binatang liar yang terluka, maksud baik kita belum tentu ditanggapi dengan positif.
Belum lagi dalam perintisan ini pun kami belum mendapatkan sokongan dari organisasi lain hingga kami sekeluarga pun bukan hany mencari uang untuk hidupnya roda pelayanan namun juga untuk mencukupi kebutuhan setiap hari.
Kadang terbersit dalam pemikiran kami untuk melepaskan visi yang Tuhan berikan ini dan kembali pelayanan “di tempat normal” kembali.
Namun saat pemikiran itu ada dalam benak, Tuhan menguatkan kami kembali melalui tulisan Bob Gass di bawah ini.
Stick to the Plan
by Bob Gass
I know the plans I have for you.
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
Today God is saying to you, "While in process, stick to the plan!" Nothing takes God by surprise. He's a master planner. Joseph discovered that when your family turns against you, your friends let you down and you finish up in trouble, God still has a plan. Looking back Joseph could say, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good" (Genesis 50:20 NIV). When your situation seems too hard to handle and downright impossible to explain, remind yourself that God said, "I know the plans I have for you."
Some of us are not sure God has made up His mind about us, so we keep trying to earn His favour. Give it up! Receive the truth that God, for Christ's sake, has decided to bless you. And when God decides, temporary situations or the actions of others don't change His decision. There's nothing the enemy devises against you that God hasn't already made 'a way of escape' for. Paul writes, "God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it" (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Observe: (1) In times of testing you discover how faithful God is. (2) He knows what you can handle. (3) He will "make a way" so you can exit this season stronger, and ready for what He has next. So stick to the plan. The fact that you have a problem is a sign that you have a promise. It's only a matter of time before God reveals the solution.
Rabu, 17 September 2008
A Transformed Mind will Transform Ways!
by Undrai & Bridget Fizer
My core-beliefs and values will naturally be revealed in my thoughts. The way I "think" is determined by the foundations that naturally produce my "core-being" beliefs. A changed thought is a result of a transformed core. An untransformed "core" will naturally enslave you to the old mind.
The roots of your "core" will determine the "views" from your soul. You can only live "from the view" that is being released from the "core." When the Mind is unrenewed, non-transformed, or not functioning from the Father's Intent, "the vision," or "view," remains the same. The "view" also has "emotions, logic, and personalities" connected to it. So, when you are in a situation in life, your "emotions, logic, and personalities will naturally, without any help from you, respond to what it sees and create a solution that it feels will give you the advantage over the situation, regardless if it's right or wrong!
A knowledge of scripture, with an untransformed mind, will produce "inconsistent ways." You may find yourself "trying to be obedient to God" while being empowered by logic. Since God is a God of faith, a possessor of the ability to "see beyond the logic and into the realms of the Impossible," an untransformed minded "believer" may create "frustrations within themselves" that they may feel is "the devil," but really it's the reality of an "untransformed mind." The person has yet to see that they've become "the devil, or enemy, to their own selves!"
The Word of God reveals the Mind of God. In order to powerfully choose His Mind "we must first see that His Mind is superior and more valuable than what we presently possess." What we naturally value the most "will naturally gain our allegiance." His Mind must become "great" to us and not because He said it was great. You must see "the way that He sees" for yourself.
When "you" see it, and value it, you will become it. And when you become it, no one will have the power to offend you, distract you, or divert you. Believe me, I'm not trying to "motivate you." I'm trying to get you to "see what's in you already." But there needs to be a change of one's core-thought.
Your desire to live Life from how God created you "will naturally determine the success and effectiveness of you in your own life." Your desire to "be" what the Lord naturally created you to "be," must be the master that detours all of the distractions of life. It must be the master that eradicates the intimate connections between those things that now serve as "the influences that make transformation uncomfortable and inconsistent." YOU must be the one that now becomes intimate with your sonship and responsibility in the Kingdom. Because whatever you are intimate with "will naturally create influence."
When the influence of the certain "is greater" than the Intentions of God, the "certain" will always win out, even if the intellectual mind does not want it to. This is why it's impossible to merely change the way you think "without also divorcing the influences that create the ways that are birthed from what you think!" Your thinking is in partnership with various influences that determine the ways that are released from you.
A transformed mind "will also transform partnerships," which in turn, will naturally produce "transformed ways!"
Selasa, 16 September 2008
Accepting My Design
by Os Hillman
"Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?" (Rom 9:21).
My wife and I like to go to movies. She often comments about the lips of beautiful actresses: "Check those lips out! Boy, God sure short-changed me in the lip category," she laments. She has always felt her lips were too thin. Her girlfriends find her concern humorous and often kid her about it.
Have you ever wished that God made you differently? Perhaps you wished you were more athletic or could have a totally different career. Or perhaps you wished you were prettier or taller or even have a different nose.
God made every person differently and for different purposes. Not everyone is made to be in the public eye. Some are made to serve behind the scenes. It is important to know and be at peace with how and why God made you.
Paul tells us in Romans that we are all crafted out of the same clay. There is no one molded and shaped like you, No one has the exact personality as you. Your DNA is one of a kind.
God uses the common to produce the uncommon. No matter how inferior you may feel you are in a particular area, God desires to use you for His purposes. Your unique qualities are made to fit with the way He plans to use you for His purposes. This is why we must accept our uniqueness. We want His power to be manifested in our uniqueness.
Thank God today for the way He made you.
Kamis, 11 September 2008
A few months ago I began to hear something in my spirit; something rather startling and yet exciting! This is what I heard:
"God specializes in taking ugly, dark, stinky things and transforming them into beautiful, bright, fragrant things for His glory and for our good."
As I thought about it, I became convinced that it was a word from the Lord to me, but also a word that God wanted me to share with others. From that time I have believed that word and have said it often to myself and to others. Then the other day on one of my prayer walks I asked the Lord to give me scriptural grounds for such a statement. He gave me three:
"And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." NLT
Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and the Lord used their selfish, stinking, murderous act as a means of their own salvation, for it was Joseph who was used of God to provide food for them years later when they and their families were starving.
The most heinous, dark, ugly, stinky thing mankind ever did was when we nailed the Son of God to that cross and watched him die. But God turned that foul deed into the means for the salvation of the world.
The story is told of a survivor of a shipwreck who was washed up on a small, uninhabited Island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but all in vain.
He eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his meager possessions.
But then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames. The worst had happened; everything was lost. He was stunned with grief and anger.
"God, how could you do this to me?" he cried. He went to sleep that night in a state of deep grief and discouragement. Early the next day he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching the island. As the boat from the ship touched onto the shore he ran into the surf shouting, "How did you know I was here?"
"We saw your smoke signal,"
That which now seems to be nothing but total tragedy may be the instrument in the hands of God to bring you into total victory.
Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister during World War II, was invited to do the commencement speech at Yale University right after the war. He walked to the podium and stood looking at the vast audience for a long moment, then began his speech. The graduates and their invited guests sat waiting to savor every word of the great orator as he began to speak. Churchill boomed out the words:
(long pause)
(another long pause)
He stood there in silence for a long time looking out over the audience, then turned and walked back to his seat on the platform and sat down. It was the shortest commencement address in the history of the University . . . but it might be the only one that will never be forgotten.
Robert & Joni Fitts
Where it all Starts
All fruitfulness flows out of intimacy. Out of the womb of prayer, praise and worship all things in the kingdom of God are conceived, nurtured, and brought to birth to the glory of God and for the good of mankind.
A Declaration of Unity
I belong to everything that belongs to Jesus and everything that belongs to Jesus belongs to me! It's not us and them. It's just us! There's only one Body of Christ, and the problems of the church, the whole church, are our problems, for we are the church and we can do more united than we can do divided! So let's unify, simplify, and multiply!
Divine Appointment Prayer
Father, give me a divine appointment today with someone who is hungry for God, or sick, or in need, and give me grace to minister the love of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
A Prayer for More Workers and More Miracles
Father, send more laborers into this harvest and grant us boldness to speak your word, by stretching forth your hand to heal and that signs and wonders be done in the name of Jesus.
Winning the War on Terrorism Through Prayer
"Father, give every terrorist in the world an encounter with Jesus like Saul of Tarsus had on the road to Damascus."
The law demands, demands, demands, but gives me neither feet nor hands.
Now Grace and Truth are better things, they bid me fly and give me wings!
Minggu, 07 September 2008
Tidak terasa sudah setahun kami berada di kota Bandung. Terkadang aku merasa sedih sebab merasa belum melakukan pelayanan secara optimal karena terkendala oleh faktor keuangan. Namun haruskah itu menjadi suatu alasan untuk tidak melayani Tuhan dengan segenap hati dan kekuatan? Ketika aku membandingkan pelayanan yang kini kukerjakan dengan apa yang selama ini kukerjakan selama di luar kota Bandung, rasanya sangat lambat apa yang kukerjakan disini. Apa yang Tuhan taruhkan dalam hati kami seolah sulit kami kerjakan, tiap kami share dengan organisasi gereja yang ada. Belum ada yang tertarik untuk mendukung kami sepenuhnya, bilamana ada pun mereka menghendaki tenagaku, “sebagai staf gereja” dan melupakan visi yang Tuhan taruhkan dalam hati kami. Haruskah kami menyerah karena masalah uang dan melupakan visi yang Tuhan beri?
Ada rekan-rekan yang mempertanyakan panggilan kami ke kota Bandung, banyak rekan yang menyarankan agar kukembali saja ke Surabaya dimana ada begitu banyak pintu pelayanan dan kesempatan yang dapat mengakomodasi visi tersebut. Kami pun pernah berpikiran begitu kalau boleh jujur. Mungkin kami salah mendengar suara Tuhan. Mungkin kami terlalu emosional. Tapi kota Bandung telah ada dalam hati kami sekeluarga.
Itulah pergumulan kami, kami sangat yakin akan panggilan Tuhan atas hidup kami atas kota Bandung namun mengapa perintisan kami berjalan begitu lambat? Adakah yang salah dengan kami? Apakah kami kurang doa? Apakah kami terlalu eksklusif? Beribu pertanyaan menghujam pikiran kami.
Saat asa mulai hilang dan lemah kekuatan kami, saat itulah Tuhan mulai berbicara pada kami. Saat kami ikut beribadah di GKA Bandung City Blessing, Tuhan berbicara padaku secara spesifik,”Dave, I call you as an internet minister.”
Lalu Tuhan mengingatkanku akan pelajaran yang kudapatkan di Surabaya dua tahun lalu dari Steve Knight yang memiliki pelayanan Cyber ministry, ia seorang pelayan Tuhan yang tergabung dalam pelayanan Billy Graham. Ada banyak pelayanan Kristen melalui media ini namun “really” do something to do outreach (sungguh-sungguh mengadakan penjangkauan) dapat dikatakan jarang atau hanya dilakukan sporadis.
Pada bulan Desember tahun lalu, Christo dari Gereja Oikos Surabaya, memperkenalkanku pada cara penggunaan blog. Sejak saat itu, aku mulai menulis artikel-artikel kembali. Seiring dorongan untuk menulis dari dua temanku Fanny Lesmana (editor Renungan Wanita dll) dan Juanda (editor Tabloid Keluarga) dan dua “bapa rohani”ku, Pr Christopher K dan Ko Sam (Samuel Saputra). Hingga akhirnya aku mulai membuat beberapa blog, mengaktifkan milist yang sudah beberapa tahun lalu aku buat, aktif menulis di beberapa website teman-teman (Pustaka Lewi, Terang Dunia, Sahabat Surgawi, dll) dan melakukan outreach melalui website persahabatan seperti Friendster, Hi5, Tagged, Christian Vibes, dll dan juga menggunakan program chatting untuk membina hubungan, konseling maupun doa. Kendala keuangan untuk start pelayanan pun teratasi. Pelayanan jenis ini tidak memakan biaya sebesar kita merintis persekutuan atau gereja dengan beragam fasilitas yang dibutuhkan.
Tuhan berbicara saat kami menyembah Dia dan semuanya menjadi jelas. Aku kini sadar bahwa Tuhan ingin aku tidak “old fashion”, dan memikirkan pola pelayanan yang itu-itu saja dan mengandalkan pengalaman pelayanan selama 17 tahun terakhir ini. Aku bertobat dan belajar peka, siap untuk taat dan ditertawakan orang sebab lagi-lagi “Dave” punya pelayanan yang aneh dan berbeda.
Waktu kupindah terpikir dalam benakku untuk merintis persekutuan atau gereja bagi anak-anak geng dan subkultur lainnya seperti punk dan sejenisnya namun ternyata first step dari Tuhan berbeda dengan ide baikku. God’s idea is not always same as my good idea (Ide Tuhan tidaklah selalu sama dengan ide baik saya).
Namun buah ketaatan itu indah, melalui pelayanan dunia maya, kita bisa menjangkau seluruh dunia dalam hitungan menit. Ada banyak orang tersentuh melalui tulisan-tulisan dan kesaksian kami, ada banyak orang yang meminta konseling dan dukungan doa, ada yang minta dimuridkan, namun tentu ada juga yang tidak suka dan marah. Semua itu indah, meski banyak orang mempertanyakan pelayanan jenis baru ini. Seperti salah satu mentor saya, Inban, ajarkan,” Sebagai pemimpin kau tidak bisa menyenangkan semua orang.” Saya menyadari pasti ada pro dan kontra, terlebih bila kita dipanggil untuk melayani kaum terbuang atau marginal dengan cara yang tidak umum pula.
Tuhan mengajarkan pada saya bahwa kini adalah saatnya bagi setiap kita membuka diri terhadap Tuhan dan mulai berpikir “out of the box” (di luar kotak).
Apakah anda tertarik juga untuk menjadi seorang internet minister? Ingat ada begitu banyak orang yang on-line setiap hari. Ada banyak kesempatan bagi anda untuk menjadi saksi Kristus bagi mereka. May God bless us all.
Selasa, 02 September 2008
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