Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

10 Questions to Test Whether You Are a True Christian

10 Questions to Test Whether You Are a True Christian

Are You Really a Christian-
“Bear with me if I say things which at first sight look harsh and severe. Believe me—he is your best friend, who tells you the most truth.”
Editor’s Note: J.C. Ryle first wrote these words to his English congregation in 1878. His important message is as powerful today as when he first wrote it.
“Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord and see how they do.” (Acts 15:36).
The text which heads this page contains a proposal which the Apostle Paul made to Barnabas after their first missionary journey. He proposed to revisit the churches they had been the means of founding, and to see how the were getting on. Were their members continuing steadfast in the faith? Were they growing in grace? Were they going forward—or standing still? Were they prospering, or falling away? “Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord—and see how they do.”
This was a wise and useful proposal. Let us lay it to heart, and apply it to ourselves in the 19th century. Let us search our ways, and find out how matters stand between ourselves and God. Let us “see how we do.” I ask every reader of this volume to begin its perusal by joining me in self-inquiry. If ever self-inquiry about religion was needed—it is needed at the present day.
We live in an age of particular spiritual danger. Never perhaps since the world began, was there such an immense amount of mere outward profession of religion as there is in the present day. A painfully large proportion of all the congregations in the land consists of unconverted people, who know nothing of heart-religion, never come to the Lord’s Table and never confess Christ in their daily lives. Myriads of those who are always running after preachers, and crowding to hear special sermons—are nothing better than empty tubs, and tinkling cymbals—without a bit of real vital Christianity at home. The parable of the sower is continually receiving most vivid and painful illustrations. The way-side hearers, the stony-ground hearers, the thorny-ground hearers—abound on every side!
The life of many religious people, I fear, in this age, is nothing better than a continual course of chasing after novelties. They are always morbidly craving fresh excitement; and they seem to care little what it is—if they only get it. All preaching seems to be the same to them; and they appear unable to “see differences” so long as they hear what is clever, have their ears tickled and sit in a crowd. Worst of all, there are hundreds of young unestablished believers who are so infected with the same love of excitement, that they actually think it a duty to be always seeking it. Insensibly almost to themselves, they take up a kind of hysterical, sensational, sentimental Christianity—until they are never content with the “old paths;” and, like the Athenians, are always running after something new!
To see a calm-minded young believer, who is not stuck up, self-confident, self-conceited, and more ready to teach than learn—but content with a daily steady effort to grow up into Christ’s likeness, and to do Christ’s work quietly and unostentatiously, at home—is really becoming almost a rarity! Too many young professors, alas, behave like young recruits who have not spent all their bounty money. They show how little deep root they have, and how little knowledge of their hearts—by noise, forwardness, readiness to contradict and set down old Christians, and over-weaning trust in their own imagined soundness and wisdom! Well will it be for many young professors of this age if they do not end, after being tossed about for a while, and “carried to and fro by every wind of doctrine,” by joining some petty, narrow-minded, censorious sect, or embracing some senseless, unreasoning crotchety heresy. Surely, in times like these there is great need for self-examination. When we look around us, we may well ask, “How do we do about our souls?”
In handling this question, I think the shortest plan will be to suggest a list of subjects for self-inquiry—and to get them in order. By so doing I shall hope to meet the case of every one into whose hands this volume may fall. I invite every reader of this paper to join me in calm, searching self-examination, for a few short minutes. I desire to speak to myself as well as to you. I approach you not as an enemy—but as a friend. “My heart’s desire and prayer to God is that you may be saved” (Romans 10:1). Bear with me if I say things which at first sight look harsh and severe. Believe me—he is your best friend, who tells you the most truth.

1. Do we ever think about our souls at all?

Thousands of people, I fear, cannot answer that question satisfactorily. They never give the subject of religion any place in their thoughts. From the beginning of the year to the end—they are absorbed in the pursuit of business, pleasure, politics, money, or self-indulgence of some kind or another. Death, and judgment, and eternity, and Heaven, and Hell, and the world to come—are never calmly looked at and considered. They live on as if they were never going to die, or rise again, or stand at the bar of God, or receive an eternal sentence! They do not openly oppose religion, for they have not sufficient reflection about it to do so; but they eat and drink, and sleep, and get money, and spend money—as if religion was a mere fiction, and not a reality. They are neither Romanists, nor Socinians, nor infidels, nor High Church, nor Low Church, nor Broad Church. They are just nothing at all, and do not take the trouble to have opinions.
A more senseless and unreasonable way of living cannot be conceived; but they do not pretend to reason about it. They simply never think about God—unless frightened for a few minutes by sickness, death in their families, or an accident. Barring such interruptions, they appear to ignore religion altogether, and hold on to their way cool and undisturbed, as if there were nothing worth thinking of, except this poor world.
It is hard to imagine a life more unworthy of an immortal creature, than such a life as I have just described, for it reduces a man to the level of a beast! But it is literally and truly the life of multitudes in England; and as they pass away—their place is taken by multitudes like them. The picture, no doubt, is horrible, distressing, and revolting—but, unhappily, it is only too true. In every large town, in every market, on every stock-exchange, in every club—you may see specimens of this class by the scores—men who think of everything under the sun, except the one thing needful—the salvation of their souls. Like the Jews of old they do not “consider their ways,” they do not “consider their latter end;” they do not “consider that they do evil” (Isaiah 1:3; Haggai 1:7; Deuteronomy 32:29; Ecclesiastes 5:1). Like Gallio they “care for none of these things” (Acts 18:17).
If they prosper in the world, and get rich, and succeed in their line of life—they are praised, and admired by their contemporaries. Nothing succeeds in England like success! But for all this, they cannot live forever. They will have to die and appear before the bar of God, and be judged; and then what will the end be? When a large class of this kind exists in our country—no reader need wonder that I ask whether he belongs to it. If you do, you ought to have a mark set on your door, as there used to be a mark on a plague-stricken house two centuries ago, with the words, “Lord have mercy on us,” written on it. Look at the class I have been describing, and then look at your own soul.

2. Do we ever do anything about our souls?

There are multitudes in England who think occasionally about religion—but unhappily never get beyond thinking. After a stirring sermon—or after a funeral—or under the pressure of illness—or on Sunday evening—or when things are going on badly in their families—or when they meet some bright example of a Christian—or when they fall in with some striking religious book or tract—they will at the time, think a good deal, and even talk a little about religion in a vague way. But they stop short, as if thinking and talking were enough to save them. They are always meaning, and intending, and purposing, and resolving, and wishing, and telling us that they “know” what is right, and “hope” to be found right in the end—but they never attain to any action. There is no actual separation from the service of the world and sin—no real taking up the cross and following Christ—no positive doing in their Christianity. Their life is spent in playing the part of the son in our Lord’s parable, to whom the father said, “‘Go and work today in the vineyard:’ and he answered, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go” (Matthew 21:30).
They are like those whom Ezekiel describes, who liked his preaching—but never practiced what he preached: “They come unto you as the people comes, and they sit before you as my people, and they hear your words—but they will not do them…And lo, you are unto them as a very lovely song of one that has a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear your words—but they do them not.” (Ezekiel 33:31-32). In a day like this, when hearing and thinking without doing, is so common—no one can justly wonder that I press upon men the absolute need of self-examination. Once more, then, I ask my readers to consider the question of my text—”How do we do about our souls?”

3. Are we trying to satisfy our consciences with mere “formal” religion?

There are myriads in England at this moment who are making shipwreck on this rock. Like the Pharisees of old, they make much ado about the outward part of Christianity, while the inward and spiritual part is totally neglected. They are careful to attend all the services of their place of worship, and regular in using all its forms and ordinances. They are never absent from Communion when the Lord’s Supper is administered. Sometimes they are most strict in observing Lent, and attach great importance to Saints’ days. They are often keen partisans of their own Church, or sect, or congregation, and ready to contend with anyone who does not agree with them.
Yet all this time there is no heart in their religion. Anyone who knows them intimately can see with half an eye—that their affections are set on things below, and not on things above; and that they are trying to make up for the lack of inward Christianity—by an excessive quantity of outward form. And this formal religion does them no real good. They are not satisfied. Beginning at the wrong end, by making the outward things first—they know nothing of inward joy and peace, and pass their days in a constant struggle, secretly conscious that there is something wrong, and yet not knowing why. Well, after all, if they do not go on from one stage of formality to another, until in despair they take a fatal plunge, and fall into Popery!
When professing Christians of this kind are so painfully numerous, no one need wonder if I press upon him the paramount importance of close self-examination. If you love life, do not be content with the husk, and shell, and scaffolding of religion. Remember our Savior’s words about the Jewish formalists of His day: “These people draws near with their mouth, and honors Me with their lips — but their heart is far from Me. In vain do they worship.” (Matthew 15:8-9). It needs something more than going diligently to church, and receiving the Lord’s Supper—to take our souls to Heaven. Means of grace, and forms of religion, are useful in their way—and God seldom does anything for His church without them. But let us beware of making shipwreck on the very lighthouse which helps to show the channel into the harbor! Once more I ask, “How do we do about our souls?”

4. Have we received the forgiveness of our sins?

Few reasonable Englishmen would think of denying that they are sinners. Many perhaps would say that they are not as bad as others, and that they have not been so very wicked, and so forth. But few, I repeat, would pretend to say that they had always lived like angels, and never done, or said, or thought a wrong thing all their days. In short, all of us must confess that we are more or less “sinners,” and, as sinners, are guilty before God; and, as guilty, we must be forgiven—or be lost and condemned forever at the last day. Now it is the glory of the Christian religion that it provides for us the very forgiveness that we need—full, free, perfect, eternal, and complete. It is a leading article in that well-known creed, which most Englishmen learn when they are children. They are taught to say, “I believe in the forgiveness of sins.” This forgiveness of sins has been purchased for us by the eternal Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ. He has purchased it for us by coming into the world to be our Savior, and by living, dying, and rising again, as our Substitute, in our behalf. He has bought it for us at the price of His own most precious blood, by suffering in our place on the cross, and making satisfaction for our sins.
But this forgiveness, as great, and full, and glorious as it is — does not become the property of every man and woman as a matter of course. It is not a privilege which every member of a Church possesses, merely because he is a Churchman. It is a thing which each individual must receive for himself by his own personal faith, lay hold on by faith, appropriate by faith, and make his own by faith; or else, so far as he is concerned, Christ will have died in vain. “He who believes on the Son has everlasting life, and he who believes not the Son shall not see life — but the wrath of God abides on him” (John 3:36). No terms can be imagined more simple, and more suitable to man. As good old Latimer said in speaking of the matter of justification, “It is but believe — and have.” It is only faith that is required; and faith is nothing more than the humble, heartfelt trust of the soul which desires to be saved. Jesus is able and willing to save; but man must come to Jesus and believe. All that believe are at once justified and forgiven: but without believing there is no forgiveness at all.
Now here is exactly the point, I am afraid, where multitudes of English people fail, and are in imminent danger of being lost forever. They know that there is no forgiveness of sin excepting in Christ Jesus. They can tell you that there is no Savior for sinners, no Redeemer, no Mediator, excepting Him who was born of the Virgin Mary, and was crucified under Pontius Pilate, dead, and buried. But here they stop, and get no further! They never come to the point of actually laying hold of Christ by faith, and becoming one with Christ and Christ in them. They can say, He is a Savior — but not my Savior; a Redeemer — but not my Redeemer; a Priest — but not my Priest; an Advocate — but not my Advocate. So they live and die unforgiven! No wonder that Martin Luther said, “Many are lost because they cannot use possessive pronouns.”
When this is the state of many in this day, no one need wonder that I ask men whether they have received the forgiveness of sins. An eminent Christian lady once said, in her old age, “The beginning of eternal life in my soul, was a conversation I had with an old gentleman who came to visit my father when I was only a little girl. He took me by the hand one day and said, ‘My dear child, my life is nearly over, and you will probably live many years after I am gone. But never forget two things. One is, that there is such a thing as having our sins forgiven while we live. The other is, that there is such a thing as knowing and feeling that we are forgiven.’ I thank God I have never forgotten his words.”
How is it with us? Let us not rest until we “know and feel”, as the Prayer Book says, that we are forgiven. Once more let us ask, in the matter of forgiveness of sins, “How do we do?”

5. Do we know anything by experience of conversion to God?

Without conversion there is no salvation. “Except you be converted, and become as little children, you shall never enter the kingdom of Heaven.” “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” “If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His.” “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.” (Matthew 18:3, John 3:3, Romans 8:9, 2 Corinthians 5:17)
We are all by nature so weak, so worldly, so earthly-minded, so inclined to sin that without a thorough change, we cannot serve God in life and could not enjoy Him after death. Just as ducks, as soon as they are hatched, take naturally to water, so do children, as soon as they can do anything, take to selfishness, lying, and deceit; and none pray or love God, unless they are taught. High or low, rich or poor, gentle or simple, we all need a complete change—a change which is the special office of the Holy Spirit to give us. Call it what you please—new birth, regeneration, renewal, new creation, quickening, repentance—the thing must be had if we are to be saved; and if we have the thing, it will be seen.
1. Sense of sin and deep hatred of it
2. Faith in Christ and love to Him
3. Delight in holiness and longing after more of it
4. Love for God’s people
5. Distaste for the things of the world
These, these are the signs and evidences which always accompany conversion. Myriads around us, it may be feared, know nothing about it. They are, in Scripture language, dead, and asleep, and blind, and unfit for the kingdom of God. Year after year, perhaps, they go on repeating the words of the creed, “I believe in the Holy Spirit;” but they are utterly ignorant of His changing operations on the inward man. Sometimes they flatter themselves they are born again, because they have been baptized, and go to church, and receive the Lord’s Supper; while they are totally destitute of the marks of the new birth, as described by John in his first Epistle. And all this time the words of Scripture are clear and plain — “Except you be converted, you shall in no case enter the kingdom.” (Matthew 18:3).
In times like these, no reader ought to wonder that I press the subject of conversion on men’s souls. No doubt there are plenty of sham conversions in such a day of religious excitement as this. But bad coin is no proof that there is no good money: no, rather it is a sign that there is some money current which is valuable, and is worth imitation. Hypocrites and sham Christians are indirect evidence that there is such a thing as real grace among men. Let us search our own hearts then, and see how it is with ourselves. Once more let us ask, in the matter of conversion, “How do we do?”

6. Do we know anything of practical Christian holiness?

It is as certain as anything in the Bible, that “without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). It is equally certain that holiness is . . . .
1. The invariable fruit of saving faith
2. The real test of regeneration
3. The only sound evidence of indwelling grace
4. The certain consequence of vital union with Christ
Holiness is not absolute perfection and freedom from all faults. Nothing of the kind! The wild words of some who talk of enjoying “unbroken communion with God for many months,” are greatly to be deprecated, because they raise unscriptural expectations in the minds of young believers, and so do harm. Absolute perfection is for Heaven, and not for earth, where we have a weak body, a wicked world, and a busy devil continually near our souls. Nor is real Christian holiness ever attained, or maintained without a constant fight and struggle. The great Apostle, who said “I fight; I labor; I keep under my body and bring it into subjection” (1 Corinthians 9:27), would have been amazed to hear of sanctification without personal exertion, and to be told that believers only need to sit still, and everything will be done for them!
Yet, as weak and imperfect as the holiness of the best saints may be, it is a real true thing, and has a character about it as unmistakable as light and salt. It is not a thing which begins and ends with noisy profession; it will be seen much more than heard. Genuine Scriptural holiness will make a man do his duty at home and by the fireside, and adorn his doctrine in the little trials of daily life. It will exhibit itself in passive graces—as well as in active. It will make a man humble, kind, gentle, unselfish, good-tempered, considerate of others, loving, meek, and forgiving. It will not constrain him to go out of the world, and shut himself up in a cave, like a hermit. But it will make him do his duty in that state to which God has called him, on Christian principles, and after the pattern of Christ.
Such holiness, I know well, is not common. It is a style of practical Christianity which is painfully rare in these days. But I can find no other standard of holiness in the Word of God—no other which comes up to the pictures drawn by our Lord and His Apostles. In an age like this, no reader can wonder if I press this subject also on men’s attention. Once more let us ask: In the matter of holiness, how is it with our souls? “How do we do?”

7. Do we know anything of enjoying the means of grace?

When I speak of the means of grace, I have in my mind’s eye five principal things:
1. Reading of the Bible
2. Private prayer
3. Public worship
4. The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
5. The rest of the Lord’s day
They are means which God has graciously appointed in order to convey grace to man’s heart by the Holy Spirit, or to keep up the spiritual life after it has begun. As long as the world stands, the state of a man’s soul will always depend greatly on the manner and spirit in which he uses means of grace. The manner and spirit, I say deliberately and of purpose. Many English people use the means of grace regularly and formally, but know nothing of enjoying them. They attend to them as a matter of duty—but without a jot of feeling, interest, or affection. Yet even common sense might tell us that this formal, mechanical use of holy things is utterly worthless and unprofitable. Our feeling about them is just one of the many tests of the state of our souls.
How can that man be thought to love God—who reads about Him and His Christ as a mere matter of duty, content and satisfied if he has just moved his bookmark onward over so many chapters? How can that man suppose he is ready to meet Christ who never takes any trouble to pour out his heart to Him in private as a Friend, and is satisfied with saying over a string of words every morning and evening, under the name of “prayer”, scarcely thinking what he is about? How could that man be happy in Heaven forever, who finds Sunday a dull, gloomy, tiresome day, who knows nothing of hearty prayer and praise, and cares nothing whether he hears truth or error from the pulpit, or scarcely listens to the sermon? What can be the spiritual condition of that man whose heart never “burns within him,” when he receives that bread and wine which specially remind us of Christ’s death on the cross, and the atonement for sin?
These inquiries are very serious and important. If means of grace had no other use, and were not mighty helps toward Heaven, they would be useful in supplying a test of our real state in the sight of God. Tell me what a man does in the matter of Bible reading and praying, in the matter of public worship and the Lord’s Supper, and I will soon tell you what he is, and on which road he is traveling. How is it with ourselves? Once more let us ask: In the matter of means of grace, “How do we do?”

8. Do we ever try to do any good in the world?

Our Lord Jesus Christ was continually “going around doing good,” while He was on earth (Acts 10:38). The Apostles, and all the disciples in Bible times, were always striving to walk in His steps. A Christian who was content to go to Heaven himself and cared not what became of others, whether they lived happy and died in peace or not, would have been regarded as a kind of monster in primitive times, who did not have the Spirit of Christ. Why should we suppose for a moment that a lower standard will suffice in the present day? Why should fig trees which bear no fruit be spared in the present day, when in our Lord’s time they were to be cut down as “cumberers of the ground”? (Luke 13:7). These are serious inquiries, and demand serious answers.
There is a generation of professing Christians now-a-days, who seem to know nothing of caring for their neighbors, and are completely swallowed up in the concerns of number one—that is, their own and their family’s. They eat, and drink, and sleep, and dress, and work, and earn money, and spend money, year after year. Whether others are happy or miserable, well or ill, converted or unconverted, traveling towards Heaven or toward Hell; these appear to be questions about which they are totally indifferent. Can this be right? Can it be reconciled with the religion of Him who spoke the parable of the good Samaritan, and bade us “go and do likewise”? (Luke 10:37). I doubt it altogether.
There is much to be done everywhere. There is not a place in England where there is not a field for work and an open door for being useful—if anyone is willing to enter it. There is not a Christian in England who cannot find some good work to do for others, if he has only a heart to do it. The poorest man or woman, without a single penny to give, can always show his deep sympathy to the sick and sorrowful, and by simple good-nature and tender helpfulness, can lessen the misery and increase the comfort of somebody in this troubled world. But alas, the vast majority of professing Christians, whether rich or poor, Churchmen or Dissenters, seem possessed with a devil of detestable selfishness, and do not know the luxury of doing good. They can argue by the hour about baptism, and the Lord’s supper, and the forms of worship, and the union of Church and State, and such-like dry-bone questions. But all this time they seem to care nothing for their neighbors. The plain practical point, whether they love their neighbor, as the Samaritan loved the unfortunate traveler in the parable, and can spare any time and trouble to do him good, is a point they never touch with one of their fingers.
In too many English parishes, both in town and country, true love seems almost dead, both in church and chapel — and wretched party-spirit and controversy are the only fruits that Christianity appears able to produce. In a day like this, no reader should wonder if I press this plain old subject on his conscience. Do we know anything of genuine Samaritan love to others? Do we ever try to do any good to any one besides our own friends and relatives, and our and our own party or cause? Are we living like disciples of Him who always “went about doing good,” and commanded His disciples to take Him for their “example”? (John 13:15). If not, with what face shall we meet Him in the judgment day? In this matter also, how is it with our souls? Once more I ask, “How do we do?”

9. Do we know anything of living the life of habitual communion with Christ?

By “communion,” I mean that habit of “abiding in Christ” which our Lord speaks of, in the fifteenth chapter of John’s Gospel, as essential to Christian fruitfulness (John 15:4-8). Let it be distinctly understood that union with Christ is one thing—and communion is another thing. There can be no communion with the Lord Jesus without union first; but unhappily there may be union with the Lord Jesus, and afterwards little or no communion at all. The difference between the two things is not the difference between two distinct steps—but the higher and lower ends of an inclined plane.
Union is the common privilege of all who feel their sins, and truly repent, and come to Christ by faith, and are accepted, forgiven, and justified in Him. Too many believers, it may be feared, never get beyond this stage!
Partly from ignorance, partly from laziness, partly from the fear of man, partly from secret love of the world, partly from some unmortified besetting sin, they are content with a little faith, and a little hope, and a little peace, and a little measure of holiness. And they live on all their lives in this condition—doubting, weak, hesitant, and bearing fruit only “thirty-fold” to the very end of their days!
Communion with Christ is the privilege of those who are continually striving to grow in grace, and faith, and knowledge, and conformity to the mind of Christ in all things—who “forget what is behind,” and “do not consider themselves yet to have taken hold of it—but “press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)
Union is the bud—but communion is the flower.
Union is the baby—but communion is the strong man.
He who has union with Christ does well; but he who enjoys communion with Him does far better. Both have one life, one hope, one heavenly seed in their hearts—one Lord, one Savior, one Holy Spirit, one eternal home. But union is not as good as communion!
The grand secret of communion with Christ is to be continually “living the life of faith in Him,” and drawing out of Him every hour, the supply that every hour requires. To me, said Paul, “to live is Christ.” “I live: yet not I—but Christ lives in me!” (Galatians 2:20; Philippians 1:21). Communion like this is the secret of the abiding “joy and peace in believing,” which eminent saints like Bradford and Rutherford notoriously possessed. None were ever more humble, or more deeply convinced of their own infirmities and corruption. They would have told you that the seventh chapter of Romans precisely described their own experience. They would have said continually, “The remembrance of our sins is grievous to us; the burden of them is intolerable.”
But they were ever looking unto Jesus, and in Him they were ever able to rejoice. Communion like this is the secret of the splendid victories which such men as these won over sin, the world, and the fear of death. They did not sit still idly, saying, “I leave it all to Christ to do for me,” but, strong in the Lord, they used the Divine nature He had implanted in them, boldly and confidently, and were “more than conquerors through Him who loved them.” (Romans 8:37). Like Paul, they would have said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13).
Ignorance of this life of communion is one among many reasons why so many in this age are hankering after the Confessional, and strange views of the “real presence” in the Lord’s Supper. Such errors often spring from imperfect knowledge of Christ, and obscure views of the life of faith in a risen, living, and interceding Savior. Is communion with Christ like this a common thing? Alas! It is very rare indeed! The greater part of believers seem content with the barest elementary knowledge of justification by faith, and half-a-dozen other doctrines—and go doubting, limping, halting, groaning along the way to Heaven, and experience little of the sense of victory or of joy.
The Churches of these latter days are full of weak, powerless, and uninfluential believers, saved at last, “but so as by fire,” but never shaking the world, and knowing nothing of an “abundant entrance.” (1 Corinthians 3:15; 2 Peter 1:11). Despondency and Feeble-mind and Much-afraid, in “Pilgrim’s Progress,” reached the celestial city as really and truly as Valiant-for-the-truth and Great-heart. But they certainly did not reach it with the same comfort, and did not do a tenth part of the same good in the world! I fear there are many like them in these days! When things are so in the Churches, no reader can wonder that I inquire how it is with our souls. Once more I ask: In the matter of communion with Christ, “How do we do?

10. Do we know anything of being ready for Christ’s second coming?

That He will come again the second time, is as certain as anything in the Bible. The world has not yet seen the last of Him. As surely as He went up visibly and in the body on the Mount of Olives before the eyes of His disciples, so surely will he come again in the clouds of Heaven, with power and great glory (Acts 1:11). He will come to raise the dead, to change the living, to reward His saints, to punish the wicked, to renew the earth, and take the curse away, to purify the world and to set up a kingdom where sin shall have no place and holiness shall be the universal rule.
The early Christians made it a part of their religion to look for His return. Backward they looked to the cross and the atonement for sin, and rejoiced in Christ crucified. Upward they looked to Christ at the right hand of God, and rejoiced in Christ interceding. Forward they looked to the promised return of their Master, and rejoiced in the thought that they would see Him again.
And we ought to do the same. What have we really received from Christ? And what do we know of Him? And what do we think of Him? Are we living as if we long to see Him again, and love His appearing? Readiness for that appearing is nothing more than being a real, consistent Christian. It requires no man to cease from his daily business. The farmer need not give up his farm, nor the shopkeeper his counter, nor the doctor his patients, nor the carpenter his hammer and nails, nor the bricklayer his mortar and trowel, nor the blacksmith his smithy. Each and all can do no better than be found doing his duty—but doing it as a Christian, and with a heart packed up and ready to be gone. In the face of truth like this, no reader can feel surprised if I ask, How is it with our souls in the matter of Christ’s second coming?
The world is growing old and running to seed. The vast majority of Christians seem like the men in the time of Noah and Lot, who were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, planting and building, up to the very day when flood and fire came. Those words of our Master are very solemn and heart-searching, “Remember Lot’s wife.” “Take heed lest at any time your heart be overcharged with the cares of this life, and that day come upon you unawares.” (Luke 17:32; 21:34). Once more I ask: In the matter of readiness for Christ’s second coming, how are we doing?
I end my inquiries here. I might easily add to them; but I trust I have said enough, at the beginning of this volume, to stir up self-inquiry and self-examination in many minds. God is my witness that I have said nothing that I do not feel of paramount importance to my own soul. I only want to do good to others.
Let me now conclude all with a few words of Practical Application.

A. Is any reader of this article asleep and utterly thoughtless about Christianity?

Oh, awake and sleep no more! Look at the churchyards and cemeteries. One by one the people around you are dropping into them, and you must lie there one day. Look forward to a world to come, and lay your hand on your heart, and say, if you dare, that you are ready to die and meet God. Ah! You are like one sleeping in a boat drifting down the stream towards the falls of Niagara! “What do you mean, oh sleeper! Arise and call on your God!” “Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light!” (Jonah 1:6; Ephesians 5:14).

B. Is any reader of this article feeling self-condemned, and afraid that there is no hope for his soul?

Cast aside your fears, and accept the offer of our Lord Jesus Christ to sinners. Hear Him saying, “Come unto me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). “If any man thirsts, let him come unto me and drink.” (John 7:37). Him that comes unto me I will never cast out.” (John 6:37).
Do not doubt that these words are for you as well as for anyone else. Bring all your sins, and unbelief, and sense of guilt, and unfitness, and doubts, and infirmities—bring all to Christ! “This man receives sinners,” and He will receive you (Luke 15:2). Do not stand still, wavering between two opinions, and waiting for a convenient season. On your feet! He’s calling you. Come to Christ this very day (Mark 10:49).

C. Is any reader of this article a professing believer in Christ but a believer without much joy and peace and comfort?

Take advice this day. Search your own heart, and see whether the fault is not entirely your own. Very likely you are sitting at ease, content with a little faith, and a little repentance, a little grace, and a little sanctification—and unconsciously shrinking back from extremes. You will never be a very happy Christian at this rate, if you live to the age of Methuselah. Change your plan, if you love life and would see good days, without delay. Come out boldly and act decidedly. Be thorough, thorough, very thorough in your Christianity, and set your face fully towards the sun. Lay aside every weight, and the sin that so easily besets you. Strive to get nearer to Christ, to abide in Him, to cleave to Him, and to sit at His feet like Mary, and drink full draughts out of the fountain of life. “These things,” says John, “we write unto you, that your joy may be full.” (1 John 1:4). “If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another.” (1 John 1:7).

D. Is any reader of this article a believer oppressed with doubts and fears, on account of his feebleness, infirmity and sense of sin?

Remember the text that says of Jesus, “A bruised reed will He not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench.” (Matthew 12:20). Take comfort in the thought that this text is for you. Why is your faith weak? It is better than no faith at all. The least grain of life is better than death. Perhaps you are expecting too much in this world. Earth is not Heaven. You are yet in the body. Expect little from self—but much from Christ. Look more to Jesus—and less to self.

E. Finally, is any reader of this article sometimes downcast by the trials he meets with on the way to heaven—bodily trials, family trials, trials of circumstances, trials from neighbors and trials from the world?

Look up to a sympathizing Savior at God’s right hand, and pour out your heart before Him. He can be touched with the feelings of your trials, for He Himself suffered when He was tempted. Are you alone? So was He. Are you misrepresented and slandered? So was He. Are you forsaken by friends? So was He. Are you persecuted? So was He. Are you wearied in body and grieved in spirit? So was He. Yes! He can feel for you, and He can help as well as feel. Then learn to draw nearer to Christ. The time is short. Yet in a little while, and all will be over; we shall soon be “with the Lord”. “There is an end, and your expectation shall not be cut off.” (Proverbs 23:18). “You have need of patience, that, after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and He who shall come will come and will not tarry.” (Hebrews 10:36-37).

What to Do When You Stop Liking Your Church

What to Do When You Stop Liking Your Church

We’ll make it simple: Grow up.
It's amazing how heated the preference battles in the church get. Everybody wants church to do things their way. Either the church is too boring or too entertaining, to deep to reach non- believers or not deep enough to train disciples, too big or too small. No matter how you slice it, there are a lot of competing priorities in the church. These battling preferences drain the power of community.
Everyone has an opinion. We have preferences and styles we like. The problem comes when those opinions and preferences collide in community. What makes it even more difficult is that it’s rarely an issue of right or wrong. It’s just what we like. With all of our warring preferences, how can we truly create a community of believers?


Community is not just a suggestion: It’s a command for all Christians. We are expected to engage in the community of the church. When we have people from different walks of life, backgrounds, generations and cultures all meeting together in this diverse community of the church, it’s difficult to meet everyone’s personal preferences.
The only way community can truly exist is if those who are a part of it care more about what is best for the group, or the mission of that community, than they do about their own personal preferences. A cohesive group of people with personal agendas and uncompromising beliefs (in regards to their preferences) can never exist. Think of the word community as having two parts: "common" and "unity." Without something in common, without unity, there is no community. Diverse community cannot exist without a driving mission or selfless sacrifice.
Jesus makes our mission very clear: to make disciples of all nations. The only thing that prevents powerful Godly community from breaking down the barriers between culture, economic class, race and age is our own selfishness. Sometimes we are called on to make sacrifices for what we love. When we start selecting a church based solely on our preferences we are taking something that’s all about God and making it all about us. Any church that is about an individual agenda or meeting personal preferences is a church that isn’t about Jesus. The church exists for God’s glory, not our agendas.
The church is called to minister to the nations: to men and women of every tongue, tribe and generation. We don’t build churches for specific age groups. If we did, they wouldn’t be effective. Churches need diversity. The very thing that gives power to our community is often the thing that prevents us from engaging in it. When we have multiple generations of people with different viewpoints and preferences, there is no way to make everyone happy. Even if we could, that doesn’t mean that we should. So what do we do?


When parents have children, do the children go off to work so the parents can eat, sleep and get new clothes? No. The children don’t support their parents. They don’t provide for their parents. They don’t sacrifice for their parents. Parents make personal sacrifices for the sake of their children. That’s how life works. The mature sacrifice for the immature. The older sacrifices for the younger.
It’s no different in the church. The mature Christian does not demand that their style be adhered to, or that things go their way. The mature Christian willingly sacrifices their preferences for others. In their maturity they understand that it isn’t about them, it’s about Jesus. It is the responsibility of the mature to sacrifice their preferences for the good of the community.
For many, if the church plays contemporary music: It’s trying to entertain, perform, put on a show and thus, is not focused on genuine worship. What if that’s not the motivation? What if the reason the church does things they way they do is to engage less mature Christians or non-Christians so that they are drawn in to hear the Gospel and be transformed by it? What if the reason the church does things the way they do, is that they believe that is the best way to reach the community around them? What if they are right?
If loud music could bring someone in who didn’t know Jesus, and as a result they responded to the Gospel and fell in love with Jesus, wouldn’t it be worth it? The truth is: Worship style doesn’t matter. The Bible does not indicate how worship should be done. Nor does it prohibit certain styles of worship. It’s a preference issue. We can cross our arms and protest the “shallow entertainment focus of the church” or we can realize that God doesn’t care if there we are shredding on the guitar or singing acappella. His joy is in the worship. Not in the style we package it in. Certainly there are churches that care more about entertainment than they do about worship. We are often too quick to cast that judgment on them. Just because something is entertaining, doesn’t mean entertainment is the primary focus or goal.
It’s not just a worship issue. It’s a preference issue. When our preferences aren’t being met we are tempted to walk away. We should be grateful our parents didn’t take that approach with us. If we are truly mature our concern should not be forcing the church to do things our way, it should be supporting whatever way best advances the Gospel.

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Non-Christians or immature Christians are our mission. We are here to make disciples. That’s bigger than us and our personal agendas. We can hide behind theological idealism all we want, but at the end of the day, the question is: Are we willing to make personal sacrifices for the good of the community and the glory of God? If we aren’t, we have no place calling ourselves Christians. The whole point of our faith is that it’s not about us. Baby Christians should not be expected to make sacrifices for mature ones.
Sacrifice is not a popular idea. It is, however, a Christian one. We live in a world that’s all about us. We are surrounded by a culture of selfishness. We are a generation that struggles with entitlement. There is a natural desire in us to get our way, to be catered to, to focus on ourselves. Community doesn’t work that way. Community cannot exist without mature men and women who are willing to set aside their personal agendas and support the good of the community. The mature sacrifice for the good of the immature and for the good of others.
The question is, which one are you? Are you mature enough to serve and invest in a community that doesn’t do everything the way you think they should? Or do things have to go your way?


Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

How to Spot an Immature Pastor and What To Do About It

V3 2016 immature pastor
How to Spot an Immature Pastor” is the fourth in a series of five articles on recognizing immaturity in fivefold ministry and what to do about it. If you have no idea what fivefold ministry is, check out Alan Hirsch’s brief descriptions here, or JR Woodward’s video introduction here.
If you’ve ever planted a missional church, you know it isn’t exactly a walk in the park. You’ve got a vision for cultivating a certain kind of community, but because it doesn’t quite exist yet, you can’t point to anything concrete for people to experience.
Because of this, one of the major temptations in church planting is to try to “make things happen.” We grow impatient with the pace of the kingdom and begin to take shortcuts in development to get something off the ground.
One of the ways we do this is by releasing leaders into authority and responsibility too quickly. It feels like such a relief to find a competent, gifted, and willing person that it’s easy to overlook character issues and immaturity that may be present.
Putting people into positions of leadership before their character can bear it is a recipe for disaster, so we need a way to evaluate not just giftedness and competency, but also character and maturity.
This is the fourth article in a series on recognizing immaturity through the lens of fivefold gifting (sometimes called APEST – Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Shepherds, Teachers).
So far we’ve talked about immature apostlesprophets, and evangelistsNow we turn to the pastors (or “shepherds”).
How can we recognize an unhealthy pastor? And what should we do about it if we spot one in our church?

You Might Be a Pastor If…

Before we talk about immature pastors, let’s talk about pastors in general. How are they Christ’s gift to the church?
First of all, the terminology can be confusing because “pastor” is a word that we typically use to describe any leader in a church. But within the fivefold ministry framework, a leader in a church could be any of the five, not just a “pastor.”
So we’re using “pastor” as it’s used in Ephesians 4, as one of five gifts that Christ gives to his church for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry.
The word “pastor” simply means “shepherd,” which is a rich metaphor for how this gift operates in the church and what these people are like.
Pastors are those who are motivated to care for the spiritual well-being and growth of the church. JR Woodward calls them Soul Healers, people whose primary concern is “helping people to pursue wholeness and holiness.”
You need a lot of these people in your church! Here are some signs of pastors in general:
  • They really care deeply about people (apostles tend to care about “the big picture” and how the whole group is doing, but pastors notice and stop to care for individuals in the church).
  • The tend to create a safe environment for people to be real and find healing, moving them from their false selves toward authentic community.
  • “They create a sense of family and belonging, helping the congregation to love one another, encourage one another, exhort one another, get along with each other, comfort one another, as well as play with one another.”
  • They seem to have an innate ability to empathize with the pain of others, and people typically experience them as great listeners.
  • They tend to dislike conflict and pursue relational harmony.
  • They tend to focus on cultivating community within the church (in contrast to evangelists, who primarily think about those outside the church).
  • They have a lot of patience for other people’s brokenness and feel an impulse to help others.
  • They are very committed to protecting values and principles within a church or organization.
  • They easily perceive how organizational actions or initiatives will affect the people involved.

Signs of an Immature Pastor

But pastors need to grow from immaturity to maturity, just like all of us. Their greatest strength is also their greatest weakness.
Here are some signs of an immature pastor:
  • In their care for individual people, they lose track of the bigger picture of being on mission and create a false dichotomy between building community and living on mission.
  • They take up other people’s offenses, especially towards authority figures.
  • They are so focused on cultivating harmony within a group that the group never grows and ends up becoming a “holy huddle” of insiders.
  • They have trouble setting boundaries and can adopt a “savior complex” toward broken people, spending an inordinate amount of time obsessing about certain relationships.
  • Because they don’t like conflict, they are unwilling to bring any kind of challenge or truth to people who need it, for the sake of “relational harmony.”
  • They assume any new initiative that will potentially cause discomfort for people must be “bad” and will oppose it in a knee-jerk fashion.
  • Because they are so transformation oriented they can resist movement in the church because “we’re not ready.”
Does any of this remind you of anyone? Maybe you’ve got an immature pastor in your church plant. Maybe you notice these characteristics in yourself. Read on for what to do with the immature pastor in your life (even if it’s you!).

What To Do with an Immature Pastor

There’s a lot of movement and change in any church planting environment. Because of this, you need pastors in your church who can take the relational pulse of the community and cultivate harmony as you move.
If you notice an immature pastor in your midst, one of the temptations will be to simply use them as a “good cop” who can help comfort those who are struggling with change in your church plant. And because immature pastors tend to lack boundaries, they’ll spend a crazy amount of time and energy trying to please you and care for the hurting!
You might also experience pastors as people who “slow you down” (especially if you’re an apostle!), so it can be tempting to reject an immature pastor as someone who isn’t “on board,” but pastors are a tremendous gift to a church plant, and our job is not to “get stuff done,” it’s to bring the church to unity and maturity, “attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13).
So don’t use immature pastors, and please also don’t reject them. Instead, disciple them so they become mature!

How To Disciple an Immature Pastor

So how do we disciple an immature pastor? In some ways we disciple them like we disciple everyone else: we love them by offering them an abundance of grace and truth so they can grow into the character and competency of Jesus.
But discipleship looks different for a pastor than it does for a prophet or evangelist; the grace and truth they need take on a certain shape.
So what do grace and truth look like for pastors?

Grace for a Pastor

Here are a few notes on bringing grace to a pastor:
  • Listen to their insights about how people are doing and what the culture of your church feels like.
  • Give them opportunities to lead in environments where they’ll be able to bring wholeness to people’s lives over time.
  • Don’t ask them to move on from or multiply their group too quickly. Give them time to cultivate safe environments where people can share deeply with one another.
  • Ask them to tell stories of transformation in their groups during church gatherings.
  • Express that you value them for who they are, not what they can do. Relationships are foundational for them, and if they feel like a “function,” they’ll quickly become resentful.
  • Proclaim their identity in Christ to them often because they are prone to being attacked in the realm of their identity.
  • Back them up when they need to say “No” to people for the sake of good boundaries.

Truth for a Pastor

Here are a few notes on bringing truth to an immature pastor:
  • They are often highly self-critical, so recognize that you may not need to bring them nearly as much challenging truth as you think.
  • Pastors need to embrace boundaries, but it’s hard for them because they feel like they’re abandoning people. Help them understand how enmeshment works and how sometimes the best thing we can do for people is let them experience the consequences of their choices.
  • Encourage them to invest in people with the goal of spiritual reproduction, not just spiritual growth.
  • Encourage them to have an apprentice at all times, someone that is learning to pastor like they pastor, so they can pass along what they know how to do.
  • Help them embrace movement and mission, even if it means that not everyone will go with us. Help them see places in the Gospels when Jesus had to “leave people behind” for the sake of being on mission with his Father.
  • Pastors can tend to create their own “little church” within the larger church, which can be a good thing, but it can turn into a bad thing if pastors are allowed to simply do whatever they want in those groups. Insist on accountability for what is happening within groups.
A mature pastor is a wonderful gift for a church plant to have. But they don’t just fall into your lap magically. Church planters often have to disciple their team into maturity before they can lean on their team to disciple others into maturity.

Questions for Discussion

How about you? Have you had experiences with immature pastors? What have you learned about discipling pastors? If you are a pastor, what has been most helpful in your growth?

4 Ways Leaders Lead the Way

4 Ways Leaders Lead the Way

leaders lead
“What mountain is ahead of you and your team?”

Adventure. Risk. Sacrifice.

Life and leadership require all three … and yet so often we resist them.
We trade adventure for what is known.
We trade risk for what is safe.
We trade sacrifice for what is comfortable.
And we miss so much when we make these trades.
Two weeks ago my husband and I attempted to tackle Half Dome in Yosemite. It was hard. One of the most physically challenging adventures I’ve done so far.
I’ve never been afraid of hard things. In fact I’ve often found pride in my strength. But oftentimes the hard things I’ve attempted were things that I was pretty sure I could accomplish. Failure has been one of my greatest fears and honestly it’s kept me from enjoying the journey at times.
Attempting to summit Half Dome would not have been something I would have tried on my own for fear of defeat. My fierce independence has often kept me from leaning into the strength of others.
I believe that’s why we’re designed for community. I believe it’s why God gives us people to partner with us on the journey. The adventure isn’t quite so unknown when you have someone by your side. The risk isn’t as great when you have the safety of love and friendship. The sacrifice isn’t as uncomfortable when you have someone to share it with.
I’m grateful for this guy who pushes me in all three areas yet is always there to help me succeed.  My husband’s sense of adventure has led us to experiences I would have never attempted on my own. While the risk was great, he studied and prepared us well for the journey. He sacrificed his comfort and carried half of my gear in his pack to make my load lighter. He slowed down and adjusted to my pace and he encouraged me every step of the way.
Sounds like the recipe for a great leader, doesn’t it?
Leaders, our job is to lead people into God’s great adventure … and it will require risk and sacrifice. 

Four Ways Leaders Lead the Way

1. Prepare. Our job is to be a couple of steps ahead. We need to study the landscape, understand the potential challenges and prepare our teams for the journey.
2. Lighten the load. Look for ways to ease the burden for others.
3. Adjust your pace. Leaders tend to race ahead. We’re energized by the opportunity and we’re eager to get there. But slow down and set a pace that the rest of your team can keep up with.
4. Encourage. Be the chief encourager. Remind your team of the goal. Keep the vision consistently in front of them and gently guide them to success.
What mountain is ahead of you and your team? I hope you’ll tackle it today!

How Can God Fully Know Me and Still Fully Love Me?

How Can God Fully Know Me and Still Fully Love Me?

love God
Jesus’ power doesn’t stop where your sin starts.
I have frequently thought to myself that if God fully knows me, then there is no way that He could fully love me. My sin is too ugly, I’ve been too broken and I’ve wondered too far. The reality is, I couldn’t have been more wrong. The Bible tells me so. One of the many beautiful things about the Gospel is that we are both fully known by God and fully loved by God. That’s true beauty.
Psalm 139 beautifully (and creepily) describes how well God knows us. Can we agree that it’s kind of creepy? If we were talking about anyone other than God having that kind of knowledge about us, we would be concerned. And because God does know us so well, we struggle to see how He could possibly love us so much. Why? Because we wrongfully attach God’s love for us to what we’ve done rather than what Jesus has done on our behalf. 2 Corinthians 5:21 says this, “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 

Alive Through Jesus

We spend an inordinate amount of time dwelling on our mistakes and not nearly enough time dwelling on the power of the cross. We can’t give sin the power that was crucified with Christ. Romans 6:6 tells us we are no longer slaves to sin, and Romans 6:10-11 goes on to say that Jesus died to sin once and for all. We can consider ourselves dead to sin and alive to God through the power of Jesus!
“But God demonstrated his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” —Romans 5:8
Do you see the beauty in that? Even though we were sinners, God still loved us, so much in fact that He sent His Son to die for us. He broke the chains of darkness and rolled the stone away, all so that we could run to meet Him outside of the tomb. God’s love for you does not vacillate but instead is steadfast and unwavering. There is nothing in your life—no sin you have committed that scares Him. Jesus’ power doesn’t stop where your sin starts, His love for you runs deeper than your sin ever could.
There is no greater comfort than knowing that God knows you better than anyone else ever will, yet He still loves you more than anyone ever could. You can rest in this fact: While God fully knows you, God also fully loves you. Nothing can separate you from His love.

10 Ways to Eliminate Spiritual Uncertainty

10 Ways to Eliminate Spiritual Uncertainty

spiritual uncertainty
A quick, helpful guide for overcoming uncertainty.
#1—Let what God says about you trump what other people say about you. (Isaiah 43:1-3)
#2—Make the decision to build your life on God’s Word—even when it’s hard. (Matthew 7:24-27)
#3—Take every single thing that has you stressed or freaked out, and imagine literally placing it in the hands of Jesus. (I Peter 5:7)
#4—Ask for help when going through a difficult situation. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
#5—Fight to believe that no matter how out of control the world seems, God is still in control and is using all things for His glory and our good. (Romans 8:28)
#6—Memorize and apply II Corinthians 10:5!!!
#7—Ask yourself, “Have I REALLY trusted Jesus with my life … or are am I merely saying I have?” (Isaiah 29:13)
#8—Understand that nothing—NOTHING—can separate you from God’s love. (Romans 8:38-39)
#9—If there is a sin you are struggling with, tell someone you trust and then ask them to walk with you through it. (James 5:16)
#10—Understand that God made you on purpose, with a purpose and for a purpose … and that an abundant life comes from living IN that purpose. (Ephesians 2:8-10)

Do You Need Help Discerning Your Calling?

Do You Need Help Discerning Your Calling?

discern calling
“Is there an unrelenting, recurring desire to spend and be spent for the glory of Christ among unreached peoples of the world?”
Is God calling you to cross-cultural missions for the sake of the global glory of Jesus Christ? Jesus promised to be with us to the end of the age in our mission to make disciples of all ethnic groups (Matthew 28:20). So the duration of the mission is as long as the duration of the promise—to the end of the age.
The question is: What part will you play?
God does not intend for all of his people to take on the specialized calling of learning a new language and culture, and of embedding themselves in an unreached people group to make disciples and plant churches. Otherwise, when Paul wrote Romans he would have recruited them all to go with him to Spain instead of asking them to send him (Romans 15:24). There are senders and there are goers.
But God does intend for hundreds of thousands of you to be goers. Goers from America, Brazil, Britain, Australia, Nigeria, South Korea, Singapore, India, China, Canada, South Africa, Germany, Sweden, Iran. From everywhere the church is, to everywhere the church isn’t.
How does God communicate to you that you should go? Some have said, “Everyone has a call to go. We should only stay if God makes that clear.” I can’t make that square with the New Testament. The epistles are written to people as if they should make their livelihood in the ordinary roles of society.
Others have tried to say that there is no divine call to missions, but it is a matter of wisdom: “Assess your gifts, consider the need, consult your Christian friends. If everything lines up, go.” This simply does not work. The factors that are supposed to make it clearly “wise” are not clear. They are not quantifiable. There are unavoidably subjective factors that defy calculation.

The Great and Wonderful Mystery

How God communicates his call to you for cross-cultural missions is a great and wonderful mystery. It does not involve less than all the factors that we call “wisdom,” but there is more. There is, in the end, you and your God, in communion, over time, inescapably bound together in a new direction of life. You cannot explain it fully. You can point to a dozen factors that God used. But in the end, soaked in Scripture, and captured by a need, and aching for his glory—you knew.
Scripture is preeminent in how God does this. Even the apostle Paul shows this. On the one hand, no one had a more unmistakable encounter with the risen Christ than he did. There was the blinding light on the Damascus road. And there was the commission from the Lord Jesus: “I am sending you to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light” (Acts 26:17–18).
But, on the other hand, when Paul told the Romans about his “ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named,” he never mentioned his dramatic experience. Instead he quoted a verse of Scripture—Isaiah 52:15! “As it is written, ‘Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand’” (Romans 15:20–22).
Why? Evidently, Paul’s personal calling (not everyone is called to preach where Christ is not named) was confirmed and clarified by his meditation on Scripture. To be sure, Scripture speaks to all of us. It is meant for everybody. But for thousands of years God has led his people not only by the way Scripture applies to everybody, but also by the way parts of it lay hold on individuals in life-shaping ways. It grabs you and won’t let go.
In what follows I have combed through Matthew 10:16–31 to find the costs and the blessings of following Christ into the uncertainties and dangers and joys of a life of world missions. My prayer is that as many of you read these, God—by his word—will take hold of you in an unusual way that will not let you go till you have blessed the nations with your presence.

Count the Costs of Front-Line Missions

1. The cost of being arrested by authorities.
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. Beware of men, for they will deliver you over to courts and flog you in their synagogues, and you will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them and the Gentiles.” (Matthew 10:16–18)
2. The cost of family betrayal.
“Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death.” (Matthew 10:21)
This is almost unbelievable: Fathers and children will be so opposed to the Christian faith, they will want each other dead rather than believing.
3. The cost of being hated by all.
“You will be hated by all for my name’s sake.” (Matthew 10:22)
Be careful that you don’t elevate friendship evangelism to the point where this text makes evangelism impossible. You will be hated by all does not mean: You can’t do evangelism.
4. The cost of being persecuted and driven out of town.
“When they persecute you in one town, flee to the next.” (Matthew 10:23)
5. The cost of being maligned.
“If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household.” (Matthew 10:25b)
Jesus died in our place so that we might escape the wrath of God, not the wrath of man. He was called to suffer for the sake of propitiation; we are called to suffer for the sake of propagation.
6. The cost of being killed.
“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” (Matthew 10:28)
So they can kill the body. And sometimes they do. Don’t ever elevate safety in missions to the point where you assume that if one of our missionaries is killed we have made a mistake. Jesus said plainly in Luke 21:16, “Some of you they will put to death.”

Number the Blessings of Front-Line Missions

For 2,000 years, thousands of missionaries—unnamed people of whom the world is not worthy—have counted this cost and put their lives at risk to reach the lost with the only message of salvation in the world. And the reason they could do this is because the blessings so outweigh the costs.
May the Lord make these 10 blessings that I am about to name overcome all your fears and give you a passion to know him like this.
1. The blessing of being sent by Christ.
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)
“I am sending you out.” It is a deeply satisfying thing to be sent by the living Christ into his work.
2. The blessing of being given words by the Spirit of God.
“When they deliver you over, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” (Matthew 10:19–20)
What a wonderful thing it is to sense the presence and power of the Spirit in your life, giving you the words you need.
3. The blessing of experiencing God’s fatherly care.
“For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” (Matthew 10:20b)
Jesus makes explicit that the one caring for you is your Father in heaven. You may have to leave father and mother to be a missionary. But you will always have a very attentive Father who cares for you.
4. The blessing of salvation at the end of it all.
“But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 10:22)
When all the cost has been paid, we will have the great end of salvation. We will be raised from the dead with no sorrow or pain or sin, and we will see Christ and enter into his joy and hear the words, in spite of all our imperfections, “Well done” (Matthew 25:21, 23).
5. The blessing of knowing that the Son of Man is coming in judgment and mercy.
“You will not have gone through all the towns of Israel before the Son of Man comes.” (Matthew 10:23b)
This was a great encouragement to those persecuted disciples. Jesus comes at just the right time in historical judgments and deliverances, and he will come at the last day and vindicate all his people.
6. The blessing of belonging to Jesus’ household.
“If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household.” (Matthew 10:25b)
Whatever rejection we may experience, Jesus wants us to be sure we are always aware: This rejection is a sign that you belong to me. You are part of my household.
7. The blessing of knowing that the truth will triumph.
“So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.” (Matthew 10:26)
Nothing is hidden that will not be known. For a season in this world, people will mock your proclamation of the truth. They will say, “What is truth!” But know this, and hold fast to this blessing: The truth will be known. Your proclamation will be vindicated. “Nothing is hidden that will not be known.” Count on it. What is scoffed at now will be written across the sky someday. And one minute of that vindication before all your enemies will make every act of patient endurance worthwhile.
8. The blessing of having an immortal soul.
“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” (Matthew 10:28)
Henry Martyn, the missionary to Persia, said that he was immortal till his work on earth was done. True. And he would have also agreed that in the fuller sense: You are immortal after your work on earth is done.
9. The blessing of having a heavenly Father who sovereignly rules the smallest details of life.
“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.” (Matthew 10:29)
Jesus mentions the fall of a sparrow to the ground because nothing is more insignificant than that. Yet God, your Father, oversees that and governs that. So you may always know that your Father, who loves you as his precious child, oversees and governs every detail of your life.
10. The blessing of being valued by God.
“Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:31)
God does not despise his children. He values his children, for two reasons: One is that in union with Jesus Christ all of his perfection is imputed to us. The other is that by his Spirit we are being changed from one degree of glory to the next, and God loves the sanctifying work of his own hands.

In the End, What Counts?

To be sure, as you discern God’s call on your life, take into account your gifts, consider the need, consult your church. But in the end, the question is this: Is there an unrelenting, recurring desire to spend and be spent for the glory of Christ among unreached peoples of the world?

6 Steps to Evangelize Professing Believers

6 Steps to Evangelize Professing Believers

Believers Evangelize share faith
“As uncomfortable as encounters with unbelievers may be, they don’t hold a candle to having to evangelize someone who already claims to be a Christian.”
Evangelism is rarely easy. We need to strike a balance between sharing our faith without undue offense and being one who stands up to be counted (2 Timothy 4:1–4). Yet as uncomfortable as encounters with unbelievers may be, they don’t hold a candle to having to evangelize someone who already claims to be a Christian.
For some, this will, no doubt, come across as the worst of Christian offenses. “How can you judge someone else’s faith?” they may ask. And our answer is simple: because the Bible says we should (Matthew 7:15–20).
What, then, are we to do when our lives regularly intersect with those who claim to be for Christ and yet whose lives plainly don’t bear the fruit?

1. Examine yourself first.

We cannot divorce verses 15-20 of Matthew 7 from verses 1-5, which teach that we should be quick to get the log out of our own eye before turning to note the speck in our neighbor’s (Matthew 7:1–5). If we see a lack of Christlikeness in someone else, let it first be a reminder of what may be missing in our own lives.
The charges in Scripture to put to death our sin (Colossians 3:5–9; Galatians 5:19–21) are meant to be applied to our lives first, and then to our neighbor. Let us be even more busy killing the sin in our lives than we are pointing it out in others.

2. Check your motivation.

We should keep a careful eye on our motivation for making such a judgment. All too often, my desire to point out some else’s lack of Christlikeness is really a thinly veiled attempt at control. I want them to love Jesus when their loving Jesus helps my life to be more convenient, more valuable or more comfortable.
We often demand that those whose faith we question be more like Christ than we ourselves are willing to be. Therefore, we must ask ourselves: Is this for God’s sake or my own?

3. Display the love of Christ, instead of only demanding it.

We must be willing to display both Christ’s grace and holiness in our lives, being honest and vulnerable about our own sin—its odiousness, its stubbornness, its power and its seduction. This can be incredibly difficult when we are talking with someone who casually confesses the crown of Christ. If they are not genuinely wrestling with sin or being regularly refreshed by his grace, then we should not be surprised when our struggle seems either insignificant or incredible to them.
Nonetheless, it is by being honest and letting them see our love of Christ, our joy in him, our frustration with sin and our struggle to apply God’s word that they can begin to sense that something may be out of kilter in their own walk. We are not looking for Christian exhibitionism here (making a big deal of sin and grace in public when it has no meaning in private) but rather Christian realism (that being a Christian does entail work—wonderful, but hard).

4. Remain patient.

We should be willing to be in it for the long haul. It’s rare to see immediate change; it usually happens over months and years, not a single evening. In the normal course of relationships, we have multiple opportunities to close doors and walk away. We are sinners in community with sinners. We hurt each other, and unfortunately we do it regularly. But just as Christ has loved us and does not give up on us (Philippians 1:6), neither should we give up on our brother or sister.
Paul tells us that a little leaven leavens the whole lump (Galatians 5:9) and that bad company ruins good morals (1 Corinthians 15:33), so if we have a hunch that someone who professes to be Christian is deceiving themselves, should we not walk away?
Gross sin, however, is not the same as a lack of fruit. If someone claims to be a Christian, but continues in blatant, unrepentant sin, then you may need to walk away, in some sense, in order that you would not be caught up in it (Galatians 6:1; 2 Timothy 3:5–6), or give the impression that you condone it. Similarly, if the person is obstinately divisive, you may have to distance yourself as well (Titus 3:10–11). But in general, we are called to be examples of light to darkness (Matthew 5:14–16; 1 Peter 2:9), and perhaps few need it more than those who can’t tell the difference.

5. Commit your time with them to Scripture, prayer and worship.

We must be willing to help point them to their need of Christ’s grace and holiness in their life. There may be little-to-no appetite for things of a spiritual nature, or what appetite there is may not have its anchor in Christ. Therefore, it can become easy to let the spiritual things slide in the name of comfort, convenience or kindness. But what they need most can only be found in one place: God’s word. No tightly argued apologetic or perfectly choreographed “gotcha!” moment can trump the effect of time in Scripture.
We must be willing to study God’s word with them, pray God’s word with them and worship in God’s word with them. It is by finding engaging opportunities to set them in Scripture that the gospel can do its dual work of comfort and conviction.

6. Winsomely point out their weaknesses.

We must be willing to winsomely point out where fruit seems lacking. There are those that will be all too willing to call a loved one out for their lack of genuine trust in Christ. Conversely, there are those that would rather be tortured than cause a loved one to feel uncomfortable. But we are called to be those who walk the middle ground—lovingly and honestly highlighting areas in our loved ones’ lives where we see a consistent lack of Christian behavior. We must choose our words carefully; it is one thing for the gospel to offend, and another entirely for us to do so.
If the person seems uninterested in listening, do not give up (remain patient), but be willing to get outside counsel. It may be that there is something about your relationship that makes it hard for them to show the fruit of the Spirit, even though it is evident elsewhere. If someone else does corroborate your suspicion, then take that person with you to talk. Sometimes it takes the witness of two or more to convince someone that there is a genuine problem. But be careful to toe the line between asking for help and engaging in gossip.

From Death to Life

It can be difficult to “evangelize” those that think they need it least. Convincing someone raised in the church that they are lost is often even harder than getting someone saved. Fear of the awkwardness, hurt feelings and possible long-term relational ramifications can keep us from sharing our faith with those who seem comfortably stagnant in theirs.
But if we are those that are captivated by the beauty of God’s work and character, willing to be honest about its effect in our lives, and willing to make a commitment to get in God’s word as often and as deeply as possible, we may get to see something of the gospel vividly displayed before us, as what once seemed lifeless beautifully blossoms to life.